Thursday, October 07, 2021




Physical characteristics:

These creatures are taller than eight feet, covered in matted black, brown or red fur and have elongated hands and feet. Their faces are a cross between an ape and a human. They have a musky odor that triggers most creatures' gag reflexes.

What they are:

Sasquatches live in packs or tribes across North America. They prefer to remain hidden, live off the land and are quite peaceful. There are always exceptions, but most shun violence.
There are several which have been trapped and captured by the vampire Fenroth. Those have been permanently mesmerized and brought into the service of Dracula. He has his own army of sasquatches.
These creatures are commonly known as Bigfoot. They are related to the yeti of the Himalayas and northern Russia. There are rumors of a particular sasquatch that has worked with other creatures and two human kids but those rumors are so far unfounded.


Wednesday, October 06, 2021




Werewolves are the most common and popular human to animal shapeshifters. Under the full moon they turn into either a full, large wolf or they turn into a half wolf half human form. Most keep their intelligence after the transformation but there have been cases where the werewolf simply becomes a beast that can only be satisfied with the basic urges. Under the right kind of mesmerization, a werewolf’s intelligence can be submerged to allow the beast full control.

 There are two kinds, Alphas and Batas. Alphas are immortal. They heal faster and feel more energy during their time in wolf and half wolf shapes. There are very few of these and it’s passed down from parent to child. Betas live a normal human lifespan and are the by far the more common of the two.

 Like most creatures and all shapeshifters, they remain human in their minds and hearts. If they are corrupt, they will remain corrupt. If they are kind, they will remain kind. Most feel the urge to belong to packs or tribes but there are those few that prefer solitude.


Tuesday, October 05, 2021




Vampires are undead beings who have immortality and a wide range of superhuman abilities. They are faster and stronger than humans, their senses are extremely acute as are their reflexes. If properly trained or in some cases, self-taught, they can perform other abilities. Some can become lighter than air and glide through the sky. Some can transform themselves into nocturnal creatures like bats, rats and wolves. Some can turn to mist, or produce and manipulate mist. Some can even control the weather. Some can control humans through mesmerization and can communicate with lesser beasts.

Vampires can form into many types. They all come from the basic humanoid look, but due to environment, ignorance or even creativity, they have taken many different shapes. Some exist just as shadow or use pointed noses or octopus-like suckers on their fingers to gain the nourishing lifeblood. Some are just a floating head.

The key about vampires is that they are still the people they were in life, only magically undead with abilities and a craving for the blood of the living. If someone was kind and empathetic in life, they will be that way as a vampire. If they were cruel and unsympathetic in life, they will be that way as a vampire. They still have the free agency to improve their lives as well as ruin their lives. As with life, the more cruel, selfish things they do, the more desensitized and corrupt they can become.

 The blood of the living nourishes them. It brings them back to full strength. If they can not find any blood for too long, they will weaken until they lie inert, unable to move or think. It can be human or animal blood, but human blood strengthens them quicker. The thirst is stronger, however, if they partake in human blood.

 Vampires can life forever. Children vampires will go through what is called the Advancement. Their bodies will age one year over day on the hundred-year anniversary of becoming a vampire. This will repeat every hundred years until their bodies reach maturity which seems to be roughly eighteen years physically.

 Direct sunlight turns them to ash. A stake through the heart or decapitation does the same, but if the stake can be redirected and not pass straight through their heart, they will heal. Items imbued with the faith of believers such as crosses and the Star of David as well as the sounds of church bells can hurt vampires who have given into a darker nature. Garlic has no effect except to give them heart burn and the myth of sleeping in their own dirt and not being able to cross water is completely false.