Thursday, November 15, 2012

The 3rd Annual Gratitude Giveaways Hop!

And the winner is A'lina!  Thanks to everyone for commenting and following! More hops to follow!

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Hello gentle beings and welcome to my part of I Am A Reader Not A Writer's 3rd Annual Gratitude Giveaways Hop!

As you can see by her nice pic, it runs from November 15th to the 25th. It's a way to meet and greet other blogs and say "Happy Thanksgiving".

And what better way to celebrate Thanksgiving besides the wonderful smell of turkey, the sounds of the Macy's Parade and the image of Uncle Ralph stuffing his face with yams? Why vampire children!

OK, OK, I know. Vampires don't go with this holiday. But let's face it, I have a fun book to giveaway and while it may be my only giveaway book, it's still full of enough entertaining story that you'll wind up as full as a child of the night after a successful raccoon hunt (that's about 5 or 6 of the little critters. Raccoons, not vampire children).

Anyway, I digress. Here is your prize...

I can only give one copy away. I only ship to the US and Canada. Sorry!
Please follow this blog your favorite way, be that twitter, facebook, GFC, linky tools or email. Drop me a comment so I can keep track and on the 25th I'll announce the winner!

And don't forget to check my Breaking Dawn Part 2 Review

Bite of Story Thursday

Night Children: Dark Threats

Chapter Two: 1692 Witch Attack
Annabelle turned briefly toward where Thomas and Polly hid. “Tom, Polly, run home.  I won’t have you hurt in this mess.” 
“But we want to help!” 
“No, leave now.  Think of Polly’s safety, Tom.”  She only had time to lock eyes with Tom briefly, but it was enough.  The frustration on his face spoke volumes.
As her friends escaped through the trees, Annabelle turned back to the witches.  She hovered for a brief moment, ignoring her inner terror.  Her voice took on a dangerous edge.  “All right, you wanted to face us.  Here we are.” 
She flitted around Gertrude, dodging each hex blast as it lit up the dark trees with purple and red hues.
Roland smiled then sped around Penelope.  Gertrude gestured once more and sent forth a blast of eldritch energy that barely missed Annabelle. 
“Insolent child.” Gertrude said with malice.  “You think you’ll live forever.” 
Annabelle felt the air light up, like sharp needles jabbing her skin.  Her vision blurred with tears.  The blast hit Annabelle directly in the back, spinning her into the hard dirt.  She lay there, waiting for her vision to adjust.  Everything seemed to spin and her stomach threatened to give up her breakfast.
“Annabelle!”  Roland shouted.  Penelope caught him with a lucky shot and he cried out in pain. 
“There.  Do you see, Penelope?  That’s how to deal with upstarts.” 

For more check out Dark Threats at your local online store. Links to Dark Threats on the web can be found on the Store Page on this blog or you could just go here, Dark Threats on Amazon.