Thursday, January 31, 2013

Blog Tour featuring Mikey Brooks and Terron James!

Recently I was invited to join a blog tour where we get interview questions from the last person on the tour, answer them and then pass the baton onto the next blog.

I was tuned in to this by Author and artist extraordinaire Mikey Brooks. He's the author of Bean's Dragons and ABC Adventures: Magical Creatures. Check him out! These are wonderful books for every kid or even the kid at heart.

Here are his interview questions for me and my answers...

What is the working title of your next book?

Where did the idea come from for the book?

When I was first creating the rough draft for book one (NIGHT CHILDREN: DARK BIRTH) I planned out the basic first ideas for this one as well. Later on I split the story in two.

What genre does your book fall under?

Middle Grade Historical Fiction Fantasy

What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?
No clue because by the time my books are popular for a movie, anyone around today would be too old to play them.

What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
Vampire child Annabelle searches the London Underworld for her brother Roland whom is actually serving as a vampire pirate under the dreaded Captain Worthing and his crew of Bloody Buccaneers.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
Self published… for now.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

3 years.

What other books would you compare this to within your genre?
The Harry Potter series, the Percy Jackson series, the Fableheaven series, the Circu Du Freak series, and the Janitors series.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?
I saw a scene from a movie about a frightened vampire child. It got me thinking about how I would do things differently. I decided to try my own and Annabelle, my main character, walked out of my head and onto the page.

What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest?
Famous Pirates! Vampire pirates! Shadow creatures! London blood suckers! Vampire orphans! A crazed mob! Natives! Sword fighting with super powers! A sea serpent!

Next up on this Blog Tour Relay is Author Terron James! He's a good friend, teacher of future generations and the author of his upcoming book Insight! Here is an intro to Terron penned by the man himself...

Terron is the author of the YA fantasy series, Beholders, and the Tooele Chapter president of the League of Utah Writers.

Born in the wrong age, Terron James continually fantasizes of shining steel, majestic stone architecture, thundering cavalry rushes, and opportunities to prove his honor. Under the direction of his queen, Terron labors diligently in his kingdom, striving to prepare an inherita
nce worthy of his four heirs.

When he finally graduated from the University of Utah with his English BA, Terron had become besties with most of the English department staff, as well as the employees of Brio, who make a wicked cup of hot chocolate.

Spaghetti sauce inevitably finds its way behind at least one of Terron’s ears at every meal.

Although he currently resides in Tooele, UT, Terron’s dream is to capture every sunset with his wife, fingers interlocked, the reflection of his soul in her brown eyes, and the ocean surf rolling over their bare feet.

Terron is the Tooele Chapter president of the League of Utah Writers and a member of Pikes Peak Writers.

To schedule a book signing, appearance, or interview with Terron James, please contact his publicist, Kirk Cunningham, at


Bite of Story Thursday

Here is a sneak peek at my current work in progress, Myths. This is from the rough draft so it does not reflect the final product. Enjoy!


Chapter Ten :  Big House On The Prairie

Celeste joined him by the glass.  “They don’t teach us much about them in school.  They’re called the Nephilim but most races in Farnalla call them simply giants.  They always keep to themselves and remain neutral in the wars.  The Verbena Forest is the only place in Farnalla big enough to hide them.  Who knows what their correct size is or even how many kinds of giants there are?”

Eli spied a raggedy doll on the bed.  It resembled a girl but had to be at least eight feet tall.  As bedrooms go, the child’s room seemed simple.  She didn’t have a lot of toys or books.

He turned back to take in their prison.  A simple wooden box surrounded them.  Bits of torn up bushes and some tree limbs lay scattered around the box.  A few large rocks were strewn throughout, which some of his friends sat upon.  Tiny holes allowed for air but their circumference was much too small for Flitty to escape through.

His eyes caught on a few sinister objects.  A couple dead locusts were piled in a corner and a minotaur skeleton lay in the opposite corner with some leaves on top.

Celeste explained, “We figured that’s her last ‘toy’.  I covered it up out of respect.”

Heilgar’s primal scream startled everyone.  He charged the glass but when his body hit it, he simply bounced back into a bush. 

“Aw Heilgar,” Flitty said.  “That trick never works.”

The dwarf stood up and gave her a fiendish look, “I don’t care.  You’ll never catch me becoming a pile of bones in a child’s bug box.”