Thursday, September 20, 2007


Last week I went to Huntington Beach, California for training in Micro station.
The classes were Tues through Friday, with Monday being a travel/get to know the area day.

I had a really good time. I went with a co-worker named Dennis and his wife. She brought along her laptop to study real estate while he was in class. Class was good. I understood a lot and got ahead of things. Now I just need to remember everything.

I flew out on Delta. It was a small plane but the flight was good. The rental car was a Mustang. I'm not into cars but it looks and drives nice. It was too cramped, though.

I stayed at the Best Western Regency and they stayed at the Hilton.
Monday we all rested after the traveling. I mostly read the second "His Dark Materials" book called The Subtle Knife by Phillip Pullman.
Tuesday I stayed around the hotel and worked on the novel edits (Dennis' wife was wonderful. She let me use her lap top in the evenings).
Wednesday we went to Downtown Disney. Great place. The family is so going back!
Thursday I hung around the beach, the Pier and did some shopping at the little stores on Main Street.
Friday we got out of class early so we went to the pier to have lunch, looked around and then went to the airport early.

We flew out Friday night (I chose late Friday because I didn't want to be away from the family any longer). We flew out on Jet Blue and it was a better plane. There was TVs on the backs of the seats. I flipped through channels faster than a ADD person dosed in Crack. It was just so fun. :)

I really enjoyed the trip. I hope to go again someday. I was glad to get home, too. I missed everyone. I had a lot of time to work on the edits, but I waisted some of that time. BAD SCOOTER! I did finish Pullman's book and started on Stephenie Meyer's New Moon.

Well there is my travel story. Here are pics of the event.