Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bite of Story Thursday

Here is a preview of something I'm currently working on, Book Two in the Annabelle series. It's called DARK CHANGES (formally called Dark Trials).

Remember, this is from the rough draft so it does not reflect the final product. Anyway, sit back and enjoy...


Night Children: Dark Changes
Chapter Seventeen: Chester

Annabelle realized two things at that moment.  She realized she and Thomas had it wrong.  There wasn’t just one vampire in town, or even one group.  There must’ve been more.  Some of them were children, just like her.  Before she could reflect on this her acute senses noticed the other thing.

Another vampire was in the alley now.  The shadows started to shift, revealing the creature.  Annabelle couldn’t tell if it was the same shadow creature as before or a different one.

Chester the ghoul apparently didn’t serve this particular vampire because he screamed, “No!  The Destitute!” 

“Chester, don’t leave.  I still have questions.”  She didn’t follow as he stumbled through the darkness and into the street where the alley let out.  She let him go.  Time to get answers from this creature once and for all.

“All right.  Tell me, who you are.  Chester called you the Destitute.  Is that your name?  Are there more of you?”

If any humans walked into the alley, Annabelle figured they’d be treated to an interesting sight; a little girl in curls, facing a formless creature of nightmares without appearing the least bit scared.  The truth was Annabelle could feel her legs tremor with fear.  She couldn’t let the Destitute realize it.  There was too much at stake.

It just regarded her.  No answers were forthcoming.

“Fine.  Then lead me to your home.  I want to learn about you.”  The creature still remained motionless.

“I’ve come to London to find my brother.  He looks thirteen and he’s a vampire like me.  He’s with a man named Reginald Worthing.  Another vampire.  Have you heard of him?  Have you seen them?”  Still no answer.

“You’ve got to answer me.  Say something.  Anything,” she began to plead, “Please.  Have you seen or heard of them?  Are there more of you?”

As if in answer to her last question, other shadows formed to become another creature.  She knew it was a vampire, but that was all.  It looked exactly the same as the other.

“There are more of you.  Now answer my other question.  Have you seen my brother?”

The Destitute looked at each other, then started to shift back towards the shadows.  Annabelle moved with superhuman speed towards the creatures but in a blink of an eye they were gone, melted away.  She tried to listen for the creatures’ escape but they made no sound.

She yelled to the empty air, “No!”