Wednesday, September 29, 2021




Names over the centuries:

DOMINIC: "Belongs to the lord." English name derived from Latin Dominicus. This is a name traditionally given to a child born on Sunday. His mother Lilith named him this as an insult. DOMINICUS (Latin), DOMINICK (Old English), DOMINIK (Czech and Polish), DOMINIQUE (French), DOMONKOS (Hungarian),

DOMHNALL "World ruler." Gaelic name composed of the elements dubno "world" and val "rule." Also known as the legend of Abhartach - an evil tyrant who repeatedly escapes his grave to spread terror (and in some accounts to drink the blood of his subjects, to be one of the neamh-mairbh (un-dead),

KANAKA ʻINO (Hawaiian for bad guy)

HOBOMOCK: The manito (spirit) of death for the Mohegan people. A destructive, often evil being usually in opposition to Cautantowwit. After the introduction of Christianity, Narragansett people frequently identified Hobbomock with the Devil. He was also sometimes known as Chepi, Chipi or Cheepie, meaning "ghost."

Current known history:

Ancient and evil, Domi’s complex history is known to some while most only know it as multiple legends across all the continents. The youngest son of the first vampire, Lilith, Domi has two nefarious goals. The first one is to free his monster army who are trapped in Croatoan and can only be accessed when a portal is opened three times over three centuries. The second goal is to become the world ruler his mother always said he could never be. He wants to turn half the world to vampires and rule a world populated by them. Humans would be like cattle. He sees people, vampires and other beings as steppingstones to his two goals. He feels time is on his side. He gains information about the future from his “prophet Wilson”.

 He has amassed quite a number of followers. He uses Three Queens (Brides of Dracula) who are lured by his power to rule by his side. They are to keep watch over the Second Tyrant Lords of the Seven Houses, his generals who will command his armies. As of this writing, he has yet to assign the official positions of the Queens and Tyrant Lords.

 He tried unsuccessfully to conquer the world during the Dark Ages when he made a pact with the demon Brimstone. They almost succeeded but the pact fell apart due to lack of trust. The combined mystical creatures and heroes won the war at great cost and Domi was exiled to Croatoan with his army. He later escaped on his own and has been amassing a new army, deadlier than before. He has always tried to be the power behind many rulers over the centuries. He took the name Dracula when he took over Vlad Dracu’s life after betraying and killing him. Most call him Dracula.

 Abilities: Domi/Dracula has the standard vampire abilities. This means he’s faster and stronger than humans, his senses are extremely acute as are his reflexes. He can fly and turn into a bat, rat, wolf and mist. Not only can he control any beings through mesmerization, but he does it in such a way that they truly believe his desires are theirs. He can communicate with lesser beasts.


 (Pictures not accurate representation)