Thursday, December 23, 2021




(Teutonic name meaning "wise advisor.").

Ethelda is very wise, stern and ancient. She is in charge of the Order of the Righteous Vampyr, while Kimon is in his sleeping cycles. She is devoted to her mate Kimon.


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Wednesday, December 22, 2021



Sekhmet (Egypt), Lilu (Babylonia), Lilitu (Sumeria), Strix (her owl form, Rome), Shtriga (she took an insect form in Albania), Kali (India), Sara the Black Goddess (Romani / gypsies), Lamia (Greece), Hebrew לילית lilith, Akkadian līlītu are female Nisba adjectives from the Proto-Semitic root LYL "night", literally translating to nocturna "female night being/demon".


The demon Brimstone turned Lilith into the first vampire, giving her immortality at a price. She birthed seven sons. All were born vampires. As each son was born, Brimsone appeared and said, “He will do but he’s not my chosen.” When Domi was born he said “This one I choose. He will do great things. He is the reason I let you live.” She resented the bond she felt the demon had for Domi so she resented Domi.

She caused a lot of terror in the ancient world, but Domi set her up to fall. She fled to Egypt where she met the evil Egyptian sorcerer and scientist Kamenwati. Rumors state that she died sometime after that.


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Tuesday, December 21, 2021




Name Origin:

(Κίμων): Greek name, possibly meaning "sleepy."

 Older brother to Domi. Lilith’s sixth son. Very wise, kind, sweet, listens, patient, positive thinker, friendly, sees the best in others, reflective. He looks aged, with long white hair and a beard of scruffy whiskers. Kimon is friendly and wise. He has a sense of humor and always has a smile. He is blind. Lost his sight during the Exodus War.

 He can dream walk, appearing in others' dreams and controlling his appearance and even shape the dream according to his wishes. Sometimes the dreams show events or objects from the future. For instance, when he appeared to Annabelle in the early 1700's, his dream was of a Hawaiian luau and he dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts, centuries before the look came into fashion.

 Head and founder of the Order of the Righteous Vampyr. As powerful as Domi but forced to sleep for a hundred years at a time to charge his power. Ethelda is his mate. She runs the Order while he’s in hibernation. Expert at all vampire abilities but favors dream walking. Has appeared in Annabelle’s dreams, guiding her as a mentor. His biggest help is advice of caution and self-control. When awake he can summon Holy Lightning to battle with. He can also turn to any animal.

 Kimon appeared to Annabelle in a dream the night her body transformed into a vampire. He appeared again in another dream the day before she set out to rescue her brother Roland and their friend Henry. Annabelle will learn more about him each time he makes an appearance in her dreams. Every bit of advice has come in handy. Annabelle has begun to look forward to their chats. She met him for the first time in 1752, during the Peyupei Relic.


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