Friday, June 29, 2012

Farewell to a friend

I attended a friend’s viewing just now. He was a special man. I should say “is” and not “was”. I haven’t really visited him in years so I felt it best to slip in, pay my respects and slip out. His family had wonderful mementos of his life, pictures of him smiling (not hard since that’s all I ever remember him doing) , scenes of him at the Junior High as the principle and various activities he has taken part in in his life.

After looking at these captured memories, my mind flooding with so much more, I approached the front of the room.  Someone who must’ve known this great man handed me a lolly pop sucker.  I’d forgotten that he loved those. A small group was standing in front of his coffin. I assume they were discussing his life and the many that he touched. I stepped closer to the feet end of the casket to take a peek.

It wasn’t him. No, I do not mean that in the literal sense. Yes it was the right funeral and yes it was the right man, but all I saw was a shell. It felt wrong to look at the body. Sure he looked peaceful, but something was missing.

Where was the jolly giant of a man who hugged me every time he saw me? Where was the spiritual giant who taught me so much, first as a fresh faced teenaged investigator who knew nothing of the gospel, then as a hopeful young missionary-to-be who chose him as a mentor who could escort me to the temple for the first time? Where was the man of God who knew by inspiration that miles away I was experiencing deep hurt and painful self doubts on my mission, and that it must be him who should write a powerful letter of encouragement, lifting my spirits and renewing my vigor?

Where was he? Well that’s an easy answer. Anyone who knew him, truly listened to him, observed him in life, knew that answer. He was elsewhere, with passed loved ones and with the Lord and God whom he dedicated his life to.

Good by President Killpack. May we forge ahead, living our lives as you have.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bite of Story Thursday


Chapter Seventeen : The Offer

Dagda deflected another hex bolt. “I’ve lasted for hundreds of years.”  He sent streamers of fire at a sasquatch, pushing it back.  “What makes you think I can’t handle you lot?”  Dagda’s magic tendrils grabbed a nameless vampire and flung him at the charging Beufus.

“You can’t keep this up forever.  Some of us never tire.”  Gertrude shot out glowing red energy spikes but they deflected off Dagda’s shield.  Annabelle noticed a small crack in it, however, and she lurched forward. 

Despite the sweat on his brow, the warlock laughed. “You’d be surprised what I can handle.  Where’s your friend, Penelope?  Did she get tired of wasting her time following Dominic around like a love struck puppy?”

“The Master felt her special talents were of better use in a quiet little village just south from here.” Gertrude grinned as her red lightning chipped his green shield.

“Salem?  No.  Even he wouldn’t--”

“Why do you think the paranoia has gotten out of control?  The Master knows when to take advantage of foolish people.”


For more check out Dark Birth at your local online store. Links to Dark Birth on the web can be found on the Store Page on this blog or you could just go here, Dark Birth on Amazon.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Polly Dunston


No picture at this time. Hopefully that will change someday.

Physical characteristics:
Polly has blond hair, usually in a ponytail. She wears simple dresses, usually plain. Most days she goes barefoot.
As an adult she owns a few nice dresses and one pair of shoes.

Sweet, kind but shy. Readily able to accept anyone, no matter their faults. Easily scared but has learned bravery thanks to the example of her best friend, Annabelle Foresight.

Polly has the normal abilities of a child and later, a full grown woman.

Known History:
Polly grew up in Jorgantown, Massachusetts. She has two older brothers, Thomas and Henry. As a child, she spent most her time with her chores. In her era (the late 1600's to early 1700's) children did not attend school. Instead they were apprentices to their parents. For Polly that meant learning how to make candles, washing clothes and other activities to keep the Dunston household running.

In 1692 she met two friends, Annabelle and Roland Foresight. Shortly after she met them, they were reported missing in the woods. Polly was broken hearted until Annabelle knocked on her two story window. Once Polly invited her friends inside, Annabelle and Roland explained that they were now vampires. At first Polly was scared but after talking to Annabelle she realized they were still her friends and would never hurt her.

This began a lifetime of friendship. Polly got married at age 17. She and her new husband Patrick began their own farm on the outskirts of Jorgantown. She kept her last name so Annabelle and Roland could always find her. Polly told her children about Annabelle, Roland and Polly's vampire brother Thomas. She swore them to secrecy. Sometime after Annabelle, Thomas and Roland left the New World, Patrick got a better opportunity for their family in Albany New York.
Generations have passed by and it hasn't always been easy, but most of Polly's descendants have always provided help and encouragement to Annabelle's family throughout the last three hundred years. 

Age Line:

Born 1683

Age 9 in 1692 (Book 1 Darth Birth)

Age 17 in 1700 Got married to Patrick.

Age 18 in 1701 when she has her first child Annabelle

Age 20 in 1703 when she has her next child Thomas

Age 22 in 1705 (In-betweens Book 2 Dark Loss)

Age 35 in 1718 (Book 2 Dark Changes)

Age 69 in 1752 (Book 3, Dark Quest) Dies of old age

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe REPOST. Annabelle Foresight


By Adam Diller

Other names: Ann, Night Child, bossy sister

Name Origin:
ANNABEL: "Beautiful grace." A compound name consisting of English Ann, "grace," and French Belle, "beautiful." Variants include Anabel, Anabella, Anabelle, Annabal, Annabelinda, Annabell, Annabella and Annabelle.

Physical characteristics:
Short. Red bushy hair. Red eyes. Small white fangs. Wears a variety of clothing but likes to wear combinations of red and black.

Age Chart:
She was turned at age 11. Every hundred years she ages one year. She actually experiences her years longer than normal humans. Vampire children remain that age emotionally and mentally, perhaps for self preservation so they do not go insane living as an adult trapped in a child body.
Annabelle, however, is more mature for her age. How she handles immortality remains to be seen.

Advancement Chart:

b. October 13th 1681 d. 1692

born a vampire 1692-
Age 11 1692-1792
Age 12 = 1792-1892
Age 13 = 1892-1992
Age 14 = 1992-Present Day

No other ages available at the moment.

She gets dreams that show the near future (but is presently in the books is unaware. When she became aware of this has yet to be shown). She has the standard vampire abilities. This means she’s faster and stronger than humans, her senses are extremely acute as are her reflexes. She can fly and turn into a bat. In later years she has shown the ability to transform into a wolf, rat and mist but how she learn these things has yet to be told. She can control humans through mesmerization and communicate with lesser beasts.

Known History:

In 1692 Annabelle Foresight moved with her family to the wilds of Massachusetts. The Vampire Lord Dominic Pratchet killed her parents and left her and her brother Roland for dead. Dominic's wife Eliza turned them into vampires, taught them the things they needed to know and became a surrogate mother to them.

As the centuries have passed, Annabelle has become a hero to many, constantly fighting Dominic's forces as a member of the Order of Righteous Vampires. She prefers to drink the blood of animals instead of humans. Annabelle is deeply concerned about the safety of mortal children.

She is determined, loyal to family, feels love for others and angry if someone hurts her family. Annabelle is outward friendly,book smart, a quick learner and sometimes acts too serious to make up for her reckless older brother. She tends to pretend to be brave and mock the bad guys.

She takes life too seriously and can be bossy. She tends to take over when she should sit back. She can often make decisions before consulting others. She's afraid deep inside if she doesn’t just take over and make it happen it will fall apart right away.

Before vampirism she loved animals and winced when they got hurt. After becoming a vampire she now sees them as something to eat. Lost touch with who she was. She has a deep fear of two men, Hawke the vampire hunter and Dominic, the vampire who killed her parents.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bite of Story Thursday


Chapter Six: 1941

Skilled from many battles, Thomas used his talent for shape-shifting to morph into a black snake.  He slithered around an attacking werewolf’s legs.  The beast’s claws barely missed him.  Tom said, “I never planned to fight werewolves tonight.  This isn’t my idea for a night on the town.”

Annabelle sped around another werewolf, scratching at its side.  “We fight monsters every week.  Why should this week be any different?”

Tom bit at a werewolf’s ankle, and then moved away before the savage beast could connect with its claws.  “I’d rather fight a few dumb mutts anyway.  It could be worse.  At least Dominic’s chief enforcer, Hyde, didn’t try and kill us.”

Grace, in full werewolf form, leapt over another wolf and slashed his back with her inch long red claws.  “Or that monster created by Frankenstein.  He still gives me the creeps.”

Annabelle never could match Tom’s speed at transforming, but she did manage to morph into a bat before a werewolf could connect his claws with her chest.  She fluttered out of his long reach.  “Count your blessings after we beat these dogs, no offence, Grace.”

The only female werewolf present somehow smiled just before trading slashes with her opponent.  “None taken.  They are dogs.”

“Guys!” Roland shouted to his friends while avoiding Blood Reaper’s silver claws.  “Focus!  They’re trying to kill us!”


For more check out Dark Threats at your local online store. Links to Dark Threats on the web can be found on the Store Page.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How I feel about writing...

2 AM and I'm still awake, writing a song
If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me,
Threatening the life it belongs to
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud
And I know that you'll use them, however you want to

Anna Nalick – Breathe (2AM)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Night Children: Dark Trials On Hold

I thought I'd give a quick post to let everyone know that the second book in the Night Children series, DARK TRIALS, is on hold for roughly a year.

I'm truly sorry about this. I realise some of you have enjoyed Annabelle and Roland's adventures and I promise there will be more. But life being what it is, I was thrown a large curve ball back in February.

Not only had I thought it was time to move my family to another state, (which I found out it wasn't the right time for the move), but I got the reviews for Dark Trials at that point as well.

When we write books, we're so ingrained in our little worlds we have no clue the large problems that sit in plain sight. I have characters and situations that never had any resolutions, logic problems in certain situations, and other things like that in need of repair. I need to re-read it, go through the story, reshape it to flow better and make more sense. I'll cut entire scenes and change some character directions. Some problems will need deeper thoughts.

One review hurt really bad. I guess I got what I deserved. Not too long ago I reviewed another critique group member's manuscript. I was honest. Brutally honest. I hurt her and she was greatly offended. I suspect she still is raw about the event. I never wanted to hurt her, just be honest about my thoughts on the book. I see now I should have had more tact.

I've had raw reviews before. Ones that hurt really bad. Time does heal all wounds and in time I saw much of what they said. That doesn't mean I turned my manuscript to their vision, but thanks to a professional editor, I discovered the problems those toxic reviews were trying to show me. Doesn't mean Dark Birth is perfect but I still stand by my decision that it's ready.

Well, a different member of our critique group gave me a toxic review. I guess I had it coming, after how I treated the other critique member. I mean it really hit me hard. I still believe in my heart some of her stronger points are just her opinions. I believe that she is not the right audience and may not understand the audience as much as she thinks.

But what of I'm wrong? What if I have something that needs certain changes or it will be unfit for my audience?  As the author, I'm forever too close to tell, I think.

See? I still feel uncertain about the whole thing. That's why my preview posts stopped. I no longer posted bits from Dark Birth or Dark Threats. I no longer posted character biographies from the Night Children universe. I didn't actively search out speaking engagements, I stopped promoting my books on Amazon. I stopped everything.

If I could not trust whether my second book was appropriate for Middle Grade readers, than maybe everything I've written wasn't appropriate either. She'd read Dark Threats but she never read Dark Birth and there were things in that book just as questionable.

I guess I should name the elephant in the room. I was told that Dark Trials was too dark for Middle Grade (11-14) readers. That is was horrific. I still do not know if that's true.

Here we are, months later, and I tried to read her review but all I can feel as I read it is that I'm a terrible author and shouldn't even try anymore. Does she say that? Heavens no! She is a friend and was only trying to help. She never brings down my writing. But how she responds to my supposed horrific scenes makes me question myself. That's my personal garbage to work through, not her.

So you can see why I've had such a pause.

Becoming an author is a tender tight rope of almost falls and positive balances. As I've stated before, I found my mojo again in the form of Multi-Mart. A new story and fresh start. But this story is a trick, because it involved other stories, including the Night Children series. So now I'm on the chapter that ties Dark Threats to the Multi-Mart continuity. This means I've had to reread parts of Dark Threats and feel what those stories make me feel. It also reminds me of those few who have read Dark Birth and Dark Threats, and how that like Annabelle and Roland and want more. Heck, I still want more.

So carefully, timidly, I am starting to climb back. I will continue to work on Multi-Mart and Myths, but I'm starting to think about Dark Trials and what I need to do. Will I remove the dark stuff inside? Not completely, but I will look at it and see what would be best.

I guess I need someone who is 11-14 years old and likes Middle Grade books (Early Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles, Vampire Assistant) to read it. Or at least someone who reads a lot of those types of books.

I'm not trying to put the Night Children though Deseret Book or Shadow Mountain. It doesn't need to be read in Sacrament meeting or at church. But I don't want to do Steven King, either. I do want it to be appropriate for Junior High School readers. Heck, I know it's not as dark as the Hunger Games series and those Young Adult books are in the Junior High.

So Dark Trials is on hold, but I am coming back. Watch this space for more to come.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Where will Avengers go from here?

I thought I'd save this post for here. I was originally going to post this in my Avengers review but that got kinds long.

Everything we've seen in the Marvel films was only phase one. Time for phase two. Loki got his army from Thanos, the mad god of Titan! We learn this at the closing credits scene when Thanos is told to face the Earth's forces would be like courting death. Thanos simply smiles. Why? Because in the Marvel Universe, concepts like Love, Hate, Eternity, Chaos, Order and Death all exist as cosmic beings. Thanos is in love, nay, obsessed with Death. He wants to court her.

I figured we might see Ultron or Grim Reaper or the Masters of Evil or something more home grown (i.e. Avengers threat that comes from the Avengers themselves) in the sequel. But Thanos? As in Marvel's version of Darkseid? As in the user of the Infinity Gems who, in his obsessed desire to court Death, once destroyed half the universe? That Thanos? Jeeeeze.

We need more heroes! Back up that sequel and introduce new heroes in every movie. Ironman 3, Thor 2, Cap 2, the mystery Marvel movie, all of them. You don't have enough time and to show this big bad's power correctly, you'll need plenty of heroes!

My thoughts on cameos:
Ironman 3: Sure, give us those plans already leaked online, a variation of the Extremis story with Ben Kingsley's Mandarin lurking in the background and Black Widow cameoing.  Maybe set up Ms. Marvel as Carol Danvers. Also make reference to Hank Pym (Antman, etc) and Janet Van Dyne (the Wasp). Reference Wakanda and their mysterious king, the Black Panther. Show the old Stark mansion and we meet the man Tony's computer voice is named for, his family British btler, Jarvis!

Thor 2,: show Loki trying to get into the Hall of Artifacts because his hidden benefactor wants something there. But Loki fails, this time. Make mention through Thanos' off screen voice of the Guardians of the Galaxy and what pests they are. While Thor visits the 9 realms with Jane Foster, maybe have a cameo of Hercules. Sure, he has no reason to be visiting the wrong set of gods, but there is no reason he cant, either. Maybe drop a clue about Earth's magic and show hints to Doctor Strange and the Scarlet Witch.

Captain America 2: While dealing with AIM and MODOK set up in Ironman 2, introduce Falcon, drop another clue about the Pyms, and guest star Hawkeye. Maybe hint at Winter Soldier. Bucky is alive?

Mystery Marvel Movie:
1st choice Antman (showing us Hank and Jan with some foreshadowing of Ultron, following on the prior hints.
2nd choice, Black Panther, following on the hints.
3rd choice Doctor Strange (gust staring Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. She could be his apprentice) following up on hints.

Avengers 2: Do a more character piece like Marvel has said they want to. Stark sets them up with a mansion and his old family butler, Jarvis. Bring in the heroes from before but have Antman, Wasp, Scarlet Witch all join. Maybe others. Have Ultron rise up.Fun robot invasion big time smash up. Vision is unleashed on Avengers and switches sides. More hints to future. Carol Danvers shows up at end of film, been abducted by aliens (the Kree) and now has powers. If Antman isn't the Marvel Mystery Movie, then do something that brings in Doc Strange or the Panther. Maybe a Masters of Evil story that brings in Panther or a magic story that brings in Strange and the Witch?

New Marvel movie 2: One of the other options that didn't get done before complete with above notes.

New Marvel movie 3: One of the other options that didn't get done before complete with above notes.

2016 and 2017 would continue the trend with the next set of sequels, with the purposed Guardians of the Galaxy movie leading into Avengers 3 where everyone has a smack down with Thanos.

Whew! Yeah, cameo heavy. Still, we'd have tons of things ready for Thanos. Those are my 2 cents. What's yours?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Movie Review: Avengers No Spoliers

The following contains no real spoilers. Some bits are mentioned but actual plot points are not. If you're afraid of the bits, don't read.

What did I think of Avengers? Oooooh wow! Yes I saw it opening night a month ago. I would've posted sooner but life is life. Regardless I was out-of-my-seat excited, belly acheing laughter and loudly cherring at all the moments. Yes, like everyone else, I loved it.

There are a lot of films I enjoy. Some I actually enjoy at the theatres and later on DVD I wonder why I liked them. Some I love and can't wait till DVD. But never do I want to have a return visit to the theatre. Budget constraints being what they are, I'm content to wait till DVD to see them again.  Not this one. This one I yearned to go back in and watch it all over again. I'm even willing to watch it over and over when I do get the DVD so I can see the commentary, and I never watch those.

It's good to see Marvel's hard work pay off.  The second Hulk film was OK. So was the second Iron Man. The first Ironman was great. Thor and Captain America both had amazing films. But this one was off the charts. So they're building in enjoyment.

They also build in story. It's nice that all the set up moments are in those other films. No time was wasted in Avengers. Instead of telling us who the big four (Cap, Tony, Hulk and Thor) were, they just continued from their movies, all threading into this one, meeting and crossing over seamlessly until the story is over and they unthread back to their films.

And my hopes for Black Widow were confirmed. She IS a former Russian spy turned agent of SHIELD. Excellent. My favorite Avenger, Hawkeye, could've had more time but where would you put it? Yeah, what happened to him at the beginning could've gone differently but I'm good with it. Especially after the archery skills shown. Said skills put Smallville version of Green Arrow to shame. Plus the tech-bow was a nice touch. Quick note: Ollie on Smallville, then we have Katness on Hunger Games and now Hawkeye on Avengers, with Arrow returning for a new series that looks closer to his comic roots. It's an amazing time to be a fan of archer characters!

Stan Lee and Jack Kirby showed us back in the beginning of Marvel Comics, in the early 60's, that heroes didn't have to be perfect. They showed us flaws. We see that in the separate Marvel films. Heck, we even see that in the films made by studios who are leasing Marvel characters, like Sony's Spider-man and Ghost Rider films or Fox's X-Men and Fantastic Four films. This shows heavily in Avengers, too.

Part of the imperfect hero image Stan and Jack gave us what the "heroes don't always get along" concept. Marvel stars have been beating on each other since the 60's.  I think it's wired in us to want to see which of our fan concepts could beat the other. One of those great Marvel rivalries is Hulk vs Thor and man did they deliver! We also got several other match ups including Cap's shield vs Thor's hammer. It was wonderful. Makes you with Sony and FOX would give up the cash cows and failed ghosts and give all the properties back. Imagine Thing vs Hulk?

I like to watch several shows like Eureka, Doctor Who and Warehouse 13 very closely. I do this to see if I can catch all the wonderful foreshadowing. I do the same for multi-movie serials. So I caught most the clues laid out in the earlier Marvel films. It was a nice touch to see those bits followed up on. Steve learning about the Abomination/failed Super Soldier formula events in Hulk. Coulsen's fan boy crush on Cap touched for two seconds in Ironman 2. That sort of thing.

I could go on to explain how I've always loved the comic, how I learned to read by combing the pages of Avengers and Justice League, how at age seven I mailed away for an Avengers patch and have longed for this film for a very long time. I could say how this film was worth the considerable high hopes I've built up for long decades.

Actually I think I just did say those things. I give it a 20 out of 10. Go see it. It's not just for fan boys, despite my mindless ravings. It's for the average Joe out there who has never watched any Marvel or hero films.

Friday, June 08, 2012

Multi-Mart is coming along

"Wait," you say. "I thought he was working on Myths?"

Well true, I was. And I will be again. But for a while I'd have a lot of false starts on the project. Sure, I feel the tale and want to tell it, but something was blocking me from getting fully motivated.

So last week I decided to reread the beginning work I had on Multi-Mart. I found myself editing what I had done and then plowing through with more stuff. I'm on a Multi-Mart high. I've flushed out more of the outline, created most of the cast and finished more chapters.

Blame it on the fact that I'm watching Sliders on Netflicks. Blame it on the huge desire to write this book that I've kept in check for a long time. Whatever it is, I'm back on the saddle again and it feels wonderful!

Multi-Mart is the story of Kyle Jordan, a kid who winds up at a store that sits in between all alternate universes.  The store caters to a wide variety of customers from many alternate Earths. When it gets taken over thanks to a greedy assistant manager, it's up to Kyle to find help among the many worlds.

It stars Kelli, the kid vampire from NIGHT CHILDREN: DARK THREATS, and Bril, Eli's younger brother from MYTHS. It also stars James from Tyme Travels. Together, these unlikely heroes must use their separate strengths to help liberate the Multi-Mart from the clutches of the Warlord Oskar and his chief assassin, Gerwulf.

It's a middle grade novel and fun to write. I hope it'll be just as fun to read.

I will return to Myths as well as editing Book Two of Night Children. Watch this space for further developments.