Sunday, September 30, 2012

In need of repairs

Some of the things on my blog could use some repairs. My Store page is terribly out of date. You can but my books both as eBooks and paperback. Also they are local at Starry Night Books.

I'm planning on fixing that page and others soon so watch for updates!

Sept 28th 2012, A date that shall live forever in awesomeness. Part 2: Book Signing at Starry Night Books

Book Signing at Starry Night Books

It was fantastic! Several people arrived and bought books. I signed each one. A couple came because of my appearance at the Junior High. Some friends came from work as well.

The biggest surprise was that people who I never met before bought my books. I brought four Dark Births and sold five (one as a pre order). That means the novel that started everything is actually in someone elses' home!

The woman who bought a copy of Threats and Birth returned to have them signed. I spoke to children, teens and adults, explaining the story and what makes it special. Afterward they had me sign copies and bought them. I really hope they enjoy them.

Another woman mentioned that her son doesn't like to read due to his learning disability. Despite this, he can't put my book down. When I showed the original proof to my wife Janeen last year, she suggested a better paper shade and font size due to others with reading disabilities being able to see it better. I'm glad she did!

So everything worked out well! I've been invited to do another when Starry Night attends the Benson Grist Mill Pumpkin Walk on October 12th. More information to follow!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sept 28th 2012, A date that shall live forever in awesomeness. Part 1: Speaking at the Junior High

Yup, I really enjoyed yesterday. Now I do realise the title of this post is somewhat overblown. After all, I forget random dates, too.

But the events from yesterday will be forever etched into memory. Unfortunately memories fade so I better write them down here. It was an excellent day for Annabelle and the whole project of getting her stories out into the world.

Speaking at Tooele Jr High
Love it! Everything went well. After I arrived Mrs. Crooksten helped me set up. I put the two posters (1 of Dominic and 1 of Annabelle, the first artwork of Ann) and the Starry Night Books 2nd ad (seen in an earlier post) on a portable dry eraser board with Mrs. Crookten's help. I set up a display for the books, my notepad, bookmarks and candy. We decided that when kids asked questions they would get a piece of candy or a bookmark.

Then the kids shuffled in. I spoke to the entire combined 1st period Language Arts classes. Both 7th and 8th grades. I spoke about my writing journey, Annabelle's adventures and asked the kids to name off vampire abilities. After talking about Night Children, I moved onto Myths. I spoke about the principle characters and explained about how the six characters in Myths will be stranded in Tooele, going to their school. I asked for advice on where these characters would fit into their school. We closed off with a question and answer period.

It went wonderfully. There were many questions and several suggestions. I scribbled down some creative ideas I'd never thought of. All the teachers had previously passed out worksheets and I'll be getting them back later with more suggestions. When I return to Myths after I finish edits on Dark Changes, there will be a lot to work with. Already my brain is flowing with ideas!

Then 1st period left and I took a tiny break, aware that this massive amount of viewers to my prolonged ramblings of the fiction kind was in fact, very enjoyable and I could do it again. I got my chance three more times that morning as I spoke to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th periods.

The only thing we changes was the format on how questions are asked. Before we found it hard to hear some questions and some got more than one question asked (and more than one candy) while others never got their turn. The teachers had a great idea of having 10 kids queue up in seats set up in front. After they get their questions/suggestions answered and received candy or bookmarks another ten took their place. It worked a lot better.

During plus period and homeroom I traveled home to pick up my wife and get lunch. We rejoined the school and spoke to four more periods. Janeen (my sweet wife) introduced me and picked the questioning kids (there were lots of hands up so someone had to pick 10 of them and then another set and so on. She had a blast. After the last period she got to chuck candy and the crowd erupted!

All in all a very good time. One girl in 1st period dressed like a vampire! My very own cos player! I've always dreamed of the day when people would like my books enough to dress like the characters. One of the teachers downloaded the Kindle version and her daughter was reading it while I spoke! I got a chance to see several friends of the family and my excited son, David. I basically spoke to the entire Junior High in 8 smaller chunks. Everyone enjoyed it and I'm invited back for next year!

Things to improve for next time: Two more posters (1 of Roland, one of the combined Dark Threats/Birth covers). A stuffed crow to represent the Falabranwyn. A camera so my wife can take pictures! Sorry I didn't think of the pics but next time I will!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Amazing times

The article in the Tooele Transcript was really well done. I'm so excited to be in the paper! I'll scan a copy for the sight this weekend.

I stopped by Starry Night Bookstore to show the store owner, Brandon, the article. A woman was there with her son and she bought a copy of Dark Threats and Dark Birth! Someone I don't know actually bought Dark Birth! The novel I started on. The one that started all this!


Bite of Story Thursday

It's Preview Day on Bite of Story Thursday. Today we're looking at what I'm currently working on.

Lately I'm editing Annabelle's "Book Two" or as it's currently called: DARK CHANGES (formally called Dark Trials).
Remember, this is from the rough draft so it does not reflect the final product. Anyway, sit back and enjoy...

Chapter Ten, Shanghaied At Sea
An old sensation stirred inside him.  It was a familiar.  Vampires were near.  Several approached from somewhere within the thick mist.  He looked back at Reginald.

“Yes,” Reginald replied with a smile, “Now you’re beginning to understand.” 

“Bloody hell.  What’s going on?” one of the crewmen asked, his gruff voice laced with fear .  He looked around to examine the strange fog as it surrounded the ship.  He ran to alert the other crewmembers.

Roland was alarmed, “Should we let him?  He’ll expose--”

“My friends’ arrival was never meant to be a secret.” 

The ship suddenly rocked back.  Loud voices called through the night air.  The heavy mist started to break away. 

With no noise to announce it’s arrival, a large ship sat on the south side.  It was painted black and reminded Roland of the carriage Eliza used back home.  The striking difference was the dark red that seemed to be stained all over the ship.  A closer look revealed that the stains seemed to be scratched into the wood.  It was clear by the inviting smell that it was blood.

Several strange figures dressed in buccaneer clothes jumped onto the ship.  The crew on deck was instantly killed as the oncoming pirates showed off their pointy fangs.  The men down below deck charged up, only to be assaulted by these fearsome creatures.

“They’re pirate vampires,” Roland couldn’t help state the obvious.

“We prefer the term Bloody-Buccaneers.  It has a sort of nice ring to it.”  Reginald grabbed a crewman who was running by and swiftly sank his teeth into the man’s neck.  He drained the man and dropped him to the ground in one swift motion.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I'm in the paper... again!

Today I did an interview for the local paper! I'm so excited! I'll post the article as soon as I get it.

For now, here is another ad for Friday's book signing at Starry Night Books.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Friday's Book Signing At Starry Night Books!

Hey there readers! Any of you live in Northern Utah? Any of you live in Tooele Utah? I will be at Starry Night Books, located in the shopping plaza far west of Panda's (the shopping Center East of Wal-Mart).

I'll be there from 5 to 7 on Friday night (the 29th), signing copies of Dark Threats and Dark Birth.

Come on over and meet me!

Special Repost: Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Dominic Pratchet


This is the closest I have to a pic of Dominic
"Vampire: The Masquerade" developer: Nihilistic Software publisher Activision
artist:(if you know the artist, please let me know so I can credit him or her).

Other names:
Domi (original name), Vlad Dracula, Vlad the Impaler, Domhnall (Gaelic), Dominicus (Latin), Dominick (Old English), Dominik (Czech and Polish), Dominique (French), Domonkos (Hungarian)

Name origin:
DOMINIC: "Belongs to the lord." English name derived from Latin Dominicus. This is a name traditionally given to a child born on Sunday. His mother Lilith named him this as an insult.

DOMHNALL "World ruler." Gaelic name composed of the elements dubno "world" and val "rule."

Physical characteristics:
Tall, commanding presence, night-black hair, red eyes, and sharp white fangs, pale and radiant. Usually wears black suits, sometimes with a cape.

Dominic possesses the abilities of all vampires, only perfected with thousands of years of experience. This means he’s faster and stronger than humans, his senses are extremely acute as are his reflexes. He can fly, turn into a bat, wolf, rat and mist at the very least and has complete control of others through mesmerization, perfecting it at a lever beyond any other vampire.

Known History:
The vampire known as Domi seems to be as old as history itself. He has been behind all the terrible events of history and an advisor to various rulers through the ages. Throughout many cultures and eras there has been rumors of a powerful lord of the night who commands dark armies. His grim goal has always been to rule the world, turning a portion the population into food stock for those creatures he has deemed fit to survive. He has had many names, some lost through history.

Much of his personal history is shrouded in mystery. The vampire Annabelle has told me that she knows more and at the proper time she’ll reveal it to me. As the chronicler of her stories I’m extremely intrigued.

I have so many questions; if he’s so old, how come he hasn’t taken over yet? What is this Exodus War he was tied up in? How can he be the famous Romanian ruler Vlad the Impaler if we know Vlad wasn’t as old as Domi is supposed to be? What is his relationship with the Falabranwyn because every time he shows up, they do as well. Why does he have so many wives and who are the Three Queens? Who are the Seven Tyrant Lords? Why did he speak of future events as if he knew them?

I suspect we’ll find out together as Annabelle’s story continues.

Special Repost: Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Roland Foresight


artist: Adam Diller

Other names:
Night Child, annoying brother, Bloody-Buccaneer

Name Origin:
Old German name meaning "renowned land."

Physical characteristics:
Straight red hair. Red eyes. Small white fangs. Wears a variety of clothing but likes to wear combinations of red and black.

Age Chart:
He was turned at age 13. Every hundred years he ages one year. He actually experiences his years longer than normal humans. Vampire children remain that age emotionally and mentally, perhaps for self preservation so they do not go insane living as an adult trapped in a child body.

How he handles immortality remains to be seen.

Advancement Chart:
b. October 13th 1679 d. 1692

born a vampire 1692-
Age 13= 1692-1792
Age 14 = 1792-1892
Age 15 = 1892-1992
Age 16 = 1992-Present Day

No other ages available at the moment.

Roland tends to have dreams of the far future, although he isn't aware of this at the beginning of the series. When he learns of this talent remains to be seen. He has the standard vampire abilities. This means he’s faster and stronger than humans, his senses are extremely acute as are his reflexes. He can fly and turn into a bat. In later years He has shown the ability to transform into a wolf, rat and mist but how he learned these things has yet to be told. He can control humans through mesmerization and communicate with lesser beasts.
He became an expert sword fighter thanks to his years as a Bloody Buccaneer.

Known History:
In 1692 Roland Foresight moved with his family to the wilds of Massachusetts. The Vampire Lord Dominic Pratchet killed his parents and left him and his sister Annabelle for dead. Dominic's wife Eliza turned them into vampires, taught them the things they needed to know and became a surrogate mother to them.

As the centuries have passed, Roland became a hero to many, constantly fighting Dominic's forces as a member of the Order of Righteous Vampires. He prefers to drink the blood of animals instead of humans. Roland is possessed with an overwhelming desire to finish Dominic off once and for all.

He's rebellious, acts before thinking, hot-headed and gets overly excited about new things without thinking about the consequences. He isn't afraid of much in life and is filled with a wanderlust for adventure and travel.

He learned to sword fight when he became a Bloody Buccaneer. Those years were both some of the best and worst of his life. Two men have filled him with a passion for revenge; the vampire hunter Hawke and Dominic, the monster lord who killed his parents. He has also had a few loves in his long life.

Any more information would be spoilers at this time.

Special Repost: Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Annabelle Foresight


By Adam Diller

Other names:
Ann, Night Child, bossy sister

Name Origin:
ANNABEL: "Beautiful grace." A compound name consisting of English Ann, "grace," and French Belle, "beautiful." Variants include Anabel, Anabella, Anabelle, Annabal, Annabelinda, Annabell, Annabella and Annabelle.

Physical characteristics:
Short in height. Red bushy hair. Red eyes. Small white fangs. Wears a variety of clothing but likes to wear combinations of red and black.

Age Chart:
She was turned at age 11. Every hundred years she ages one year. She actually experiences her years longer than normal humans. Vampire children remain that age emotionally and mentally, perhaps for self preservation so they do not go insane living as an adult trapped in a child body.
Annabelle, however, is more mature for her age. How she handles immortality remains to be seen.

Advancement Chart:

b. October 13th 1681 d. 1692

born a vampire 1692-
Age 11 1692-1792
Age 12 = 1792-1892
Age 13 = 1892-1992
Age 14 = 1992-Present Day

No other ages available at the moment.

She gets dreams that show the near future (but presently in the books she is unaware of this. When she learned of this ability remains unknown). She has the standard vampire abilities. This means she’s faster and stronger than humans, her senses are extremely acute as are her reflexes. She can fly and turn into a bat. In later years she has shown the ability to transform into a wolf, rat and mist but how she learn these things has yet to be told. She can control humans through mesmerization and communicate with lesser beasts.

Known History:

In 1692 Annabelle Foresight moved with her family to the wilds of Massachusetts. The Vampire Lord Dominic Pratchet killed her parents and left her and her brother Roland for dead. Dominic's wife Eliza turned them into vampires, taught them the things they needed to know and became a surrogate mother to them.

As the centuries have passed, Annabelle has become a hero to many, constantly fighting Dominic's forces as a member of the Order of Righteous Vampires. She prefers to drink the blood of animals instead of humans. Annabelle is deeply concerned about the safety of mortal children.

She is determined, loyal to family, feels love for others and angry if someone hurts her family. Annabelle is outward friendly,book smart, a quick learner and sometimes acts too serious to make up for her reckless older brother. She tends to pretend to be brave and mock the bad guys.

She takes life too seriously and can be bossy. She takes over when she should sit back. She can often make decisions before consulting others. She's afraid deep inside if she doesn’t just make things happen, they will fall apart right away.

Before vampirism she loved animals and winced when they got hurt. After becoming a vampire she now sees them as something to eat. In some ways she has lost touch with who she was. She has a deep fear of two men, Hawke the vampire hunter and Dominic, the vampire who killed her parents.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Signing Week!

This is the week of my first book signing! I can't wait! I've never had a book signing so I hope all goes well. I'll be at the local bookstore here in Tooele, Starry Night Books, this Friday (the 28th) from 6-8 pm. If you're a local follower, I hope to see you there.

Also on Friday I will be speaking to Tooele Jr. High all day. Each period I will be speaking to English classes, doing 45 minute speaking engagements every hour. It's a record I've never done before. I'm scared and excited all at the same time.

So with me luck and I'll post pictures and let you know how it went later next weekend.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bite of Story Thursday

Night Children: Dark Birth

Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Battle

Roland burst out of the scratchy foliage and leapt at his foe.  Before he could bite, Dominic kicked him back.  Instantly changing into bat, Roland flew up, spun in a circle and then zoomed at Dominic’s head.  The man slapped Roland away. 

Roland caught his bearings in mid-air and flew around a tree, past a group of crows that seemed to watch him intently.

Roland landed on Dominic’s head and began to claw him.  Dominic grabbed his neck and began to squeeze. 

“Mastering an ability doesn’t make you a master.  There is nothing you can do to stop me.”  Dominic started to shake him.

Fighting to break free, Roland switched back to his human shape.  Dominic simply moved his hand around Roland’s neck and crushed down.  Panic rushed through, followed by dizziness.  He struggled against his foe’s iron grip as the sky seemed to fill with black shapes. 


For more check out Dark Birth at your local online store. Links to Dark Birth on the web can be found on the Store Page on this blog or you could just go here, Dark Birth on Amazon.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Talk Like a Pirate Day Map Peek!

Avast, ye hearties! Since it be "Talk Like a Pirate Day", I be thinkin' that it be the best o' days to share wit you a secret map. Yes, laddies and lasses, this hear be the location of those unruly pirates, those fierce monsters of the sea. I be talking about the Bloody-Buccaneers.

Under the evil direction of Captain Reginald Worthing, the Bloody-Buccaneers sailed the Atlantic and Caribbean back in the early 1700's.  Many a sailor spoke in whispers of their blood red sails and pitch black ship as it came upon them, always within a dense fog. Only a few survived to tell the fiendish tale of these monsters. Sharp fangs, stronger and faster than any mortal man and possessing one desire; to drink the blood of their captives.

Legend tells the tale of one such vampire pirate who secretly saved souls instead of killin' them. A short lad of thirteen years, with hair as red as fire. This lad could even change shape were it necessary. Legends say it was he who brought an end to those monsters.

At any rate, me lads and lasses, here be a map of where the Bloody-Buccaneer's home island, the dreaded

Isla De Los Vampiros.


It be marked with the red lines to show ye where it be. It may appear small, on the far left of Barbadoes, but those who live there were deadly.



Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Spoke to High School AP English class today!

It went great!

I spoke to my daughter's Advance Placement English class at the High School. I talked about writing and my books.

At first I was nervous and I suspect it showed. I stuttered and droned on, but as I continued and the love of writing and creating came out of me, I relaxed and could be myself. I need to feel that way all the way through it and not fifteen minutes into it. I must capture the excitement and joy and spill it out to the kids. I do that after a bit but I need to do that from the beginning. I guess it's a lesson learned for next time, which in this case is the 28th of September.

Janeen (my long suffering wife) and Katelyn (my long suffering daughter) came up with the idea of raffle tickets as a way to give away a copy of Dark Threats. It worked really well. I also threw candy at them.

The kids enjoyed it. There were a few who were really interested. I found myself talking about Myths and got a few really excited. Hmm. Maybe I should epublish that as well? I suppose I could always put it up and then shop it around agents while it's on Amazon, etc.

So the 1st speaking engagement is done. On to the next!

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Guarin


No picture at this time. Hopefully that will change someday.

Name Origin

French form of Germanic Warin, meaning "cover, shelter."

Physical characteristics:Guarin appears young, in his twenties, and in good shape. Always seen garbed in a dark green hood and cloak with a green and blue robe. While he looks young, he is actually over seventy-five years old when Annabelle first met him in 1692. He took the Right of Ascendance some time prior which if successfully completed, grants a warlock or witch immortality.

A good, strong leader. Always willing to do what's right. He is determined to stand in the way of Lord Domi and his evil. Like his mentor, Dagda, his desire to stand up for what is right, no mater the cost, is unwavering.

Guarin practiced white magic under the teachings of the immortal warlock Dagda. His skills have been seasoned from decades of battles against Lord Domi and his many monster servants. Along with Dagda and Blandia Blackburn, Guarin created the magical barrier that protected Eliza Pratchet, Annabelle and Roland Foresight, the small English colonial settlement of Jorgantown and the Mohegan Indian village.

After Dagda's assassination by Domi, Guarin became the High Mage of the ancient Order of the White Warlocks and works from the North American division. He fought in the first Battle of Jorgantown after the barrier fell.

Despite the fact that the Coven have always acted as police to the magic world, most white warlocks and witches remain in hiding. Hunted by Domi (or Dominic’s) forces for centuries, they operate in super secret covens across the globe. No more than three in each group and always on the move, Guarin accepted new responsibilities after Dagda's death. He now has to keep the entire Order of the White Warlocks organized and hidden. He marshals their forces across the globe to constantly block Domi's attempts to take over the world. They regularly work with the prophetic Falabranwyn.

Guarin helped Blandia Blackburn to take the Right of Ascendance, a task he has been quoted as saying "was in some ways harder than fighting an army of werewolves."

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Amping up to speaking at the Jr High & the book signing!

Yesterday was busy. Among other events we stopped by the Jr High. They're excited for my visit. I'll be speaking to the English classes each period. I'm scared and excited all mixed into a ball of nerves!

We then visited Starry Night Books. We're just about ready for the book signing in two weeks! They really help local authors out and I can't wait! They're setting up a display and refreshments and everything. So cool!

The 28th of September will be the most auspicious writer's event I've ever had!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bite of Story Thursday

Night Children: Dark Threats

Chapter Eight: Present Day, Hyde and Seek

Annabelle’s cold fist smashed through the zombie’s ribcage.  With her other arm she wacked off the creature’s head, sending it spiraling into a tombstone.  If she were human, these things would scare her, but she hasn’t been human for a long time.

Her brother Roland, laughed as he ripped a zombie apart and began to move at top speed around the graveyard, smacking the undead with a firmly held corpse.  His weapon of choice crumbled in his pale hands.  “Darn.  These things just don’t hold up like they used to.”

She smiled as she slashed a zombie in two with her nails.  “Whoever reanimated this horde didn’t take their time with the spell.”

Annabelle looked across the misty graveyard.  Gross bodies continued to shuffle from their graves.  Grey fingers clawed to the surface, revealing more decrepit enemies to fight.  So far none had escaped the sacred grounds of the cemetery, but with the sheer amount of undead, she knew it wouldn’t be long.

“And why zombies?” Roland asked as he unsheathed his silver cutlass.  “It’s so last week.  Why couldn’t it be living skeletons or mummies?”  He began to slash away at the horde, the moonlight reflecting off his sword.

Annabelle took to the air, hovering just out of the grasp of an undead man in a tux.  Half his rotten flesh seemed to fall off on its own.  “Could be worse.  They could be gremlins.”  She brushed off pieces of shredded corpse from her clothes.

“Ugh!  Please not those again.”  Roland flew into a mass of petrified bodies and began to slice them to shreds.  His blood-red eyes flickered and a wicked grin stole across his pale face. 

For more check out Dark Threats at your local online store. Links to Dark Threats on the web can be found on the Store Page on this blog or you could just go here, Dark Threats on Amazon.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Cletus


No picture at this time. Hopefully that will change someday.

Physical characteristics:
Cletus has dirty blond hair and dull eyes. He's large and stocky, shorter than his brother Beufus but taller than his younger brother Charlie. He had yellow teeth when he was alive and gained a set of vampire fangs after he was turned.

Wimpy, always following the lead of his brother Beufus.  They get into mischief. Scared of his older brother because of the many beatings inflicted upon him by Beufus. Dull and dim witted and very dense. Often makes mistakes or says things that annoy Beufus.

Cletus has the basic vampiric abilities; strength, speed, stamina, sharp nails that are used like claws, enhanced senses and the ability to heal from most small injuries. Like all vampires, he can't handle sunlight, wooden stakes to the heart or beheading. Each of these turn him to ash. Like all evil vampires, religious artifacts harm him as well. He has not learned how to transform or fly. While Cletus is extra strong, he can't maneuver very well. This means smaller vampires with more developed speed could easily avoid his massive hands.

Known History:
Cletus and his brothers lived in Jorgantown all their lives. They were satisfied with scratching out a small living doing dock work and hiring themselves out for farm work or cabin building. Their evenings were spent drinking at the pub and occasionally causing a ruckus in the town.

The night they finally met Eliza Pratchet, the supposed town witch, was their last night alive. They teased her, only to have the recently arrived Foresight family try to defend her. Something in Eliza's eyes made the brothers forget what they were doing and instead they found a quiet spot to sleep off their drink.

The vampire Fenroth happened across them and seeing the stocky built of both Beufus and Cletus, turned the two of them. Once a human has been bitten three times he or she begins to change. The transformation to vampirizim isn't always over night. The older the human, the longer it can take.

After the white warlock Dagda warded off the vampire lord Dominic Pratchet from his property and began to set up a magical barrier to prevent any dark creatures from entering it, Dominic knew he would need inside agents to enact his revenge on his estranged wife, Eliza Pratchet, and the two children Eliza betrayed Dominic for. Realizing Fenroth's newest subjects were still in the incubation stage and therefore not dark creatures yet, Dominic commanded Fenroth to leave almost vampires Beufus and Cletus and their non-vampire brother Charlie where he found them, within the town. The barrier passed them by and once the full transformation was in effect, Dominic had three agents, (two vampire and one human) to use.

At first the men thought it was Dominic who turned them, since he was the vampire who summoned them once they woke up in their new lives. He sent them to retrieve Annabelle and Roland (the children Eliza rescued). They were to kill Eliza on sight. They failed and Cletus was killed by Eliza.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Bite of Story Thursday

And we're back to preview day on Bite of Story Thursday! I'm working on Myths with quite a bit of the rough draft still waiting to be written. I'm just over half a book on the page so there is lots to go. Remember, this is from the rough draft so it does not reflect the final product. Anyway, sit back and enjoy...


“Time to roast a few creeps,” Lyndi said as she attempted to move forward. 

Celeste held her arm, “Wait.  Look what they’re doing,” she pointed at one goblin that wore what looked like a crown made from bone.  It climbed upon the table and rose up at tall as it could, waving its scrawny arms to get the crowd’s attention.  They were chanting something in a foreign tongue but once the single goblin raised his arms they became instantly silent.

The single goblin said something with determination.  Eli shared a look with his companions when the name ‘Brimstone’ was mentioned. 

“It’s hard to imagine they still worship him after what he did,” Frunz whispered.  “Good thing the creep is still locked up on Prison Island.”

The lead goblin began to chant the word ‘crum’ over and over.  The others echoed it until the entire meeting hall hummed with the word. 

Flitty stopped screaming and had the peace of mind to respond, “Look guys, as I said before, you don’t really want to do this.  I’m just a small fairy.  Not really worth all this fuss.  How about instead you just untie me and we can all sit around and sing songs by a camp fire?  Wait.  What you got there?”  Her bright yellow aura caused several goblins to shield their eyes.

The lead goblin raised a silver dagger with a wooden hilt.  It seemed to be the only weapon among them and it was pretty clear what he intended to do with it.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Dagda


No picture at this time. Hopefully that will change someday.

Name Origin

Irish Gaelic name meaning "the good god." In Celtic mythology, this is the name of a god of knowledge and magic, and a leader of the Tuatha DĂ© Danann, supernatural beings who inhabited Ireland prior to the coming of the Celts.

Physical characteristics:
Dagda appears as an old Irishman, bald with a thick white beard with black streaks on both sides. He's a bit winded from centuries of battle but otherwise in good shape. Always seen garbed in a dark green hood and cloak.

Very kind and willing to help others if needed. He is determined to stand in the way of Lord Domi and his evil. Passionate about standing up for what is right, no mater the cost.

Dagda is a High Mage of the ancient Order of the White Warlocks.  He has practiced white magic for centuries and has a number of powerful spells at his fingertips.

Known History:
Dagda was an apprentice to the great warlocks during the Exodus War. He was there during the Farnalla Exodus and elected to stay behind to protect the in-between years. 

He’s the High Mage of the North American Coven. He migrated to North America to watch for the "prophesied younglings". While most forgot the prophesy, he still believed it.
Despite the fact that the Coven have always acted as police to the magic world, most white warlocks and witches remain in hiding. Hunted by Dominic’s forces for centuries, they operate in super secret covens across the globe. No more than three in each group and always on the move, Dagda keeps them organized and hidden. He marshals their forces across the globe to constantly block Domi's attempts to take over the world. They regularly work with the prophetic Falabranwyn.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Yesterday I spoke with several teachers. I caught up with Mrs. Crookston at the Tooele Junior High. I'm set up to speak to all the English classes on the 28th of September! I can't wait!

As I was plotting out Myths it occurred to me what some of the new experiences and challenges would be for Eli and his companions in the latter half of the story. I want them to each get involved in school life at the Junior High. Since Eli and company are around 14 and midway through the book they are stranded on Earth, these kids are picked up by B.I.G. (Bureau of Interdimensional Gathering)and placed into false lives in my home town. They disguise their fantasy features, attend Junior High and try to accustom themselves to human life.

With this in mind I thought I'd do something a little different with my Jr. High appearances. I decided to pose the question to the classes. I'd do a breakdown of the characters and ask the kids where they think these fantasy creatures would fit most at home at the Junior High and have them give reasons. The ideas that work best for the overall story will be used in the book!

On top of that I'll do my introduction, including telling them about the Annabelle series and offer up questions. If I have enough copies, I'll give away Dark Threats.

Other speaking engagements will be Mrs. Kramer's High School English class on the 18th of September and Mr. Palfreyman's English classes (full day) on October 26th.

More to follow!