Thursday, November 04, 2021




The Leprechauns are magical beings who stand three feet tall and dress in green and gold. They live in the fabled land of Onóra. They have several treasure hoards and home bases which exist sub-dimensionally, all accessible through certain “Fairy Trees” throughout Ireland. The opening to their home is in certain hickory trees. Each of these hidden locations lead to their kingdom, the fabled land of Onóra.

ONÓRA: Irish form of Latin Honora, meaning "honor, valor."

 A small group of mythical creatures stayed behind during the Farnalla Exodus. A few Leprechauns, fairies and a couple others remained on Earth, offering to hide the Peyupei artifacts. Grady is the Leprechaun king and has sworn to protect Ireland. Most Leprechauns are excellent builders, quick on their feet and love equally a good fight and a good laugh. They’ve been known to handle a sword or staff, but their weapon of choice is a shillelagh, which is a thin wooden club that resembles a tiny walking stick, adorned with a thick nob at the end. Most days, however, the Leprechauns like to play tricks or spy on the mortals.

 Annabelle Foresight and Thomas Dunston met a group of Leprechauns at what would one day be called the Garryduff Woods Forest near Cork Ireland during the Peyupei Quest.


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Wednesday, November 03, 2021




Physical characteristics:

They stand two and a half feet tall and are covered with long, scraggly hair. They have two sharp, pointed fangs protruded up past their top lips.

What they are:

Small tribal vampires known to various Native American tribes including the Malisseet, Passamaquoddy and Mohegan people of the Northeast. As a tribal species, they are quick to obey their "god" Hobomock whom others know as Domi, the Lord of the vampires.

They communicate with grunts that they repeat back and forth, signifying various actions. They like to carry off children in the middle of the night. They feed on humans so they are considered Dark Creatures. Legend has it that they have been stopped more than once by the Makiawisug, or Little People of the Woodlands. Some say the Makiawisug resemble pale children with red eyes and sharp fangs.


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Tuesday, November 02, 2021




The Menehune are a race of two feet tall, short, thick, broad, beings with long black hair, thick foreheads and wear loin cloths. They weighed twenty pounds and have super strength and certain Menehune have extra abilities. They had rock cutting tools made of stone. They are masters of irrigation, fishing, and farming. Sent by Pele the volcano goddess.

They are master builders. They built the Menehune Ditch in one night. 24 feet tall with hand carved stone. They traveled seven miles with stones, passed hand to hand, carried to build the wall. No one could watch them work or they’d leave. The Hawaiian King at the time forced them to.

They protect the Hawaiian Islands, generally preferring to keep out of site. They’d prefer not to take part in the larger magical events that involve the other mystical species of the world, unless it’s unavoidable.


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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Monster pics I love


I really love this one because the classic monsters are all in a chaotic battle. Some have been given awesome powers like Mummy showing magic, and Bride manipulating lighting to charge Frankie.  Invisible Man seems to have learned how to make clothing turn invisible as well (a neat idea so he's not running around naked all the time). Drac seems to be able to summon glowing bats which is silly.

Still, it's awesome. I would love to know who drew it.