Tuesday, June 22, 2021




Physical characteristics:
Paul looks to be in his sixties and out of shape. He's overweight, short and stocky. He was turned into a vampire in this physical condition, so he'll remain that way as long as his immortal life continues.

Paul is friendly and eager to help others. Sometimes too eager. He's always ready with advice to cheer a friend up.
Known History:
James Worthing turned Paul on a lark. He found Paul drunk, passed out in an alley. He wanted to see what a waste of a man would become with the vampire curse. Paul gained the typical vampire abilities but remained out of shape. James allowed Paul to become a Bloody-Buccaneer, the deadliest pirates on the open sea.
Paul made an unsuccessful vampire pirate. He couldn't jump from ship to ship and attack with the other pirates. He couldn't really catch any fleeing mortals. He'd occasionally accompany the crew but became more of a mascot. After vampire child Roland Foresight joined the crew, Paul instantly took a liking to the boy. Along with Ruthless Rach, Roland was one of the only crew members who treated him fairly.
After time passed Paul became very close to Roland, offering him advice and eventually joining in Roland's rebellion. Paul's favorite haunt is the only pub on
Isla De Los Vampiros, Feeding Time.

Paul died while fighting alongside the Damerae and the Kalinago tribe when they fought to take back the island.


 (Picture not accurate representation)