Monday, March 11, 2013


Hello gentle followers. It’s been crazy lately. Work has been insanely busy and so has my home life. Also I had a touch of the flu last week. Because of all this I haven’t been able to do this week’s Who’s Who so we’ll be skipping a week. Don’t fret though; we’ll be back next week. There are a few posts that will pop up so the blog won’t be completely boring.

I’ve watched three movies for the first time (Wreck It Ralph, Beautiful Creatures and Oz the Great and Powerful) and re-watched Breaking Dawn II. I should do some kind of review post for them so later this week or next weekend I’ll bang something out for you.

I’m trying to make the time to work on another Annabelle short story called Dark Loss. I figure if I get a short one finished, checked and edited I can get it online this year for those few Annabelle fans. Then it’ll be back to Myths. Still waiting to hear back from the bata readers on Book 2 AKA Dark Changes.

Also I’m in the process of doing a few tweaks on Dark Threats and Dark Birth before I order more paperbacks from Create Space.

I will announce the winner of the Lunar Hop real soon!

So lots of stuff going on. Watch this space

Author Sarra Cannon: MILESTONE: 100,000 Sales. The numbers.

I found this great post from Author Sarra Cannon. She's an independent young adult author and has reached 100,000 sales. On her site she does a breakdown on her sales and explains how she's been able to do so well.

Check it out here.

For me the biggest lesson is the amount of material she has brought out. Her sales are strong because she has a lot of books that the readers can enjoy. Sure, marketing is important, but sales come from plenty of product. And that translates to lots of adventures for the readers to enjoy.

I've got some history on producing lots of little stories. I can do this. So watch this space. I've got some plans.