Wednesday, October 06, 2021




Werewolves are the most common and popular human to animal shapeshifters. Under the full moon they turn into either a full, large wolf or they turn into a half wolf half human form. Most keep their intelligence after the transformation but there have been cases where the werewolf simply becomes a beast that can only be satisfied with the basic urges. Under the right kind of mesmerization, a werewolf’s intelligence can be submerged to allow the beast full control.

 There are two kinds, Alphas and Batas. Alphas are immortal. They heal faster and feel more energy during their time in wolf and half wolf shapes. There are very few of these and it’s passed down from parent to child. Betas live a normal human lifespan and are the by far the more common of the two.

 Like most creatures and all shapeshifters, they remain human in their minds and hearts. If they are corrupt, they will remain corrupt. If they are kind, they will remain kind. Most feel the urge to belong to packs or tribes but there are those few that prefer solitude.