Thursday, September 30, 2021



ANNABEL:  "Beautiful grace." A compound name consisting of English Ann, "grace," and French Belle, "beautiful."  Variants include Anabel, Anabella, Anabelle, Annabal, Annabelinda, Annabell, Annabella and Annabelle.

EVANGELINE: English literary name composed of the Greek elements eu "good, well" and angeles "angel, messenger," and the French diminutive suffix -ine, hence "good little angel." It is a feminine form of Latin Evangelus.

 b. October 13th 1681 d. 1692

born a vampire 1692-

Age 11 on outside for first 100 years due to Advancement

Advancement Chart:

Age 12 = 1792

Age 13 = 1892

Age 14 = 1992

Age 15 = 2092


Annabelle and her brother Roland were turned to vampires by Eliza Pratchett after wolves fatally hurt the children and Dracula killed their parents. Eliza took them in and trained them to use their new vampiric abilities to escape Dracula and his servants, but the children took it upon themselves to fight his evil, eventually joining the Order of the Righteous Vampyr.

 Positive Qualities:

Annabelle is determined, loyal to her family, protective, feels empathy, outwardly friendly and is a quick learner. She pretends to be brave before she actually becomes brave.

Negative Qualities:

She takes life too seriously. Sometimes acts too serious to make up for Roland’s reckless behavior. She can be bossy and takes over when she should sit back. She makes decisions before consulting others. She’s afraid deep inside if she doesn’t just take over and make it happen it will fall apart right away.

 Deep rooted fear: Isolation. She can not tolerate losing others. Leads to her over thinking, refuse to put others in danger, refuses to do what is needed.

 Abilities: She has the standard vampire abilities. This means she’s faster and stronger than humans, her senses are extremely acute as are her reflexes. She can fly and turn into a bat, rat and mist. She can control humans through mesmerization and communicate with lesser beasts. She also has limited prophetic dreams of the near future.

 Weapons: Annabelle prefers small silver daggers and a small stake made of whitethorn wood. They conceal in her clothing well and transform with her clothes.



Wednesday, September 29, 2021




Names over the centuries:

DOMINIC: "Belongs to the lord." English name derived from Latin Dominicus. This is a name traditionally given to a child born on Sunday. His mother Lilith named him this as an insult. DOMINICUS (Latin), DOMINICK (Old English), DOMINIK (Czech and Polish), DOMINIQUE (French), DOMONKOS (Hungarian),

DOMHNALL "World ruler." Gaelic name composed of the elements dubno "world" and val "rule." Also known as the legend of Abhartach - an evil tyrant who repeatedly escapes his grave to spread terror (and in some accounts to drink the blood of his subjects, to be one of the neamh-mairbh (un-dead),

KANAKA ʻINO (Hawaiian for bad guy)

HOBOMOCK: The manito (spirit) of death for the Mohegan people. A destructive, often evil being usually in opposition to Cautantowwit. After the introduction of Christianity, Narragansett people frequently identified Hobbomock with the Devil. He was also sometimes known as Chepi, Chipi or Cheepie, meaning "ghost."

Current known history:

Ancient and evil, Domi’s complex history is known to some while most only know it as multiple legends across all the continents. The youngest son of the first vampire, Lilith, Domi has two nefarious goals. The first one is to free his monster army who are trapped in Croatoan and can only be accessed when a portal is opened three times over three centuries. The second goal is to become the world ruler his mother always said he could never be. He wants to turn half the world to vampires and rule a world populated by them. Humans would be like cattle. He sees people, vampires and other beings as steppingstones to his two goals. He feels time is on his side. He gains information about the future from his “prophet Wilson”.

 He has amassed quite a number of followers. He uses Three Queens (Brides of Dracula) who are lured by his power to rule by his side. They are to keep watch over the Second Tyrant Lords of the Seven Houses, his generals who will command his armies. As of this writing, he has yet to assign the official positions of the Queens and Tyrant Lords.

 He tried unsuccessfully to conquer the world during the Dark Ages when he made a pact with the demon Brimstone. They almost succeeded but the pact fell apart due to lack of trust. The combined mystical creatures and heroes won the war at great cost and Domi was exiled to Croatoan with his army. He later escaped on his own and has been amassing a new army, deadlier than before. He has always tried to be the power behind many rulers over the centuries. He took the name Dracula when he took over Vlad Dracu’s life after betraying and killing him. Most call him Dracula.

 Abilities: Domi/Dracula has the standard vampire abilities. This means he’s faster and stronger than humans, his senses are extremely acute as are his reflexes. He can fly and turn into a bat, rat, wolf and mist. Not only can he control any beings through mesmerization, but he does it in such a way that they truly believe his desires are theirs. He can communicate with lesser beasts.


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Tuesday, September 28, 2021




ROLAND:  Old German name meaning "renowned land."  Variant, Rowland, exists.

b. October 31st 1675 d. 1692

born a vampire 1692

Age 13 at first

Advancement Chart:

Age 14 = 1792

Age 15 = 1892

Age 16 = 1992

Age 22 = 2092


Roland and his sister Annabelle were turned to vampires by Eliza Pratchett after wolves fatally hurt the children and Dracula killed their parents. Eliza took them in and trained them to use their new vampiric abilities to escape Dracula and his servants, but the children took it upon themselves to fight his evil, eventually joining the Order of the Righteous Vampyr.


Positive Qualities:

Roland is brave, thrill seeking, determined, protective, and loyal to his family. He’s a quick study when it comes to fighting.

Negative Qualities:

He’s rebellious, hot tempered and acts before thinking. He’s very slow at learning stealth, and other things that don’t interest him. He often doesn’t think about the consequences of his actions.

Abilities: He has the standard vampire abilities. This means he’s faster and stronger than humans, his senses are extremely acute as are his reflexes. He can fly and turn into a bat, rat, wolf and mist. He can control humans through mesmerization. He also has limited prophetic dreams of the far future.

Weapons: He has a cutlass from his days as a Bloody Buccaneer.


Thursday, September 23, 2021




b.1677 d. 1692

born a vampire 1692-

 Age 11

English form of Greek Thōmas, meaning "twin."

Curly blonde hair. Red eyes. Small white fangs.

Tom is fun loving. He likes to joke around and always tries to bring some humor to an otherwise stressful situation. When things are really tough, he'll be serious as well. He's fiercely loyal to Annabelle and Roland. Likes to laugh about every thing. Lets others lead unless he thinks it’s wrong, then steps in to voice his opinion. Likes animals and cares for the underdog.

 He has the standard vampire abilities. This means he’s faster and stronger than humans, his senses are extremely acute as are his reflexes. He can fly and turn into a bat. He can control humans through mesmerization and communicate with lesser beasts.

In later years he has shown the ability to transform into any kind of animal but how he learned this has yet to be told. Most vampires that have mastered transformation abilities can only become nocturnal creatures like bats and wolves. Thomas mastered the ability to transform into any animal. While in these forms he is still subject to all vampire weaknesses such as wooden stakes and sunlight.


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Wednesday, September 22, 2021




Usha (Hindi, name of demon princess, daughter of Heaven and sister of night, meaning dawn)

 The mysterious, horrific Usha has left scars in the minds of Dracula’s other servants.  She’s a malicious child vampire who appears eleven years old with blonde ringlets and has a carefree attitude about killing her prey. She usually plays with them first, delighting in torture. She is Dracula’s personal apprentice. She hates Annabelle and Roland Foresight and has sworn vengeance on Racheal Cole for joining Annabelle’s group in Paris. She wants to be one of Dracula’s Seven Generals.


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Tuesday, September 21, 2021




Other names: Princess, Wolf Princess, Hot-headed mutt 

Origin: English. Meaning: Jasmine. The name Gelsey means Jasmine and is of English origin. The name Gelsey is of Italian origin.

The meaning of Gelsey is "jasmine flower, a climbing plant with fragrant flowers".

 Thin, short, long red hair that flows down to her butt. For awhile she cut it to a cropped short look. Thin facial features. When she transforms, she gains a thick red coat of fur. Her bright green eyes turn yellow.

 Aggressive, strongly opinionated, strong minded, like her father. She can also love fiercely. Everything she does, she does with passion.


Gelsey has the standard werewolf abilities. She can transform into a half-wolf half-human form or all wolf form. In both forms she's stronger, faster and has better agility and enhanced senses. She can access her enhanced abilities and sharp nails and teeth even in human form. As an Alpha Wolf, she's immortal. She seems to age slowly, perhaps a year per one-hundred human years.

 Like her little brother Coinín, Gelsey was born a werewolf to two werewolf parents, Alastar and Maureen Faolchú. She is a werewolf princess and a member of royalty among the clans. She is a Alpha Wolf, like her father and brother. This means she'll live forever and has the makings of a future pack leader like her father.

 As of this writing, much of Gelsey's history has not been chronicled. She met Roland and Annabelle in the mid 1700s when the Clan Faolchú paid their yearly visit to the Mullo gypsy tribe. She has helped Roland multiple times and in 1941 was referenced as his "girlfriend" by Annabelle. It remains to be seen if Annabelle was speaking out of turn or if Gelsey and Roland ready did/do have that kind of relationship. It should be noted that it is taboo to romantically link a vampire with a werewolf.


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Friday, September 17, 2021

Dark Awakening at FanX 2021!!!!

I'm very honored to have my book, The Foresight Chronicles Dark Awakening at the FICTION MOBILE at #FanX2021, #booth943!!!!


Thursday, September 16, 2021



Jason Burke was turned into a werewolf by Isaac after so many of the pack Clancy had sired were killed by Hawke in 1692. He’s thin with a pointy nose. Jason loves to be directly under the pack leader and kisses up to Isaac every chance he can get. He did the same with Cam after Cam earned the right to be pack leader.


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Wednesday, September 15, 2021




Irish Gaelic form of Latin Alexandrus, meaning "defender of mankind."  Pack leader (king) of the Faolchú clan.

Family name meaning;

Wolf = Faolchú

Alastar changed his name after exile. He was exiled from his clan after being bitten by a werewolf in the first part of the 1600s. He roamed early Britain, found other exiled werewolves and formed his own clan. He met Maureen and had two children, Gelsey and Coinín, whom are both alpha wolves like him, which means they’re immortal. Alastar leads the Clan Faolchú with courage and compassion. His main goal is to keep the clan safe, using it as a home for any lost and exiled werewolves of the British Isles. He is determined to stop Dracula’s march towards world domination.


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Tuesday, September 14, 2021




Colten and Elsa Cartwright are a young married couple that Isaac turned into werewolves. They have brown fur. Elsa is more vicious than her husband. They are loyal to Dracula and their pack.


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Thursday, September 09, 2021


 Picture: shapeshifter chan by juliantheturtle

Bairbre:  (say it like BARE-BREE) Irish form of Greek Barbara (q.v.), meaning "stranger."

Bairbre was found by a Leprechaun scout and taken to King Grady in Ireland, where she made their kingdom her new home. She met Annabelle Foresight and joined her coven in 1753, never knowing just what she is and feeling like a part of her is missing. Her history and origin is a mystery.


Bairbre is spontaneous, silly and crazy. Think Harley Quinn with shape shifting abilities. Bairbre is silly, flighty, ADD type, can’t stay on one thing at a time. She can change shape at a whim. She can become liquid-like paste that morphs all the time.


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Wednesday, September 08, 2021



CHIMOLA, African for breaker of things.

Chimola was an African slave freed by Isaac and then turned into a werewolf. He’s angry, hungers for revenge and eager to maim and kill ruthlessly. Large and strong, Chimola was fiercely loyal to Isaac. Cam had to earn the Pack leadership through a battle and shared mission with Chimola.


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Tuesday, September 07, 2021



Kalea: Hawaiian name meaning "bright." She is a Menehune who is connected with the magic of the islands, even more than her brethren. She can harness that magic in all sorts of ways.


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Thursday, September 02, 2021




Shadya, (delight, joy, pleasure).

When the Sons of Set destroyed Shadya’s village and killed her parents, her younger, impulsive, mouthy, sarcastic sister Aree tried to fight them off. She was mortally wounded. The good wizard, Khaldun had no choice but to imbue a magic weapon with the spirit of Aree. Shadya was forever bonded with her sister, now an ancient sentient scimitar.

Aree warns Shadya of impending danger, always returns to Shadya’s side and is unbreakable. She can cut through most items.

 After Kamenwati was defeated and intombed within the Pyramid of Khufu, Khaldun warned that one day Kamenwati would be freed. Shadya wanted to remain alive, waiting for that day, preparing to end his evil. Khaldun blessed her with a healing factor, immortality and the ability to know when someone is telling truth or lies. Shadya walked the centuries with Aree by her side. She trained in many forms of combat, became a monster hunter and was named ‘Desert Rose’. She took the new name, constantly waiting and watching for Kamenwati’s return.


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Wednesday, September 01, 2021




Kamenwati (dark rebel in Egyptian)

Very powerful. Egyptian sorcerer and scientist. He is loyal to the Goddess Sekhmet (Lilith). He served her in Ancient Egypt and would often fight Pharaoh Khufu’s personal wizard, Khaldun (means immortal).

 He would use dark magic to corrupt the natural world. He created the Sons of Set. Four snake men who he uses as his personal assassins.

He created Badru. Legend written on wall of a werewolf called Badru (Means born under a full moon). Legendary werewolf who Kamenwati created then could not control. He banished Badru to Croatoan. Badru is twice the size of a normal werewolf (12 feet tall) and vicious. Will not take orders from Bloodreaper.

 The Pyramid of Khufu (The Great Pyramid of Giza or Pyramid of Cheops), like the other pyramids, is loaded with magical wards put up by members of the Agents of Sorcery Protection, of which Khaldun was a member. An interdimensional space was set within the Pyramid of Khufu for storing magical artifacts, as well as trapping the worst criminals by mummifying them, sometimes eternally.

 Kamenwati was entombed for his crimes. Because he knew this would happen, he preserved and prepared the Sons of Set near his prison in the Pyramid of Khufu so if he gets free, he’ll have them. He also set forth a spell of entrapment so that any like minded soul, a potential servant, would feel a call to come and free him. Once the potential servant entered the chamber within the Pyramid of Khufu, they would be able to understand and do what is required to set him free.

 In 1752 AD, Eric Marsters felt the spell of entrapment and freed Kamenwati who freed the Sons of Set. Once freed, he convinced the Bomani mummy warriors (Bomani, “warrior” in Egyptian) to serve him. He also brought forth an army of mummies to become his army.

 Kamenwati looks like traditional mummy, frail, bones with thin skin wrapped around him and wrappings. Eyes glow an eerie color purple. Wrapped in sacred wrappings, he performs Egyptian Sorcery. Ancient spells that light up in purple symbols. His powers include total manipulation of the sand and dirt; he can shift his consciousness, thereby becoming disembodied. He is also expert at the ancient spells of darkness. With these spells he can bring forth his servants as living mummies for him to control.


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