Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Thoughts on tomorrow


I really should go to bed earlier. Tomorrow I'll need to focus on the job more. During my break I'll need to try and get that Trickshot in the Mythlands one shot story started. I'll have no time to write PV stuff on Thursday so it would be best if I could get it farther along then just thoughts in by brain.

Besides, there is a limited amount of time for me to write Parodyverse stuff. That muse is a real strong feeling and when I stay away too long "she" starts pounding at the back of my mind.

"Go 'way. I owe my friends some Tricksho..."
"Scooooott. What of my brother? What of his travails with the vampire pirates? What of his affection for that girl pirate, Racheal? What of my constant search through London with Thomas?"
"But I'm waiting on Adrienne Rosado of PMA. She still has that weekend read. She should..."
"We both know nothing is certain except the ultimate eventuality. I shall have my desire to be published but it's the when and who that remains a mystery. You can not stall my story for too long...
... I will not allow it."
"Not those eyes again. Sigh."
"Hehehehe. Don't worry. Go back and write for them. Just do not stray too long. Others must see my tales."
"You know, you're really obsessive."
"I'm a three-hundred year old child. What did you expect?"

Huh? Oh! Sorry. I must have dozed off. Anyway, thanks for tuning in on my boring blog. I need to write... Trickshot stuff. Yeah. That's it.


(Man, I must be tired. Why is the window open?)

Adam Diller, artist extraordinare!

Adam posts at the PV (short for Parodyverse) as the hapless everyman who may or may not be fake. His potential fake man is called Visionary.

More on him later. At any rate, here is a nice close pic of Annabelle, my muse, as done by Adam. I would love to have Adam do the cover and chapter illustrations, but seeing as I'm still trying to get an agent, that idea is far far away from the table anyway.

And the guy is busy as a graphic artist for his full time job so time is very short for him.

Anyway, thanks again for this fine piece of work!

Oh, and I would not be much of a friend if I didn't give his link...

Adam Diller's Home Page! Check it out! Clicky-clicky!

Gotta catch 'em all, Avenger style!

Soon they will be mine! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Ok, I'm crazy.

See, I like action figures. Actually, I like super hero action figures, namely the DC and Marvel ones. Namely the Justice League and the Avengers.

Well, Hasbro has taken over the license to manufacture said Marvel figures. This next year we get two assortments of Marvel Legends figures.

In assortment #2 we get Yellow Jacket, She Hulk and Quicksilver.

As an Avenger collector, I've very excited about these!

Here is the link to the updated pics of said figures...


Wizard Universe dot com has given us a look.

Thanks, guys at Wizard Universe!

Now to plan the figure shuffle in my collection for these babies!

RAVING TOY MANIAC, my 3rd Fav spot on the web

The Raving Toy Maniac board. It’s a heaven for action figure collectors like myself. I go there to see what’s new and visit with my fellow Buzzers. If you’re into figures, it’s the place to be.

ABSOLUTE WRITE, my 2nd Fav spot on the web!

The Absolute Write Message Board!A place for writers, editors, agents and wanna-be writers to hang out, share info and talk about the craft. It’s an EXCELLENT site to go to if you want to try your hand at writing. They even separate the message boards by book genre!



It’s an online community where people share stories about a fictional universe. Anything can happen and usually does! Come over and write, read, reply or just lurk. We’ll entertain you. Some of the best creators frequent there!

Trickshot rules!

Trickshot aka Carl Bastion is a charicter I ripped off for the Parodyverse site I belong to. He's brash, arrogant and cocky. He's a man's man and nothing like me.
I created him by taking 1 part DC Comics Green Arrow and 1 part Marvel Comics Hawkeye, stir well and let simmer.

He can be read in action here...


The discovery of a muse

I have a goal. I want to become a professional writer. September of 2004, I was struck with a concept that would not go away. I watched a vampire movie that normally I would not have and saw a little girl vampire whom grabbed my interest. After she was killed in the movie I could not get her out of my mind. As I pondered the concept I realized it wasn’t her I was thinking of. I just didn’t know who it was.

I decided to write about a child vampire for my favorite site, the Parodyverse. When I sat down to flush out the character she appeared. No, not for real. What do you think I am? Crazy? No, in my head I could see her. I knew her as well as myself and when I wrote her she became more. She WANTED more. Posting little short stories on a site where only five people respond or see them wasn’t enough. She needs to be in schools, libraries, bookstores, everywhere! She needs to reach out to other children, frightened, scared children who need an example or at the very least a bit of entertainment to make the pain go away for a few minutes.

Sweet, gentle, smart, determined Annabelle Foresight and her adventurous, rebellious brother Roland were “born” that moment. I had to do something I had never before did. I had to push myself, whenever I could, however I could, to put these two fictional kids into a novel. I longed to be a part of their world, Annabelle’s world, and the only way to ease that longing was to write.

Two years later the novel is finished. I gave it to nine people to edit. All nine found things that needed to be fixed and I fixed them. They were friends, strangers and even two teachers of the age level this Young Adult fantasy novel is geared towards. All nine, despite some of them not being into the subject matter or being critical in nature) could not put it down.
Now it’s finished and I’m in search of an agent to represent it to the publishing world. I know this will happen. Annabelle wants to get out there into the world and she will. It’s only a matter of time.