Wednesday, June 30, 2021





Friendly, kind and determined to help others if needed. He always encouraged his children in any endeavor and was willing to take any challenge on.

 Known History:

Anthony grew up in London, England. He was apprenticed as a bookbinder at age fourteen, became a journeyman at age nineteen, and a master at twenty-two. He met his wife Glorianna during the great London Fire of 1666. They struggled together to rebuild their lives. He built up a successful bookbinding business on Threadneedle Street. They had two children, Roland and Annabelle.

Anthony and Glorianna did something unheard of, they taught their children to read. It was his hope that Roland would one day take over the business, but Roland never could get interested in books or staying still inside. Annabelle, however, loved the business and learned a great deal, even reading all the books that came through her father's shop.

Everything changed when a strange woman dressed in black visited the Foresights, and convinced Anthony to sell his business, buy property in the American colonies and move his family to Jorgantown, Massachusetts.

Shortly after their arrival the Foresights met Eliza Pratchet. Anthony stood up for her against some rough men. For some unknown reason, Eliza fled into the woods and when Roland followed, Anthony gave chase. Soon the entire family were trapped in the dark wood, surrounded by wolves. They met Dominic Pratchet (Dracula), the rightful owner of the land Anthony was sold. Dominic killed Anthony and his wife Glorianna.

Annabelle and Roland would forever remember their parents love and devotion. They strive every night to live their undead lives in honor of their parents.


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Tuesday, June 29, 2021




JAMES: Middle English and Old French vernacular form of Late Latin Jacomus, from Greek Iakobos, meaning "supplanter."

 He used to run with the Rakes and served their mistress, Vanessa Kimball. She had a thing for him, but he fell for Abigail Black. They left London and joined up with pirates. He took over the crew, made himself captain, then created the Bloody Buccaneers. They sailed on the feared Bloodfeast, plundering ships and drinking the crew. Dracula is is master and the real power behind the Bloody Buccaneers

 James appeared as a well decorated sailor of the British fleet. He inserted himself into social circles and towns all around the coast of North America so that he’d set up victims as well as get information on ships at sea that his crew could plunder.

Created Isla De Los Vampiros, the Bloody Buccaneers island home. He created a treaty with Chief Buyei of the Kalinago tribe, using fear and manipulation to co-exist and not be overpowered by the natives.


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Monday, June 28, 2021




GLORIANA:  "glorious grace." Some variants include Glorianna and Glorianne.

Loving, caring and loyal to family and husband. Survived the Great Plague in 1665 and Great Fire of London in 1666. She and her husband told stories of their life then and the story of how the two met as they helped in the rebuilding. Their children, Annabelle and Roland, remember it well.

Died in 1692 near Jorgantown, Massachusetts. Killed by Dracula.


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Friday, June 25, 2021




Other names:

Wildes, slobber-puss, Wild Man, Blood Man, Wild Blood Man, Wild Blood Beast.
Wildes Blut Teir means "Wild Blood Beast" in German. When he met Roland Foresight for the first time, Fenroth mis-translated the name as "Wild Blood Man" due to his faulty German.
Physical characteristics:
Dressed in rags, smelly from his lack of hygiene, Wildes is unmistakable. He has a small iron cage around his head with a small trap door to allow his mouth to stick out and bite his victims. Most time the door is closed and only opened when his master allows it. There is an iron chain that drags from the back of the cage which allows Fenroth to restrain Wildes. He has crazy long hair that goes every which way.
Insane. He is absolutely crazy. This vampire has more in common with a wild animal than a human. He eats, walks and behaves in every way like a savage. While on the hunt he lets out a primal scream/laugh which strikes terror in the souls of his intended victims.
He has the standard vampire abilities. This means he’s faster and stronger than humans, his senses are extremely acute as are his reflexes. However, he cannot fly or transform. He cannot mesmerize others either. He cannot communicate with animals.
His tracking skills are stronger than most vampires and werewolves. His senses are stronger and more acute, allowing him to sense other vampires, creatures, humans and animals for miles around. He is second to his master, Fenroth. He can jump higher than most vampires and his brute savageness allows him to constantly hone his strength and agility. He is more agile than most vampires, including his master, Fenroth.

His saliva has so much bacteria that it causes severe blood poisoning, and a strange bubbling of the skin. Any lesser creature would be instantly killed. Vampires, werewolves and most other magically based creatures are incapacitated for days. While vampires normally heal their bacteria, Wildes’ vampiric nature has allowed the bacteria to evolve.
Known History:
No one knows how old Wildes is or when he was turned into a vampire. The master tracker vampire known as Fenroth heard reports of a wild man that feasted on blood in the Black Forest of Germany. The locals called him Wildes Blut Teir for wild blood beast. Fenroth successfully captured Wildes after a vicious battle. Fenroth earned Wildes' respect when he lasted through the battle. Wildes Blut Teir would follow Fenroth anywhere because he knows it means a constant hunt followed by a tasty meal.

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Thursday, June 24, 2021




Physical characteristics:

Helen has brown hair and a thin build. Her eyes used to be green before she became a vampire. After her transformation they take on the normal red color.


Helen is sweet and loving. She would give her life for her students. She's very cautious, afraid that her "orphanage" would be discovered.

Known History:

Helen moved to England from her native Ireland to find work as a governess. She fell in love with a young nobleman named Ryan. She found a great job at a boarding school and became popular among the students.

Ryan began to hang out with the wrong sort, other young noblemen who liked to stir up trouble. He always enjoyed that sort of lifestyle and Helen knew he wasn't right for her but she was too afraid to break it off. Ryan and his friends started to visit Vanessa Kimball, a member of royalty who was secretly a vampire. She turned them.

Ryan turned Helen against her will. She rejected him so he captured five of her pupils (Mary, Eric, Selina, Samuel and Charlotte) and turned them in their sleep.

Helen took in each of them and found an abandoned building in the heart of London where they could hide. She named their home the Sir Périgord Orphanage after a famous vampire hunter. It was her way of rejecting their new life. Despite her feelings, Helen continued to teach the children what little she knew.


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Wednesday, June 23, 2021


 "The Crow Girl" by eastwastwolf


Aisling is an Irish feminine given name meaning "dream" or "vision". It refers to an aisling, a poetic genre that developed in Irish poetry during the 17th and 18th centuries.

 Aisling is a young, inexperienced Falabranwyn. She is uncertain of herself and is still learning how to use her prophetic gift. She was assigned to lead Annabelle and Thomas to the Sir Périgord Orphanage.


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Tuesday, June 22, 2021




Physical characteristics:
Paul looks to be in his sixties and out of shape. He's overweight, short and stocky. He was turned into a vampire in this physical condition, so he'll remain that way as long as his immortal life continues.

Paul is friendly and eager to help others. Sometimes too eager. He's always ready with advice to cheer a friend up.
Known History:
James Worthing turned Paul on a lark. He found Paul drunk, passed out in an alley. He wanted to see what a waste of a man would become with the vampire curse. Paul gained the typical vampire abilities but remained out of shape. James allowed Paul to become a Bloody-Buccaneer, the deadliest pirates on the open sea.
Paul made an unsuccessful vampire pirate. He couldn't jump from ship to ship and attack with the other pirates. He couldn't really catch any fleeing mortals. He'd occasionally accompany the crew but became more of a mascot. After vampire child Roland Foresight joined the crew, Paul instantly took a liking to the boy. Along with Ruthless Rach, Roland was one of the only crew members who treated him fairly.
After time passed Paul became very close to Roland, offering him advice and eventually joining in Roland's rebellion. Paul's favorite haunt is the only pub on
Isla De Los Vampiros, Feeding Time.

Paul died while fighting alongside the Damerae and the Kalinago tribe when they fought to take back the island.


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Monday, June 21, 2021




Fenroth is a Northwestern tracker turned vampire by a mysterious Native American vampire in the early 1600s.  He has two werewolves that the dark witch Gertrude trapped in werewolf form. They look like big wolves on four legs. Fenroth named them Set and Hades.  Fenroth is loyal to Dracula and serves him well. Dracula put Fenroth in charge of his empire in North America. This means the trapper can create as many vampires as he wants, as long as they are loyal to Dracula first and foremost. He has two assistants, Isi the Choctaw squaw and the crazed Wildes Blut Teir.

Fenroth originally met Roland Foresight when Roland traveled through the woods of Massachusetts in order to rescue a friend. Fenroth befriended Roland in order to trap him, but Roland found out Fenroth’s plan and escaped. Fenroth captured Roland and Annabelle Foresight had to mount a rescue with their friend Thomas Dunston.

 Physical characteristics:

He stands six feet tall. Dressed in furs from head to toe with the exception of his pants and belt, which were leather. A large fur cloak covered his ensemble. He had a thick beard and mustache with heavy eyebrows. A large hat covered his forehead and cast a long shadow over his hairy face. His glowing red eyes stared through the shadowy night.


Clever, smart, gruff, silent, confident and careful.


He has the standard vampire abilities. This means he’s faster and stronger than humans, his senses are extremely acute as are his reflexes. However he cannot fly or transform. He cannot mesmerize others either. He can communicate with animals.

His tracking skills are stronger than most vampires and werewolves. His senses are stronger and more acute, allowing him to sense other vampires, creatures, humans and animals for miles around.

He is an expert tracker with a collection of kills. He uses every trap known to man or vampire as well as many he has devised himself. 


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Friday, June 18, 2021



Laila (female Danish, means “born during the night”)(lay-la)


Birth name was Agnes. She was swapped as a baby by a Roma tribe and renamed Esmeralda for the paste emerald she wore on her neck since she was a baby. In 1482, at age 16, Esmeralda was falsely sentenced to hang for witchcraft. Roxana Dawn was tasked with bringing Quasimodo, the Hunchback of Notre Dame into Dracula’s fold. She saw how he loved Esmeralda, so she swapped the girl with another who hung instead. She turned Esmeralda and while the girl transformed, Roxana convinced Quasimodo that the only way he could be with Esmeralda is if he became a vampire as well.

 Quasimodo rebelled, fought off Roxana and escaped with Esmeralda. She changed her name once more to Laila because she was ‘born during the night’. Laila made it her life’s mission to help the lost and downtrodden. She helped many of her fellow Roma people, as well as many lost vampires who didn’t want to be vampires are didn’t know what to do with their new life. She formed the Mullo tribe which is a mix of mortals and vampires. Eliza’s parents were members of the tribe and after Dracula killed them, Laila raised her. She is considered Eliza’s 4th great grandmother. Laila went on to be a guide and mentor to Annabelle and Roland Foresight and Thomas Dunston. By the time Annabelle, Roland and Thomas met her in 1720 she looked 18 because she advanced one every one hundred years.

Seen in FORESIGHT CHRONICLES BOOKS 2-4, 6,7, 10,12

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Thursday, June 17, 2021




Abigail was James’s new girl. He cheated on Vanessa with her. She was a lady of ill repute who Christopher accidently turned. She did the same to many street people of London, creating the Destitute. She then leaves with James to become a Bloody Buccaneer, leaving Christopher to take the fall.

Is friendly with Roland and gives him advice, but when the Bloody Buccaneers are destroyed she flees to America and after a few decades, realizes she can’t resist her evil nature and serves Dracula during the American Revolution.


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Wednesday, June 16, 2021





He has a large misshapen head, heavy shoulders, his upper back stood up impossibly above his head. The left side of his face was swollen. His puffy lips turned downward, as did his left eye. It remained closed. His right eye, almost twice the size of the left, had a dull, yellow pupil at its center with a slight trace of crimson. Only a small lump of flesh protruded where his left ear should’ve been. An incredible hunch rose, and his massive shoulders seemed to be extensions of the large mound. By contrast to his upper body, his lower half—including his legs—seemed almost normal, although a bit on the thin side. Has massive arms that extended from his oversized upper torso. Thick as logs, the arms resembled a gorilla’s. He shifted his massive weight on his arms, also like a gorilla would.


Vampirism has advanced Quasimodo’s mind, making him incredibly intelligent. He is well read, brilliant and has a huge heart. Loyal to the Order, the Mullo tribe, his friends, and expressly his love, Laila.



The events of the Hunchback of Notre Dame happened just like in the original novel by Victor Hugo except the ending. Roxanna watched Quasimodo during the events of his book. Thought him a strong stupid dupe for Dom. Saw that Quasimodo loved Esmeralda so Roxie made her into a vampire. Quasimodo agreed to be turned but rebelled, fought off Roxie and escaped with Laila (formally Esmeralda).

Desperately fleeing from Roxanna and Dracula’s other servants, Laila and Quasimodo wandered Europe, finding lost people and helping them run away from persecution. Helped Laila form her own tribe called the Mullo tribe.

Assisted Annabelle, Thomas, Yoska and the orphans hide in the Paris catacombs until Racheal arrived. Then guided the orphans to the Mullo tribe.

Worked for the Order of the Righteous Vampyr during many assignments over the years including the Peyupei Quest, the American Revolution and the rescue of Frankenstein’s monster.


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Tuesday, June 15, 2021




Physical characteristics:

Charlie has sandy blond hair which is always a mess. He's scrawny and always has a wicked grin unless he's in trouble by his brothers or caught by members of the Order of the Righteous Vampyr.


He followed the lead of his brothers Beufus and Cletus while they were alive or undead. Scared of his older brother because of the many beatings inflicted upon him by Beufus. Often makes mistakes or says things that annoy Beufus. Always tries to be his brother Beufus' favorite when the brothers were alive or undead. After their deaths, Charlie would do the same for Dracula. He spies on others and tattles as a way of earning favoritism. He has an awkward laugh and always gives off a creepy vibe. He is stuck as a teenager for a few hundred years. If he can survive vampire hunters and pissed off vampires, he could advance to adulthood eventually. Knowing Charlie's tendency to annoy others, that would be an incredible feat.


Charlie has the basic vampiric abilities; strength, speed, stamina, sharp nails that are used like claws, enhanced senses and the ability to heal from most small injuries. Like all vampires, he can't handle sunlight, wooden stakes to the heart or beheading. Each of these turn him to ash. Like all evil vampires, religious artifacts harm him as well. He has not learned how to transform or fly. He can maneuver perfectly. He has learned to dodge and escape others clutches, missing danger by inches. He can hide extremely well and perfected his spying technique.

 Known History:

Charlie and his brothers lived in Jorgantown all their lives. They were satisfied with scratching out a small living doing dock work and hiring themselves out for farm work or cabin building. Their evenings were spent drinking at the pub and occasionally causing a ruckus in the town.

 The night they finally met Eliza Pratchet, the supposed town witch, was their last night alive. They teased her, only to have the recently arrived Foresight family try to defend her. Something in Eliza's eyes made the brothers forget what they were doing and instead they found a quiet spot to sleep off their drink.

 The vampire Fenroth happened across them and seeing the stocky built of Charlie's older brothers, Beufus and Cletus, turned the two of them. He ignored Charlie because the boy was too scrawny and beneath his notice. Once a human has been bitten three times he or she begins to change. The transformation to vampirism isn't always overnight. The older the human, the longer it can take.

 The white warlock Dagda set up a magical barrier around Jorgantown and the surrounding woods as a means to protect Eliza and the vampire younglings Annabelle and Roland Foresight. The barrier would prevent any dark creatures from entering. The vampire lord Dracula knew he would need inside agents to enact his revenge on his estranged wife, Eliza Pratchet, and the two children Eliza betrayed Dracula for. Realizing Fenroth's newest subjects were still in the incubation stage and therefore not dark creatures yet, Dracula commanded Fenroth to leave almost vampires Beufus and Cletus and their non-vampire brother Charlie where he found them, within the town. The barrier passed them by and once the full transformation was in effect, Dracula had three agents, (two vampire and one human) to use.

 Dracula sent them to retrieve Annabelle and Roland. They were to kill Eliza on sight. They failed and Cletus was killed by Eliza. Later Beufus was killed by Dracula, leaving Charlie alone. Despite the deaths of his brothers, Charlie continued to spy for Dracula and successfully kidnapped the Foresight's friend, Henry. Charlie served his dark masters well and was awarded by becoming a vampire. He continued to serve Dracula for years.

 In 1725 he became bored and disillusioned with the way Dracula was doing things. He felt a more direct approach should be handled. He was responsible for the large Eastern European vampire scare of the early 1700s. Dracula tortured him as a result. In 1752 he failed his master once more and was given to Usha as a “plaything”.

 The reason Dracula doesn’t kill him is because he feels Charlie’s unique stupidity and annoyance is the perfect tool to enrage Dracula’s other servants so he can use them as a blunt instrument when necessary. He can also be used to test the loyalty of some servants due to Charlie’s frequent desire to try methods Dracula doesn’t approve of.

 Seen in FORESIGHT CHRONICLES BOOKS 1,3,4,6,7,10,11,12,16

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Monday, June 14, 2021




Full Name:

Ethan Hawke but he goes by his last name.

Physical characteristics:
He wears a trench coat loaded with specialized weapons as well as a belt and straps loaded with more weapons and ammunition. He has a long scar across his right eye thanks to the vampire Roland. Several other scars cover his body from many battles. He is missing two fingers on his left hand.

Hawke is gruff, vengeful, and angry. He is also very careful and calculating. To stay alive as long as he has, Hawke is always careful to watch his back and never stay in the same place twice. He has no scruples and is not above killing other humans to get at his prey.

 Known History:

Ethan Hawke had a brother named Aaron. Aaron became obsessed with mythical and supernatural creatures after an incident when he was a child. He traveled the world researching the strange and unknown and then compiled all this information complete with sketches into his book; Aaron Hawke’s Guide to Mythical Beasts.

 Enraged at this, the Vampire Lord Dracula slaughtered Aaron and his parents. Ethan arrived home late and caught Dracula in the act. He hid himself and was able to escape Dracula's attack. From that moment on Ethan dedicated himself to the eradication of every creature in his brother's book.

 He began to only go by his last name with the hope that it would strike fear and terror into the creatures' hearts. He trained himself in every way to battle and kill the monsters that inhabited his world.

He found others who lost family and friends thanks to creatures of the night and recruited them. He trained them and built an army of vampire hunters known as the Hunters and later as the Hawkes.  He has set up his hunters in every major city. He has safe houses everywhere and has successfully kept the locations secret.

 He believes night creatures are a superstitious and cowardly lot and uses that superstition to build his own dark legend, so the monsters have someone to fear.

Through the following centuries the Hawkes became the biggest threat against vampires, werewolves and any creatures of the unseen world.

Weapons and abilities:

He has two katana swords, a gift from a Samurai vampire hunter. Rumored to be folded so tightly that they can cut through any form of magic or magical beast. He also has throwing stars, a long knife, a grappling hook, a crossbow and a quiver full of silver tipped wooden arrows as well as plenty of silver shot for his arsenal of guns. Every weapon has been soaked in holy water. He can set expert traps, track monsters from nation to nation. His favorite weapon is his small sword Hell-Slayer. It has a thick tip that tapers down to its hilt. A flick of a latch and two smaller blades sprung out from either side. The weapon resembled a warped cross.


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Friday, June 11, 2021




Name Origin
English for "wise old woman".

Physical characteristics:

Sybil shares characteristics of the other Falabranwyn. She has long silky black hair and black eyes that seem to go deep into a person's soul. She has a pale completion and thin body. She stands about five and a half feet tall. She wears a cloak that seems to be made of black feathers. When in bird form, she appears as a crow or raven, depending on her mood. Either way she becomes a black bird with eyes that seem almost human.

Sybil is quiet, responsible and sad. She seems to possess unknown knowledge of future events but refuses to share. She exhibits leadership qualities to other members of her shape-shifting race.


All Falabranwyn can shape-shift to appear as ravens or the larger crows. They have prophetic abilities as well, often receiving visions of future events. They don't all get the visions or dreams at once and some like Sybil get more. The Falabranwyn can blend into the shadows and not be seen when they wish. They cannot be heard, seen or smelled if they want to disappear. They have no scent at all. This is a protection against vampires discovering them. As a senior member of their race, Sybil is well trained in all these abilities.


Not much is known about the enigmatic Sybil. Close to King Alar, the first leader of the Falabranwyn, Sybil always believed the 'Prophesy of the Younglings' that Alar gave on his deathbed after the Exodus War. Sybil was very young during the war and still remembers the Farnalla Exodus. She was tasked with watching one of evil Lord Domi's (Dracula) wives, Eliza Pratchet. Sybil became a friend to Eliza and warned her of many things. After the Foresight family arrived in the New World, Sybil watched the children close. She and several Falabranwyn warriors flew to Annabelle and Roland's defense on multiple occasions. Annabelle and Roland spotted Sybil leaving Eliza's cabin right before they rescued Blandia Blackburn from the Salem Trials and before the first Battle of Jorgantown. She has begun training Aisling, a fledgling Falabranwyn.


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Thursday, June 10, 2021



Physical characteristics:

Polly has blond hair. She wears simple dresses, usually plain. Most days she goes barefoot.

As an adult she owns a few nice dresses and one pair of shoes.


Sweet, kind but shy. Readily able to accept anyone, no matter their faults. Easily scared but has learned bravery thanks to the example of her best friend, Annabelle Foresight.


Polly has the normal abilities of a child and later, a full-grown woman.

Known History:

Polly grew up in Jorgantown, Massachusetts. She has two older brothers, Thomas and Henry. As a child, she spent most her time with her chores. In her era (the late 1600's to early 1700's) children did not attend school. Instead, they were apprentices to their parents. For Polly that meant learning how to make candles, washing clothes and other activities to keep the Dunston household running.

In 1692 she met two friends, Annabelle and Roland Foresight. Shortly after she met them, they were reported missing in the woods. Polly was broken hearted until Annabelle knocked on her two-story window. Once Polly invited her friends inside, Annabelle and Roland explained that they were now vampires. At first Polly was scared but after talking to Annabelle she realized they were still her friends and would never hurt her.

This began a lifetime of friendship. Polly got married at age 17. She and her new husband Patrick began their own farm on the outskirts of Jorgantown. She kept her last name so Annabelle and Roland could always find her. Polly told her children about Annabelle, Roland and Polly's vampire brother Thomas. She swore them to secrecy. Sometime after Annabelle, Thomas and Roland left the New World, Patrick got a better opportunity for their family in Albany New York.  Annabelle, Roland and Thomas visited Polly on her deathbed.

Generations have passed by and it hasn't always been easy, but certain descendants of Polly have always provided help and encouragement to Annabelle's family throughout the last three hundred years.

 Age Line:

Born 1683

Age 9 in 1692 (Book 1 Darth Awakenings)

Age 17 in 1700 Got married to Patrick.

Age 18 in 1701 when she has her first child Annabelle

Age 20 in 1703 when she has her next child Thomas

Age 22 in 1705 (Dark Loss short story)

Age 35 in 1718 

Age 69 in 1752 Dies of old age (Book 3, Dark Quest)


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Wednesday, June 09, 2021




Roman, meaning “wealthy”

Older sister to Roxana Dawn

High Empress of the Roman Covens

Constantly haughty, Lucretia always wears red, silk robes and an elegant white dress. Around each wrist, she wore thick gold bracelets and an eye-catching necklace. She plastered makeup over her eyes and lips as if she tried too hard to look beautiful. To finish her ensemble, two large gold hoops dangled from her earlobes. Lucretia’s hair was styled with short curls that ran down the back of her neck.

 Roman noblewoman who was abused, marshaled the men of her family to avenge her, then was killed. She thought to have killed herself, but she really was turned into a vampire by Zoraton (Marcus), the right-hand ruthless servant of Dominus (Dracula). Introduced Roxana to Dominus. Roxana fell in love with him. They gave up their old life, faked their suicides, then left with Dominus.

 After becoming vampires and drinking a lot of human blood, they became corrupt. Lucretia became vain and couldn’t stand not seeing her beautiful reflection. Lucretia and Roxana hid during the Farnalla Exodus. Once Dracula escaped Croatoan, Lucretia and Roxana returned to him.


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Tuesday, June 08, 2021




Age 13

Physical characteristics:

Henry has brown hair and is in excellent shape due to the constant chores he must do on his father's farm. Like his younger siblings, Thomas and Polly, Henry wears worn hand me downs because his family has just enough to survive the harsh living conditions of Colonial America.


Pessimistic, kind off mature for his age because his father is always gone from the house to other colonies for his trading business. Henry has had to take charge. He doesn’t approve of his friend Roland Foresight's recklessness. Very cautious of the vampires living near the town. Doesn’t trust them completely.


Henry has the normal abilities of a child and later, a full-grown man.

 Known History:

Henry grew up in Jorgantown, Massachusetts. He has two younger siblings, Thomas and Polly. As a child, he spent most his time with his chores. In his era (the late 1600's to early 1700's) children did not attend school. Instead they were apprentices to their parents. For Henry that meant helping with the livestock and the crops. He would also travel to town for errands.

 After two children from London England moved to town things became very stressful for Henry. He became fast friends with Roland and Annabelle Foresight but only knew them for a day before they were lost in the woods. Shortly afterward they reappeared at the Dunston's home and announced they were now vampires.

 Henry was no fool. He knew vampires to be dangerous creatures. He could never truly trust them. After Annabelle and Roland introduced him to their adoptive vampire mother, Eliza Pratchet, they kids were attacked by Beufus and Cletus and Charlie. This added to his fear. When the vampire Fenroth captured him his fears became deeper still. Even though Annabelle and Roland helped Henry's brother to rescue him from Fenroth, Henry couldn’t help but wonder if knowing Annabelle and Roland made his family targets.


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Monday, June 07, 2021




Physical characteristics:

Physically Gertrude is weak due to her advanced age. She has grey eyes and hair and a permanent scowl on her face.

Angry, uptight and in need of constant control. She answers only to Dracula. She hates children, Dagda and the Agents of Sorcery Protection and just about everyone. She has no patience for less experienced witches or warlocks.
She is an expert witch with an arsenal of spells and the skills to match.
Known History:
Not a lot has been revealed about Gertrude's history. Once she was part of the Agents of Sorcery Protection. She became corrupted by Dracula at an early age, but the master vampire never actually turned her. Still, she remained in his service as a spy until found out by Dagda and exposed. She took part in many of Dracula's schemes and trained Penelope Chesterfield.

She was killed by Eliza Pratchett during the Battle of Jorgantown.


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Friday, June 04, 2021




Other names: Ol' Stinky, Smelly, Mr. Creepy

Name Origin: Watching Servant in Italian.

Physical characteristics:

 Always hunched over, filthy, wild eyes, creepy smile, balding with pock marks and scars on skin and dressed in dirty rags.


Creepy, backstabbing servant who only serves his master and himself. Clever enough to know the value of escaping to live another day. Completely devoted to Dracula and will betray or kill anyone if it means gaining his master's favor.


Servo is a ghoul. If a vampire bites a human twice in rapid succession their physical and mental being becomes corrupted. They become stronger and faster than most humans. Their reflexes and senses are sharper. In short, they gain a small fraction of the power of a vampire. They cannot mesmerize others, fly or chance shape. The sun weakens them a fraction but does not burn them. Ghouls have long life spans, but it is unknown if they can achieve the full immortality that vampires have. Most die in the service of their dark masters.

Known History:

At some point in the past Dracula found Servo in Italy and made him a ghoul. Servo has served Dracula for centuries, spying on Dracula's enemies across two continents and within many nations. He always puts Dracula first and travels a lot to fulfill his master's wishes. He mortally wounded Thomas Dunston, forcing Annabelle Foresight to turn Tom into a vampire. Most of Servo's dark history is so far untold.


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Thursday, June 03, 2021




Name Origen: Yoska probably a Romani form of Hungarian Jóska, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)."

Petulengro (horseshoe-maker or tin-worker /tinker)

 A big, hulking bearded, happy vampire. Friendly and boisterous, he enjoys working with his hands. Biggest heart in the world. He has basic vamp abilities (strength, senses). Not very fast. Yoska Petulengro is quick to defend Grandmother Laila and the gypsies. Extra strong. He trains the vampires of the Mullo tribe. He would do anything for his friends and loved ones. Loves to tell tales of his past adventures.


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Wednesday, June 02, 2021




Name Origin:

Kimball (English; Derived from the Welsh first name Cynbel meaning "chief war" or the Old English first name Cynebald meaning "royal boldness".)

Physical characteristics:

Vanessa is blond and tall.


Vanessa gives off an elegant air. She always behaves as if she is royalty. She liked to use people for her own desires and was not afraid to step on others to get what she wanted. This began to change after the vampire James broke her heart. She secretly wanted to change her ways.

Known History:

Vanessa Kimball was of royal birth. She grew up with everything she wanted. The vampire lord Dracula came into her life and wooed her. She became a vampire and willingly served him. Dracula named her Sovereign of the British Empire Covens. This means she became the head of the rich upper-class vampires of London. Dracula did as he always does and left her.

After a while she was bored, so she turned a group of spoiled upper class young men. They became known as the Rakes. Her personal servant and ghoul is named Chester.

Dracula constantly shifts from one empire to the next to keep an active eye on his subjects. He returned and discovered the rowdy and frivolous Rakes and almost destroyed them, but Vanessa made them swear an allegiance to him. They paid him many tributes of captured humans.

Vanessa fell in love with one of her Rakes, James Worthing. He didn't feel the same way about her and used her to gain power among the Rakes and London's vampire society. James fell in love with a lady of ill repute named Abigail Black and turned her. They ran away together, and Vanessa's heart was broken.

She began to get second thoughts about her life and the corrupt things she did. When she met Annabelle Foresight and Thomas Dunston, she began to think on a major life change. She helped then escape from the vampire hunter called Hawke and his hunters.


Dracula made an example of her rebellion. Her broken, starved, body hangs in his castle in Transylvania. Vanessa was killed by Dracula before he sent his servants to hunt for the Peyupei artifacts.


 (Picture not accurate representation)


Tuesday, June 01, 2021




Physical characteristics:

Cletus has dirty blond hair and dull eyes. He's large and stocky, shorter than his brother Beufus but taller than his younger brother Charlie. He had yellow teeth when he was alive and gained a set of vampire fangs after he was turned.


Wimpy, always following the lead of his brother Beufus. They get into mischief. Scared of his older brother because of the many beatings inflicted upon him by Beufus. Dull and dim witted and very dense. Often makes mistakes or says things that annoy Beufus.


Cletus has the basic vampiric abilities; strength, speed, stamina, sharp nails that are used like claws, enhanced senses and the ability to heal from most small injuries. Like all vampires, he can't handle sunlight, wooden stakes to the heart or beheading. Each of these turn him to ash. Like all evil vampires, religious artifacts harm him as well. He has not learned how to transform or fly. While Cletus is extra strong, he can't maneuver very well. This means smaller vampires with more developed speed could easily avoid his massive hands.

Known History:

Cletus and his brothers lived in Jorgantown all their lives. They were satisfied with scratching out a small living doing dock work and hiring themselves out for farm work or cabin building. Their evenings were spent drinking at the pub and occasionally causing a ruckus in the town.

The night they finally met Eliza Pratchet, the supposed town witch, was their last night alive. They teased her, only to have the recently arrived Foresight family try to defend her. Something in Eliza's eyes made the brothers forget what they were doing and instead they found a quiet spot to sleep off their drink.

The vampire Fenroth happened across them and seeing the stocky built of both Beufus and Cletus, turned the two of them. Once a human has been bitten three times he or she begins to change. The transformation to vampirizim isn't always overnight. The older the human, the longer it can take.

After the white warlock Dagda warded off the vampire lord Dracula from his property and began to set up a magical barrier to prevent any dark creatures from entering it, Dracula knew he would need inside agents to enact his revenge on his estranged wife, Eliza Pratchet, and the two children Eliza betrayed Dracula for. Realizing Fenroth's newest subjects were still in the incubation stage and therefore not dark creatures yet, Dracula commanded Fenroth to leave almost vampires Beufus and Cletus and their non-vampire brother Charlie where he found them, within the town. The barrier passed them by and once the full transformation was in effect, Dracula had three agents, (two vampire and one human) to use.

At first the men thought it was Dracula who turned them, since he was the vampire who summoned them once they woke up in their new lives. He sent them to retrieve Annabelle and Roland (the children Eliza rescued). They were to kill Eliza on sight. They failed and Cletus was killed by Eliza.


 (Picture not accurate representation)