Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Book Two is Finished... again!

Last Friday I finished the principle edits on Night Children: Dark Changes! All those nasty edits brought on by strong advice I did not want to hear but needed to listen to, and those edits made a great deal of difference.

See, I held onto some early story concepts that I stuck with ever since the original first draft. Way back in 2005 when I was writing what would become the first half of book one and most of book two (then one single over large story). After Book One became it's own thing, several thinks remained for the sequel. I really resisted changing some of those things, even though my beta readers proclaimed them "too dark".

Well I needed a long break. A break spent last year focusing on other stories. Once I reached my personal deadline, I returned to Book Two and saw for myself the beta readers where correct. At first I was lost as to what to do but my long-suffering wife pointed out a simple solution. Why didn't I see that in the first place?

I set forth to make the necessary changes and now it's "finished" and sent off to several beta readers. Does this mean it's truly done and I can format it for ebook publication? NO! I don't trust it. It needs these reviews and it might have to go through even more edits.

But at least I've reached a tiny milestone.

Now back to writing the rough draft for Myths...

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