Wednesday, June 30, 2021





Friendly, kind and determined to help others if needed. He always encouraged his children in any endeavor and was willing to take any challenge on.

 Known History:

Anthony grew up in London, England. He was apprenticed as a bookbinder at age fourteen, became a journeyman at age nineteen, and a master at twenty-two. He met his wife Glorianna during the great London Fire of 1666. They struggled together to rebuild their lives. He built up a successful bookbinding business on Threadneedle Street. They had two children, Roland and Annabelle.

Anthony and Glorianna did something unheard of, they taught their children to read. It was his hope that Roland would one day take over the business, but Roland never could get interested in books or staying still inside. Annabelle, however, loved the business and learned a great deal, even reading all the books that came through her father's shop.

Everything changed when a strange woman dressed in black visited the Foresights, and convinced Anthony to sell his business, buy property in the American colonies and move his family to Jorgantown, Massachusetts.

Shortly after their arrival the Foresights met Eliza Pratchet. Anthony stood up for her against some rough men. For some unknown reason, Eliza fled into the woods and when Roland followed, Anthony gave chase. Soon the entire family were trapped in the dark wood, surrounded by wolves. They met Dominic Pratchet (Dracula), the rightful owner of the land Anthony was sold. Dominic killed Anthony and his wife Glorianna.

Annabelle and Roland would forever remember their parents love and devotion. They strive every night to live their undead lives in honor of their parents.


(Picture not accurate representation)