Wednesday, October 31, 2012

And the winner of the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop is...

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who stopped by for my part in the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop! I plan on doing more of these in the future. I'll be giving away more Dark Threats in the future, too.

Unfortunately there can only be one winner and this time that is (drum roll please)...

lizzy, if you could please email me at...

so I can get your address, then I'll get it in the mail to you.

Thanks again to I am a reader not a writer for letting me be a part of this fine hop.

Thanks everyone!

Special Halloween Treat: Who are the Tyrant Lords of the Seven Houses?

Hello gentle readers and Happy Halloween! I thought I'd share some future information on the world of Annabelle. In honor of this fine holiday (my 2nd favorite!) here is a run down on who the Seven Tyrant Lords are...

the Tyrant Lords of the Seven Houses

Thousands of years ago the first vampire, Lilith, formed the Tyrant Lords of the Seven Houses. She wanted her seven sons to rule under her. Her eldest son Alar rebelled and decided to serve God and be good.  He constantly tried to stop Lilith and her other boys from conquering the world. Betrayed, Lilith reacted as she always did, by tormenting her youngest son Domi.

Domi rebelled, and told the mortals how to kill the Lords. Four of her sons were thought to be killed and the fate of Lilith has been lost in history. It is believed that she fled to Egypt. Domi then turned the tables on the mortals and killed them. He then started his own Underground Empire. He watched people and the passing eras gave him the ability to wait calmly and plan his next step. He created his three consorts or queens.

After awhile he thought “Mortals can be powerful. How much more powerful if they were on my side?” He began his new campaign by turning an entire village into his vampiric servants. He ruled them for a number of years. He really liked being in control. He set up his own Seven Tyrant Lords of the Seven Houses whom would act as his generals. His plan was to use them to organise his future worldwide empire. Domi felt that he'd gain more power with beasts on his side so he created an army of werewolves and made the pack leader his seventh general.

Over time some of the Tyrant Lords betrayed him and were killed. Then came the great Exodus War. Most of Domi's army was killed. A third (including his most loyal General) was trapped in the Dark Place. Domi, too, was trapped for a time but managed to escape.

Over the last couple hundred years he has began to reestablish his Tyrant Lords. He has cherry picked madmen, phantoms, beasts and monsters whom have proven their loyalty. He promised them power and the award of ruling the world under him. They are to help him achieve his goals as his top generals. In the early part of the twenty-first century, the Tyrant Lords consist of...

Picture of Lon Chaney as Eric from the Phantom of the Opera by Universal Studios.

Erik: The mysterious Phantom of the Paris Opera House. He runs the main operations under Domi. He is the Head General, coordinates all creature movements, acts as liaison for the various intelligent creatures that work with Domi’s forces, like the amphibious Piranhani from the black lagoons of South America. Eric also serve as chief architect. It is unknown at this time why he serves, what happened to his true love Christine, or how he gained immortality. Eric revels in getting revenge on people for how they treat their misshapen kind.  He has a mean streak and often goes too far.
Picture of Boris Karloff as the Mummy from Universal Studios. This is as close a repisentation of Kamenwati as I have.

Kamenwati: Ancient Egyptian scientist/sorcerer. Head sorcerer in Dom’s army. Brought back to life by a curse and serves as head of all dark sorcerers and witches. Created his own mummy horde. Also in charge of the skeleton and zombie armies.

Picture of Claude Rains friom Universal Studios The Invisible Man.

Charles Griffin: Mortal scientist who went insane after creating and using his invisibility serum. Master of his Invisible Spy Army.  Chief inventor and scientist. Perfected a way to mask vampires and werewolves scent, turning them “invisible” or untraceable so they can get the drop on Annabelle and her coven.  Crazed scientist, in charge of torture and experiments. Performs experiments, creates new breeds like a vampire/werewolf mix and a sasquatch / vampire and werewolf / sasquatch mixes, etc. The source of his immortality is so far unknown.
Picture of Hyde as close as I imagine him by unkonwn artist (Snalfnido?). If anyone knows the artist's name, please let me know.
Edward Hyde: Dark half of mortal Henry Jekyll. Domi’s greatest enforcer. Acts as chief bounty hunter. Brings in whomever Domi wants. The source of his immortality is unknown.

Artist unkown. If anyone knows this artist, please let me know.
Blood Reaper: Werewolf, Alpha wolf pack leader of all of Domi’s wolf packs. In charge of other werebeasts. Vicious and cruel.

Artist unkown. If anyone knows this artist, please let me know.
Headless Horseman: The specter of a man killed in battle in 1776 in the American Colonies. Kamenwati brought him back as a wrath who loves to hurt others for Master Domi. Head knight in Dominic’s army.

Picture origin unkown. If anyone knows, please let me know.  

Usha: (the Dark Princess/ Dracula’s “daughter”) Child vampire. In charge of the dark vampire legion. Cruel, ruthless and conniving. This spot was saved for Sebastian Scarcliff until he betrayed Dominic during the Civil War. Usha has fought hard to earn it.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Blood Reaper

I have no idea who did this pic either. It's a standard werewolf pic from the web. No picture of Blood Reaper exists at this time. Hopefully that will change someday. If anyone knows who did this picture, please let me know.

Cam, Cameron, Blood Reaper

Physical characteristics:
Cam can turn into half man half wolf shape as well as full wolf shape. In his half form he is six feet tall. He is muscular and big. He has a snout and extended jaw as well at the pointed ears of a wolf. His legs are shaped similar to wolves and his feet are large paws while his hands are human shape with sharp claws. He has a red 'D' shape scar on his left breast. His fur is red and coarse. He has black hair and eyes in his human form and amber eyes in werewolf form.

After he became the Blood Reaper, Cam began to wear a purple sash over his thick fur. It marks him as the leader of Dominic’s wolf pack. The gold D embroidered on his sash is a symbol of his rank as one of the Seven Tyrant Lords. Along with the sash he wears tight leather gloves, custom made to his wolf form. Each finger was incased in leather with sharp silver claws fashioned onto the outside of the glove. The glove protects him, preventing the deadly silver from touching his skin where it could weaken or even kill him.

At first Cam was passive. He'd always let his big brother Isaac tease and bully him. After his brother's death he became angry, vengeful and a stronger leader. He has a habit of flexing his fingers. At first it was a sign of his nerves but later he does it out of a thirst for violence.

Abilities: Cam has the standard werewolf abilities. He can transform into a half-wolf half-human form or all wolf form. In both forms he's stronger, faster and has better agility and enhanced senses. He can access his enhanced abilities and sharp nails and teeth even in human form. As an Alpha Wolf, he's immortal. He seems to age slowly, perhaps a year per one-hundred human years. As Blood Reaper, he wears gloves with silver claws on his hands to hurt any mystical creature in his path, even his own pack if they step out of line.

Known History: Little is known of Isaac and Cam's life before they became werewolves. The werewolf Clancy bit both of them and brought the brothers to Dominic, the vampire lord. In the latter part of the 1600's, the pack was sent to capture vampire children Annabelle and Roland Foresight. Their mortal friend Thomas wounded Isaac with silver shot, blasting away the werewolf's shoulder. Isaac would have died but Cam rescued him. Isaac saw it as a sign of weakness and punished Cam for decades after. Isaac resented Cam for the rest of his life afterward and abused his brother even more fiercely.
Eventually Roland killed Isaac. Cam thirsts for revenge. That event changed him. He became more ruthless and vicious. He rose up in the hierarchy of Lord Dominic's personal wolf pack until he became their leader. He also has a much valued seat as one of the werebeasts.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Picture Sharing Time

As before, if you know the artist of these pictures, please let me know.

Now for more Halloween fun!

From Bent Objects

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Neo Planet Widget sure makes me wonder

On the right side of this page a ways down you see a globe. It spins slowly, showing tiny dots where my visitors are from.

It simply amazes me to see where everyone is from. I mean I see dots from all over the US, some in states I've been to and some in states I'd LOVE to visit. New York! Salem! New Orleans! The list goes on.

I've always wanted to walk the busy streets of New York, see the Liberty Bell in Boston and visit the Smithsonian in Washington DC. Think of the research for my writing! And there is the home of my birth, California. Oh how I miss it.

Looks like Central and South America have viewers too. So cool! Whomever is that dot on the far East tip of South America? I'd love to discuss the Brazilian Rain Forest with you. I've got a monster from there. Well, it's actually from the Amazon but we could talk!

I'm even more amazed by this...

Europe! India! Africa! So many exotic places I've never been. Places I'd love to see, to discover. If only I knew the things you people know. Walk pass the things you take for granted. I am surrounded by desert, sagebrush and remains of the Old West. It's cool and all, but what would a nation with a history that stretches the ages be like?

Australia! Japan! Various dots in Asia! What an exotic world to learn and enjoy! And here I am with no much to learn for Book Three (Dark Quest) when Annabelle and Roland travel the globe in the 1750's.

It's a pleasure to entertain you. Sure, I'd wager most stop in on the way through, searching. But even that someone from the other side of the Earth is reading these words or even seeing Annabelle's story for the briefest of moments is enough to shock and amaze me.

Thank you all for visiting.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Speaking to the class UPDATE

Today I'm speaking to Mr. Palfreyman's English classes at the Tooele High School! Getting excited!
More info to follow...

...And now how it went.  Excellent! I spoke to four English classes about my writing and the writing process.  I also had a great time catching up with a friend from the Tooele Writer's Group; Caleb Palfreyman, the teacher.

Several kids were interested in the steps to become an author. I suspect they were some future authors whom we may see in the future.

Others were interested in the story and concepts. It appears not everyone is sick of vampires, provided they are closer to the originals. Myths gained some attention as well. This further proves what I suspect: While Ann may continue quietly online, Myths will be the one to gain more attention.

So there you have it. I look forward to more speaking engagements in the future.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bite of Story Thursday

Night Children: Dark Threats

Chapter Eight : Present Day

Despite her better judgment, Annabelle sped towards Kelli.  Just as she stopped beside the girl, something heavy swung down from the broken ceiling and kicked her through a wall.  Pain lashed her back as plaster and brick tore her pale skin.

An eight-foot tall gorilla-like man in a tattered suit and top hat swung in front of her.  The large man had a gold D embroidered on his lapel, the symbol of his rank as Dominic’s chief enforcer and one of the Seven Tyrant Lords.  He smelled of alcohol and cheap cigars.  Mister Hyde dropped to his oversized feet and leaped towards her with a large leer plastered across his shaggy squat face.  “I jus’ don’t understand how you remain alive when you fall for the oldest trick in th’ book.”

She moved out of his path, sped behind him and ripped at his left ear.  His foul, tainted blood gushed as he let out a painful howl.  She knew he’d heal when he reverted back to Jekyll, but it was worth it.

Her skin had already healed from the earlier blow, but her clothing was torn in several places.  He was four times her size, and deadly.  She swallowed her fear.

Annabelle taunted him while speeding around his bulk.  “And I don’t understand why you still go around with that ridiculous hat.”  She dodged his massive trunk-like arms.  “It’s the twenty-first century.  You’re so out-dated.”

“I’m younger than you, brat!”  He bent down and ripped up three floorboards.  They cracked at his strength.  “If you were a proper vampire like the Master, you wouldn’t get caught like this.” 

He swung them at her, smashing the wood into a wall.  Splinters flew everywhere.  She dodged the impact but wood chips gave her new cuts.

“Oh but Edward, I am a proper vampire.”  She focused inwardly, just like Grandmother Laila taught her, and allowed her body to soften into a thick crimson mist. 

“Never call me that!”  He threw wood and brick through her form but nothing connected.  She focused on her true shape, mentally pulling her wispy body back together as the objects tried to dissipate her form.

He shouted obscenities at her with his thick, cockney accent.  “The name Hyde is feared around the world, brat.  Use it with respect.”

She laughed at him.  “I’ll call you by your first name, Edward, because bullies deserve no respect.” 


For more check out Dark Threats at your local online store. Links to Dark Threats on the web can be found on the Store Page on this blog or you could just go here, Dark Threats on Amazon.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Picture Sharing Time

Time for more Halloween pictures! If you know the artist, please let me know.

 Who is on the Wolf Man's shoulder?

By j0sh 3000 (This one inspires my inner writer)

by John Ostrander. (This one really inspires my writing!)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Sybil


Here is a cool pic from online. No clue what it is or who did it. If anyone knows, please tell me so I can give credit. There is no picture at this time of Sybil or the rest of the Falabranwyn. Hopefully that will change someday.

Name Origin

English for "wise old woman".

Physical characteristics:
Sybil shares characteristics of the other Falabranwyn. She has long silky black hair and black eyes that seem to go deep into a person's soul. She has a pale completion and thin body. She stands about five and a half feet tall. She wears a cloak that seems to be made of black feathers. When in bird form she appears as a crow or raven, depending on her mood. Either way she becomes a black bird with eyes that seem almost human.

Sybil is quiet, responsible and sad. She seems to possess unknown knowledge of future events but refuses to share. She exhibits leadership qualities to other members of her shape-shifting race.

All Falabranwyn can shape-shift to appear as ravens or the larger crows. They have prophetic abilities as well, often receiving visions of future events. They don't all get the visions or dreams at once and some like Sybil get more. The Falabranwyn can blend into the shadows and not be seen when they wish. They cannot be heard, seen, smelled if they want to disappear. They have no scent at all. This is a protection against vampires discovering them. As a senior member of their race, Sybil is well trained in all theses abilities.

Not much is known about the enigmatic Sybil. Close to King Alar, the first leader of the Falabranwyn, Sybil always believed the 'Prophesy of the Younglings' that Alar gave on his deathbed after the Exodus War. Sybil was very young during the war and still remembers the Farnalla Exodus. She was tasked with watching one of evil Lord Domi's wives, Eliza Pratchet. Sybil became a friend to Eliza and warned her of many things. After the Foresight family arrived in the New World, Sybil watched the children close. She and several Falabranwyn warriors flew to Annabelle and Roland's defense on multiple occasions. Annabelle and Roland spotted Sybil leaving Eliza's cabin right before they rescued Blandia Blackburn from the Salem Trials and before the first Battle of Jorgantown. She has begin training Aisling, a fledgling Falabranwyn.


Spooktacular Giveaway Hop

10/31/12 UPDATE: To find out the winner of the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop  click here.

Welcome to the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop! This is a hop created by I am a reader not a writer.

It involves over four hundred blogs! Click here to see her blog and the main page with a list of all the participating blogs and the prizes she has to offer!

As for my part in all this:

Post a comment, become a follower of this blog and one lucky soul will win a copy of my short story, NIGHT CHILDREN: DARK THREATS!

That's right, you can win a great story featuring Mister Hyde, the Invisible Man, witches, Nazi werewolves, vampires, zombies and my two favorite children of the night, Annabelle and Roland!
Just comment below, follow this blog and the winner will be announced on the 31st. I can only ship to Canada and the US.
What are you waiting for?

Monday, October 22, 2012

How did the last book signing go?

It was on October 12th and it was fair. I was at Starry Night Book's booth at the Benson Grist Mill Pumpkin Walk. Trouble is it rained heavily and the crowds just wasn't there. There was a couple sales over the weekend though.

Here's to next time!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bite of Story Thursday

Here is a preview of something I'm currently working on, Book Two in the Annabelle series. It's called DARK CHANGES (formally called Dark Trials).

Remember, this is from the rough draft so it does not reflect the final product. Anyway, sit back and enjoy...


Night Children: Dark Changes
Chapter Seventeen: Chester

Annabelle realized two things at that moment.  She realized she and Thomas had it wrong.  There wasn’t just one vampire in town, or even one group.  There must’ve been more.  Some of them were children, just like her.  Before she could reflect on this her acute senses noticed the other thing.

Another vampire was in the alley now.  The shadows started to shift, revealing the creature.  Annabelle couldn’t tell if it was the same shadow creature as before or a different one.

Chester the ghoul apparently didn’t serve this particular vampire because he screamed, “No!  The Destitute!” 

“Chester, don’t leave.  I still have questions.”  She didn’t follow as he stumbled through the darkness and into the street where the alley let out.  She let him go.  Time to get answers from this creature once and for all.

“All right.  Tell me, who you are.  Chester called you the Destitute.  Is that your name?  Are there more of you?”

If any humans walked into the alley, Annabelle figured they’d be treated to an interesting sight; a little girl in curls, facing a formless creature of nightmares without appearing the least bit scared.  The truth was Annabelle could feel her legs tremor with fear.  She couldn’t let the Destitute realize it.  There was too much at stake.

It just regarded her.  No answers were forthcoming.

“Fine.  Then lead me to your home.  I want to learn about you.”  The creature still remained motionless.

“I’ve come to London to find my brother.  He looks thirteen and he’s a vampire like me.  He’s with a man named Reginald Worthing.  Another vampire.  Have you heard of him?  Have you seen them?”  Still no answer.

“You’ve got to answer me.  Say something.  Anything,” she began to plead, “Please.  Have you seen or heard of them?  Are there more of you?”

As if in answer to her last question, other shadows formed to become another creature.  She knew it was a vampire, but that was all.  It looked exactly the same as the other.

“There are more of you.  Now answer my other question.  Have you seen my brother?”

The Destitute looked at each other, then started to shift back towards the shadows.  Annabelle moved with superhuman speed towards the creatures but in a blink of an eye they were gone, melted away.  She tried to listen for the creatures’ escape but they made no sound.

She yelled to the empty air, “No!” 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Isaac


I have no idea who did this pic. It's a standard werewolf pic from the web. No picture of Isaac exists at this time. Hopefully that will change someday. If anyone knows who did this picture, please let me know. This comes closest to Isaac, except the tongue is too long.

Physical characteristics:
Isaac can turn into half man half wolf shape as well as full wolf shape. In his half form he is seven feet tall, muscular and big. He has a snout and extended jaw as well at the pointed ears of a wolf. His legs are shaped similar to wolves and his feet are large paws while his hands are human shape with sharp claws. He has a red 'D' shape scar on his left breast. His fur is black and very shaggy. He has black hair and eyes in his human form and amber eyes in werewolf form. After the human boy called Thomas shot him, he is missing a shoulder.

He is a bully. He treats his younger brother Cam badly. He always fights the werewolf Clancy for control of Dominic's personal werewolf pack. Angry and resentful after Thomas wounded him. Thirsts for revenge.

Isaac has the standard werewolf abilities. He can transform into a half-wolf half-human form or all wolf form. In both forms he's stronger, faster and has better agility and enhanced senses. He can access his enhanced abilities and sharp nails and teeth even in human form. As an Alpha Wolf, he's immortal. He seems to age slowly, perhaps a year per one-hundred human years.

Known History:
Little is known of Isaac and Cam's life before they became werewolves. The werewolf Clancy bit both of them and brought the brothers to Dominic, the vampire lord.  Isaac turned jealous of Clancy's status as pack leader of Dominic's personal guard and got into many a scuffle over control. In the latter part of the 1600's, the pack was sent to capture vampire children Annabelle and Roland Foresight. Their mortal friend Thomas wounded Isaac with silver shot, blasting away the werewolf's shoulder. Isaac would have died but Cam rescued him. Isaac saw it as a sign of weakness and punished Cam for decades after. Isaac resented Cam for the rest of his life afterward and abused his brother even more fiercely. Isaac made it his personal vendetta to kill Thomas for his injury. We know from other stores that Isaac met an early death that his younger brother blames Roland for. This is a story yet to be told.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Picture Sharing Time

More Holloween pictures! If you reconize who did these pictures, please let my know.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bite of Story Thursday

Night Children: Dark Birth

Chapter Twenty-Four: The Big Bad Wolves
Something big hit the carriage from the left and it whined in protest.  The wheels temporarily lifted off the ground, causing everyone inside to crash against the right wall.  A screech escaped Annabelle as she watched two large hairy man-monsters smash into the right side of the carriage.  Like a ship fighting the ocean waves, the carriage rocked to the left.  The horses bucked and neighed in panic as the four werewolves attacked.  She flinched as their sharp claws scratched down the sides of the carriage.
The slobbering snout-like face of one of their attackers glared in the window.  Covered in thick black fur with a red D shaped scar cut into his left breast, the strange beast-man snapped at Annabelle.  In a blur of white, Eliza was at the window.  She punched the werewolf with enough power to smash a piano.  The beast fell to the earth and immediately sprung back to its elongated clawed feet. 
Annabelle couldn’t resist the temptation to watch out the window.  She marveled at the incredible speed the creature had on two legs as it ran beside the carriage.  It appeared to be seven-feet tall.  Another attacker began to pull itself along the carriage.  Built similarly to the black one, it was covered in brown fur.  The monster growled as Annabelle pulled back the quilt. 
She scrunched her nose as the beast’s musky smell assaulted her.  Long pointed claws reached through the window.  Any minute the werewolf would pull itself inside and begin its campaign of murder. 


For more check out Dark Birth at your local online store. Links to Dark Birth on the web can be found on the Store Page on this blog or you could just go here, Dark Birth on Amazon.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Dark Birth is featured on Author Andrea Pearson's blog!

Dark Birth is featured on Author Andrea Pearson's blog!

Come check it out. I even answer questions!

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Blandia Blackburn


No picture at this time. Hopefully that will change someday.

Name Origin

Blackburn is Old English, meaning "black stream."

Physical characteristics:
Blandia appears in her mid thirties and likes to wear elegant clothes. She loves jewelry and enjoyed wearing lots of it. She applies her make up a bit thick. To Blandia, she appears beautiful but to her fellow magic user, Guarin, she seems to be trying too hard. She has to wear the dark green hood and cloak with a green and blue robe. These clothes represent her membership in the Order of White Warlocks. She doesn't want to wear them because she feels the style clashes and doesn't go with her shoes or make up.

Blandia is selfish at times, obsessed with her looks and attracting men. She is not beyond using her magic to "win" a guy over. She looked up to the leader of the Order of White Warlocks, Dagda. She has no problem with his successor, Guarin except she thinks he takes things to seriously. Blandia seems a bit flighty and not very level headed to others.

Blandia practiced white magic under the teachings of the immortal warlock Dagda. While not as quick a study as Guarin, Blandia did learn to take care of herself. Along with Dagda and Guarin, Blandia created the magical barrier that protected Eliza Pratchet, Annabelle and Roland Foresight, the small English colonial settlement of Jorgantown and the Mohegan Indian village.

Over the years Blandia helped her fellow members of Order of the White Warlocks, North American division. She was placed in Salem, Massachusetts to spy on the town during their infamous which hunts. Dagda knew it was dangerous and offered her the chance to not accept but she agreed reluctantly. Others close to her felt she really did it because she secretly cares for others. Dagda felt that outside forces in the form of the vampire lord Domi and his evil witch servant, Penelope, had a part in the paranoia. He was right but too late to help her. After Dagda's assassination by Domi's forces, Penelope framed Blandia and soon Blandia found herself in the Salem jail. Her best friend, the vampire Eliza, rescued Blandia from the hangman's noose with the help of vampire children Annabelle and Roland Foresight. Blandia fought in the first Battle of Jorgantown after the barrier fell.

Despite the fact that the Coven have always acted as police to the magic world, most white warlocks and witches remain in hiding. Hunted by Domi (or Dominic’s) forces for centuries, they operate in super secret covens across the globe. No more than three in each group and always on the move.

Blandia has a history of moving into a community, practicing her spells and potions and flirting with the local men. This has gotten her in a great deal of trouble over the years. Guarin helped Blandia take the Right of Ascendance, which if successfully completed, grants a warlock or witch immortality. It wasn't easy. After the Right of Ascendance, the witch or warlock is unconscious in a coma state for fifty years. 


Sunday, October 07, 2012

Picture Sharing Time!

I love Halloween! I love the feel it gives me. Being spooky, playing the part of sinister characters and the thrill of so many scary themed stories.

It's my second favorite holiday and to celebrate I'm going to post pictures from my vast picture collection. I have no clue about who most of the artists are so if you recognise them, please let me know so I can give credit.

Lon Chaney Jr. and Glen Strange entertaining the ladies. Maybe on the set of "Abbot of Costello Meet Frankenstein"?
From a set of Marvel Comics covers sometime ago.
Monsters from the '50s by Dusty Abell.
This last one was from obviously.

Another book signing at the Benson Grist Mill

I can't wait for the Pumpkin Walk at the Benson Grist Mill this coming Friday and Saturday! Starry Night Books will have a booth and on Friday from 5-8 I'll get to do another signing! Hope to see everyone there!

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Bite of Story Thursday

Night Children: Dark Threats

Chapter Four : 1899 How To Catch An Invisible Man

The shed was small and contained various gardening supplies and a stack of old bricks.  She could smell his perspiration coming from the back wall.  His heart thundered.

As if these things weren’t enough to give him away, the hovering shovel that threatened her safety moved dangerously close to her chest.  Its metal could pierce her skin, allowing the long wooden handle to act like a stake to her heart.  She needed to calm him down quickly.

Mesmerization was not an option thanks to the man’s lack of eyes.  Annabelle wasn’t as skilled as Roxanna or Fenroth.  She couldn’t transfix someone she couldn’t see.  She spoke very calmly, “Please Doctor Griffin.  Listen to me.  You must be a reasonable man.  It’s obvious you’re a brilliant scientist.  You mastered the art of invisibility.  No one else can do that.”

The shovel shook slightly, revealing how cold the man must’ve been.  It lowered an inch.  “They’re all fools.  They know nothing of the potential I’ve discovered.”

“Of course.  They were wrong to hunt you.  They don’t understand the miracles you have wrought.”

The shovel lowered, its sharp tip touched the floor.  “Exactly.  Those superstitious buffoons, they’d rather run brilliant men out of town than embrace science and all its wonder.”  The shovel now leaned against the back wall.

A long pause followed.  The kind of silence that would make a normal person wonder if he still stood there.  Annabelle could tell by his heartbeat that Griffin began to calm.

Finally he spoke again, “I must admit it’s comforting to hear a familiar accent.  I take it you’re from London?”

“Spent the first ten years of my life there and moved back for a while years later.  Some nights I miss it.”

“Years later?  You don’t look very old.”  He sounded surprised. 

After so many years of the same reaction, Annabelle was used to it.  “As you know looks can be deceiving.  Come with me Doctor Griffin.  I can take you someplace private.  Someplace warm, where you won’t have to hide.”

His invisible feet shuffled as he stepped closer.  “That would be nice.  I just want to be left alone.  I’ve been on the run for so long.  I can’t imagine what solitude would be like.  Time to study and plan.”



For more check out Dark Threats at your local online store. Links to Dark Threats on the web can be found on the Store Page on this blog or you could just go here, Dark Threats on Amazon.

Today on Author Andrea Pearson's Halloween Indie Author Promotion...

Night Children: Dark Threats is featured on Author Andrea Pearson's blog! Check it out here!

Thanks Andrea!

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

I'm in the Local Paper part 2

And as promised, here is the article! Thanks to Jamison for scanning it and thanks to Brandon at Starry Night for setting it up!
Thanks guys!

Quick Update

The Store and Author Bio pages have been updated! Go see!

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Charlie


No picture at this time. Hopefully that will change someday.

Physical characteristics:
Charlie has sandy blond hair which is always a mess. He's scrawny and always has a wicked grin unless he's in trouble by his brothers or caught by members of the Order of the Righteous Vampires.

He followed the lead of his brothers Beufus and Cletus while they were alive or undead. They get into mischief. Scared of his older brother because of the many beatings inflicted upon him by Beufus. Often makes mistakes or says things that annoy Beufus. Always tries to be his brother Beufus' favorite when the brothers were alive or undead. After their deaths, Charlie would do the same for Dominic. He spies on others and tattles as a way of earning favoritism. He has an awkward laugh and always gives off a creepy vibe. He is stuck as a teenager for a few hundred years. If he can survive vampire hunters and pissed off vampires, he could advance to adulthood eventually. Knowing Charlie's tendency to annoy others, that would be an incredible feat.

Charlie has the basic vampiric abilities; strength, speed, stamina, sharp nails that are used like claws, enhanced senses and the ability to heal from most small injuries. Like all vampires, he can't handle sunlight, wooden stakes to the heart or beheading. Each of these turn him to ash. Like all evil vampires, religious artifacts harm him as well. He has not learned how to transform or fly. He can maneuver perfectly. He has learned to dodge and escape others clutches, missing danger by inches. He learned that skill as a means to stay alive. He can hide extremely well and perfected his spying technique.

Known History:
Charlie and his brothers lived in Jorgantown all their lives. They were satisfied with scratching out a small living doing dock work and hiring themselves out for farm work or cabin building. Their evenings were spent drinking at the pub and occasionally causing a ruckus in the town.

The night they finally met Eliza Pratchet, the supposed town witch, was their last night alive. They teased her, only to have the recently arrived Foresight family try to defend her. Something in Eliza's eyes made the brothers forget what they were doing and instead they found a quiet spot to sleep off their drink.

The vampire Fenroth happened across them and seeing the stocky built of Charlie's older brothers, Beufus and Cletus, turned the two of them. He ignored Charlie because the boy was too scrawny and beneath his notice. Once a human has been bitten three times he or she begins to change. The transformation to vampirizim isn't always over night. The older the human, the longer it can take.

After the white warlock Dagda set up a magical barrier around Jorgantown and the surrounding woods as a means to protect Eliza and the vampire younglings Annabelle and Roland Foresight.  The barrier would prevent any dark creatures from entering. The vampire lord Dominic Pratchet  knew he would need inside agents to enact his revenge on his estranged wife, Eliza Pratchet, and the two children Eliza betrayed Dominic for. Realizing Fenroth's newest subjects were still in the incubation stage and therefore not dark creatures yet, Dominic commanded Fenroth to leave almost vampires Beufus and Cletus and their non-vampire brother Charlie where he found them, within the town. The barrier passed them by and once the full transformation was in effect, Dominic had three agents, (two vampire and one human) to use.

At first the men thought it was Dominic who turned them, since he was the vampire who summoned them once they woke up in their new lives. He sent them to retrieve Annabelle and Roland. They were to kill Eliza on sight. They failed and Cletus was killed by Eliza. Later Beufus was killed by Dominic, leaving Charlie alone.

Despite the deaths of his brothers, Charlie continued to spy for Dominic and successfully kidnapped the Foresight's friend, Henry. Charlie served his dark masters well and was awarded by becoming a vampire. He continued to serve Dominic for years. His fate is unknown at this time.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration

Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration

The feeling that sweels up in me when I watch this video is the reason I must write Night Children: Dark Revolution. I will show my pride and respect for these men and what they did through my writing. I always have felt passion for our nation's birth. I want to one day share that passion.