Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ok, direction not quite changed

I was planning on taking a year long break from Annabelle but Editor Jennifer told me about the wide world of publishing on the Kindle. I decided to look into it and this does seem like an amazing opportunity.

So I wrote a short story about Annabelle and Roland set in modern day. I'm going to polish it with the help of my critique group and get it ready for the Kindle. Then I'll shop around for cover artists and ready the book. After I put it up, I'll return to my break and Myths.

Wish me luck.

Top Five Misconceptions about Writing: A Keynote Address from Rick Riordan

Top Five Misconceptions about Writing: A Keynote Address from Rick Riordan

Two quotes from this I love...

"You have to find the story you must tell – the story so important to you personally that you have no choice but to write it." & "I would have written it whether it was published or not."

This is why I stick with... Annabelle, folks. This is why I endure the pain, struggle and disapointment. This is also what I feel for Myths.See More