Tuesday, June 15, 2021




Physical characteristics:

Charlie has sandy blond hair which is always a mess. He's scrawny and always has a wicked grin unless he's in trouble by his brothers or caught by members of the Order of the Righteous Vampyr.


He followed the lead of his brothers Beufus and Cletus while they were alive or undead. Scared of his older brother because of the many beatings inflicted upon him by Beufus. Often makes mistakes or says things that annoy Beufus. Always tries to be his brother Beufus' favorite when the brothers were alive or undead. After their deaths, Charlie would do the same for Dracula. He spies on others and tattles as a way of earning favoritism. He has an awkward laugh and always gives off a creepy vibe. He is stuck as a teenager for a few hundred years. If he can survive vampire hunters and pissed off vampires, he could advance to adulthood eventually. Knowing Charlie's tendency to annoy others, that would be an incredible feat.


Charlie has the basic vampiric abilities; strength, speed, stamina, sharp nails that are used like claws, enhanced senses and the ability to heal from most small injuries. Like all vampires, he can't handle sunlight, wooden stakes to the heart or beheading. Each of these turn him to ash. Like all evil vampires, religious artifacts harm him as well. He has not learned how to transform or fly. He can maneuver perfectly. He has learned to dodge and escape others clutches, missing danger by inches. He can hide extremely well and perfected his spying technique.

 Known History:

Charlie and his brothers lived in Jorgantown all their lives. They were satisfied with scratching out a small living doing dock work and hiring themselves out for farm work or cabin building. Their evenings were spent drinking at the pub and occasionally causing a ruckus in the town.

 The night they finally met Eliza Pratchet, the supposed town witch, was their last night alive. They teased her, only to have the recently arrived Foresight family try to defend her. Something in Eliza's eyes made the brothers forget what they were doing and instead they found a quiet spot to sleep off their drink.

 The vampire Fenroth happened across them and seeing the stocky built of Charlie's older brothers, Beufus and Cletus, turned the two of them. He ignored Charlie because the boy was too scrawny and beneath his notice. Once a human has been bitten three times he or she begins to change. The transformation to vampirism isn't always overnight. The older the human, the longer it can take.

 The white warlock Dagda set up a magical barrier around Jorgantown and the surrounding woods as a means to protect Eliza and the vampire younglings Annabelle and Roland Foresight. The barrier would prevent any dark creatures from entering. The vampire lord Dracula knew he would need inside agents to enact his revenge on his estranged wife, Eliza Pratchet, and the two children Eliza betrayed Dracula for. Realizing Fenroth's newest subjects were still in the incubation stage and therefore not dark creatures yet, Dracula commanded Fenroth to leave almost vampires Beufus and Cletus and their non-vampire brother Charlie where he found them, within the town. The barrier passed them by and once the full transformation was in effect, Dracula had three agents, (two vampire and one human) to use.

 Dracula sent them to retrieve Annabelle and Roland. They were to kill Eliza on sight. They failed and Cletus was killed by Eliza. Later Beufus was killed by Dracula, leaving Charlie alone. Despite the deaths of his brothers, Charlie continued to spy for Dracula and successfully kidnapped the Foresight's friend, Henry. Charlie served his dark masters well and was awarded by becoming a vampire. He continued to serve Dracula for years.

 In 1725 he became bored and disillusioned with the way Dracula was doing things. He felt a more direct approach should be handled. He was responsible for the large Eastern European vampire scare of the early 1700s. Dracula tortured him as a result. In 1752 he failed his master once more and was given to Usha as a “plaything”.

 The reason Dracula doesn’t kill him is because he feels Charlie’s unique stupidity and annoyance is the perfect tool to enrage Dracula’s other servants so he can use them as a blunt instrument when necessary. He can also be used to test the loyalty of some servants due to Charlie’s frequent desire to try methods Dracula doesn’t approve of.

 Seen in FORESIGHT CHRONICLES BOOKS 1,3,4,6,7,10,11,12,16

 (Picture not accurate representation)