Friday, July 15, 2011

Good bye Harry

In 2001 I knew two movies were coming to theatres. Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. Continuing with my goal to read the books before I saw the movie, I checked out Harry Potter book 1 from the local library.
I was swept up into the story and had to have more. I went back to the library and grabbed the next and the next. I read four books before that 1st movie came out. Back then I was the only one in the family to know these characters for who they were. I couldn't get enough. My favorite was Hermione.
The decade continued, bringing midnight parties at Wal-Mart while we waited for new books, followed by my even later night reading sessions. All the while wondering how each scene would translate into a movie.
Now I know. And I'm so very glad I do. I could go on for hours, sharing my opinions of Daniel Radcliff, Emma Watson and so on. I could spoil your brains out on the movie and how it compares to the book. I wont. Those things will be elsewhere I'm sure.
What I will say is I feel a milestone has happened. After 7 books and 8 movies, this era has ended. I'll always miss it but the great thing about books and movies is we can always revisit them.

Good bye Harry, thanks for the wonderful decade of memories. See you around sometime.