Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The A to Z Challenge! Z is for Zzzzzzz.

OK, I realize how pathetic that is, making Z for zzzzz because I'm tired. I tried to think of something and zoo did come to mind. I guess it's because I've been pretty tired, hence the zzzs.

It's been quite a month in what could be a very big year. My job is up this November. That's when I'll probably be laid off. So a lot of my time has gone to job hunting. If you add that to my responsibilities as a husband, father and full time breadwinner, it gets hectic. When I have time and I'm not creating blog entries, I'm trying to relax because of burn out. I haven't had much time to write or edit.

My goals now that the A to Z blog hop is done will probably be to finish preparing the second editions of Dark Threats and Dark Birth and do massive rewrites to Book Two (Dark Changes).

At any rate, thanks to all who visited and my thanks to those who commented. I visited others when I could and hope to do more. This blog hop has been a great tool to keep me blogging. It's been an interesting challenge to come up with things for each letter and I've enjoyed it very much.

I have an idea for next year so we'll see how it works.

Thanks to everyone!