Thursday, March 12, 2009

Getting beeeetter...

I can do this! I forgot! I DID learn a lot in '08. Query is shaping up. Need to take bathroom break and do dishes but then I'll clean it up and repost at AW.

Lex Luthor asks for a handout

Just tired

Sorry for the depressed entry yesterday. Maybe a lot of my problem is that I'm tired from a busier - than - usual work load.

I need to get back on the saddle. Don't get me wrong, my fears and frustrations are still here. It's just that writing is in my blood and I couldn't stop if I tried.

OK. 1st off, I need to apply the points from Absolute Write I can't argue. The query never got the "un-stiffen treatment" my novel got. I need to reinvent it again. Clean it up and send it out. This includes clarifying the dangers, motivations and deepening Ann's voice in the query.

2nd, I need to schedule time each night for some writing activity.

That's all for now. Gotta get to work.