Monday, May 31, 2021




Physical characteristics:
Christopher is tall with long black hair. He wears elegant clothing but it's worn lose, as if he has lost the desire to keep up appearances.
His countenance is one of regret, self-loathing and a general resignation to his fate. He keeps himself amused by talking with his victims before he kills them or manipulating anyone who interests him into spending time at his side, telling him stories about their past. He has a great deal of pent-up frustration against Vanessa Kimball, James Worthing and the Rakes. He has no love for his subjects, the Destitute.
Known History:
Christopher was of royal birth. His last name was lost in history and it's doubtful even he remembers it. At one point in his life, he was a young nobleman. He'd run through the farms and towns of England with other young nobles, causing mischief and spoiling lives along with his best friend, James Worthing. Once he met noblewoman Vanessa Kimball everything changed. She turned Christopher into a vampire along with the other noblemen and called them the Rakes. She did it so she wouldn't be alone.
For many years the Rakes ran through London and the surrounding countryside. They'd make sport of killing and terrorized anyone they wanted. One night Christopher decided to feast in Whitechapel, one of the more poorer sections of London. He found a lady of ill repute and used her for a meal. Unfortunately, he bit her three times, unaware of the Three Bite Rule. He left her for dead but she transformed and in turn fed on some of the homeless of London. Instead of turning into regular vampires, the homeless vampires became shadowy creatures with no sustenance.
Once Lady Vanessa found out, she exiled Christopher to a warehouse where he would rule the many new vampires, now called the Destitute. It became his job to make sure these shadowy creatures didn't give away the existence of vampires in London. Christopher accepted his penance and ruled the Destitute with a bitter heart. He discovered soon after his exile that his former best friend, James Worthing , told Vanessa about Christopher's mistake. The lady of the evening, known as Abigail, met James, told him what happened and the two of them ran away for America to start new lives.
Christopher had a cat named Azmodel. It's actually a male vampire whom turned into a cat. Christopher mesmerized Azmodel into thinking he is a cat. Azmodel stayed with Christopher for many years.


(Picture IS an accurate representation) Picture is called 'Vampire' by Sharandula

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Annabelle searches London while Roland sails the Caribbean with Pirates!


Annabelle searches London while Roland sails the Caribbean with Pirates! @BigWorldNetwork @BeingAuthor #BookBoost #middlegrade #yalitchat #booklook #pubwrite #BookBuzzr#vampires #kidlitchat #middleschool #kidsbookclub

Dark Sails clicky clicky!

Friday, May 28, 2021




Physical characteristics:

Beufus has dirty brown hair and dull eyes. He's large and stocky, bigger than his brothers Cletus and Charlie. He only had two yellow teeth when he was alive and gained a set of vampire fangs after he was turned.


Bossy, always wants to lead his brothers in mischief because he's bored with life and hates everything and everybody. Rules over his brothers by threatening violence. Dull and dim witted almost as dense as his brother Cletus. Does most of the talking for his brothers.


Beufus has the basic vampiric abilities; strength, speed, stamina, sharp nails that are used like claws, enhanced senses and the ability to heal from most small injuries. Like all vampires, he can't handle sunlight, wooden stakes to the heart or beheading. Each of these turn him to ash. Like all evil vampires, religious artifacts harm him as well. He has not learned how to transform or fly. While Beufus is extra strong, he can't maneuver very well. This means smaller vampires with more developed speed could easily avoid his massive hands.

Known History:

Beufus and his brothers lived in Jorgantown all their lives. They were satisfied with scratching out a small living doing dock work and hiring themselves out for farm work or cabin building. Their evenings were spent drinking at the pub and occasionally causing a ruckus in the town.

The night they finally met Eliza Pratchet, the supposed town witch, was their last night alive. They teased her, only to have the recently arrived Foresight family try to defend her. Something in Eliza's eyes made the brothers forget what they were doing and instead they found a quiet spot to sleep off their drink.

The vampire Fenroth happened across them and seeing the stocky built of both Beufus and Cletus, turned the two of them. Once a human has been bitten three times he or she begins to change. The transformation to vampirism isn't always overnight. The older the human, the longer it can take.

After the white warlock Dagda warded off the vampire lord Dracula from his property and began to set up a magical barrier to prevent any dark creatures from entering it, Dracula knew he would need inside agents to enact his revenge on his estranged wife, Eliza Pratchet, and the two children Eliza betrayed Dracula for. Realizing Fenroth's newest subjects were still in the incubation stage and therefore not dark creatures yet, Dracula commanded Fenroth to leave almost vampires Beufus and Cletus and their non-vampire brother Charlie where he found them, within the town. The barrier passed them by and once the full transformation was in effect, Dracula had three agents, (two vampire and one human) to use.

At first the men thought it was Dracula who turned them, since he was the vampire who summoned them once they woke up in their new lives. He sent them to retrieve Annabelle and Roland (the children Eliza rescued). They were also to kill Eliza on sight. They failed and Cletus was killed by Eliza. Beufus escaped through the barrier which burned his hair off and permanently sizzled his flesh.

Beufus met his end when he questioned Dracula.


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Thursday, May 27, 2021




A good warlock and friend to Eliza.

Name Origin
Irish Gaelic name meaning "the good god." In Celtic mythology, this is the name of a god of knowledge and magic, and a leader of the Tuatha Dé Danann, supernatural beings who inhabited Ireland prior to the coming of the Celts.
Physical characteristics:
Dagda appears as an old Irishman, bald with a thick white beard with black streaks on both sides. He's a bit winded from centuries of battle but otherwise in good shape. Always seen garbed in a dark green hood and cloak.
Very kind and willing to help others if needed. He is determined to stand in the way of Dracula and his evil. Passionate about standing up for what is right, no matter the cost.
Dagda is a High Mage of the ancient Agents of Sorcery Protection. He has practiced white magic for centuries and has a number of powerful spells at his fingertips.
Known History:
Dagda was an apprentice to the great warlocks during the Exodus War. He was there during the Farnalla Exodus and elected to stay behind to protect the in-between years.

He’s the High Mage of the Agents of Sorcery Protection. He migrated to North America to watch for the "prophesied younglings". While most forgot the prophesy, he still believed it.

Despite the fact that the Coven have always acted as police to the magic world, most white warlocks and witches remain in hiding. Hunted by Dracula’s forces for centuries, they operate in super-secret covens across the globe. No more than three in each group and always on the move, Dagda keeps them organized and hidden. He marshals their forces across the globe to constantly block Dracula's attempts to take over the world. They regularly work with the prophetic Falabranwyn and the Holy Order of the Vampyr.

He was grateful to have lived long enough to set eyes on the Prophesized Younglings. Killed by Dracula in 1692 while defending Annabelle and Roland. He could sense potential and knew what Ann and Roland would become.


(Picture not accurate representation)

Wednesday, May 26, 2021




African for joy arrives. The real meaning is "turn to joy" as in Di Ayọ̀ Di = to be or become Ayọ̀ = Joy. Lastly it is unisex name in southwest Nigeria.

Dayo was from the Sierra Leone region in West Africa. He was caught by slavers and was rescued by the Bloody-Buccaneers. He joined them and became a vampire but killing never sat well with him. He switched sides and became best friends with Roland. After the defeat of the Bloody-Buccaneers, he traveled the colonies, searching for his family so that he could free them from slavery.

Seen in FORESIGHT CHRONICLES BOOKS 2,3,4,6,7,8,10-16

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Tuesday, May 25, 2021




Latin form of Persian Roušanak, meaning "dawn” or "break of day."  This was the name of a wife of Alexander the Great.

 Pale complexion, short black hair mostly bobbed ala a 20's "Flapper" girl. Thin, small body. Girlish round face. Small dimple on her left cheek. Likes to wear "Flapper" girl styles such as long dresses and plenty of long necklaces. Used to dress like a western show girl back in the mid-nineteenth century. Used to wear gobs of make up like her sister but gave it up. Loves to wear white lace. She always wears lace gloves.

She has a sweet disposition but is actually a terrible back biter.

 She can control almost anyone, human or creature, with her voice. As soft and high pitched like the tinkling of a bell, Roxana's voice can control a person's body, allowing her to make her victim do anything she wants. Has no affect on Dracula or Elizabeth Báthory. She also carries a small silver blade with a leather handle.

 Roxana lived in ancient Rome with her older sister Lucretia. While Lucretia was more obsessed with her looks, Roxie developed a passion for Dominus (Dracula).  She became very loyal to him and jumped at the offer of vampirism. Trained by Dominus’ chief General, Adad, to be great fighter. Along with her older sister, she has always dreamed of being one of Dracula's Three Queens (Brides of Dracula).

 Dracula commanded Lucretia and Roxana to hide during the Exodus War. They rejoined him one he escaped his prison in Croatoan. She has been an active follower ever since. Dracula used her abilities to fan the fear in Salem, helping the already superstitious people to create the Salem Witch Trials. She turned the gypsy Esmeralda and the hunchback, Quasimodo because Dracula wanted Quasimodo but the hunchback rebelled and escaped with Esmeralda.

 Serves Dracula as one of his Three Queens (Brides of Dracula) 

Seen in FORESIGHT CHRONICLES BOOKS 1,3,4,6,7,8,11-16



Monday, May 24, 2021



A good warlock and friend to Eliza.

Name Origin
French form of Germanic Warin, meaning "cover, shelter."

Physical characteristics:
Guarin appears young, in his twenties, and in good shape. Always seen garbed in a dark green hood and cloak with a green and blue robe. While he looks young, he is actually over seventy-five years old when Annabelle first met him in 1692. He took the Right of Ascendance sometime prior which if successfully completed, grants a warlock or witch immortality.

A good, strong leader. Always willing to do what's right. He is determined to stand in the way of Dracula and his evil. Like his mentor, Dagda, his desire to stand up for what is right, no matter the cost, is unwavering.
After Dagda's assassination by Dracula, Guarin became the High Mage of the ancient Agents of Sorcery Protection and works from the North American division. He fought in the first Battle of Jorgantown after the barrier fell.


Despite the fact that the Coven have always acted as police to the unseen world, most white warlocks and witches remain in hiding. Hunted by Dracula’s forces for centuries, they operate in super-secret covens across the globe. No more than three in each group and always on the move, Guarin accepted new responsibilities after Dagda's death. He now has to keep the entire Agents of Sorcery Protection organized and hidden. He marshals their forces across the globe to constantly block Dracula’s attempts to take over the world. They regularly work with the prophetic Falabranwyn and the Holy Order of the Vampyr.


Guarin helped Blandia Blackburn to take the Right of Ascendance, a task he has been quoted as saying "was in some ways harder than fighting an army of werewolves."



Guarin practiced white magic under the teachings of the immortal warlock Dagda. His skills have been seasoned from decades of battles against Dracula and his many monster servants. Along with Dagda and Blandia Blackburn, Guarin created the magical barrier that protected Eliza Pratchet, Annabelle and Roland Foresight, the small English colonial settlement of Jorgantown and the Mohegan Indian village.


During the unpleasantness of the multiple monster attacks across the globe in 1752, Guarin appointed Jefferey Steadman as his second, and with him and Ethelda of the Order, marshaled their combined forces against the oncoming threats and organized the secret retrieval groups to find the Peyupei artifacts and get them to safety. He helped in the Battle of Philadelphia shortly afterward.


(Picture not accurate representation)

Friday, May 14, 2021



Physical characteristics:
Mabel was a small woman who gave off an air of superiority. Her pointed nose always aimed upward and her face seemed permanently disgusted.
Mabel thinks she's better than everyone. She is pruneish and always believes children lack discipline.
Known History:
Mabel grew up in London, England with her parents and younger sister Glorianna. Mabel never liked Glorianna's husband Anthony Foresight and made sure he knew of her displeasure every time she saw him.
Mabel met John Standstry and the two were married. He moved them to the untamed American colonies in 1687. John helped build many of the houses in the new outpost called Jorgantown. Four years later John passed away. The fact that Mabel was all alone in the New World was one of the reasons Glorianna agreed with her husband's plan to relocate to America.
Mabel agreed to let the Foresight family stay with her until their cabin was made. Shortly after their arrival in the New World, Glorianna, her husband and their two children, Annabelle and Roland, were believed killed by wolves. Mabel covered up her grief like she always did, with strength and a still attitude. Mabel became friends with the local shop keeper, Arnold. It is impossible to know if a relationship could have developed because Arnold mysteriously lost his mind and left the town. He was last seen clucking on the road, pretending to be a chicken.
As of this writing Mabel's fate is unclear. There have been rumors of foul play and her mysterious death, years after the death of her sister's family. Perhaps someday that tale will be told.
(Picture not accurate representation)

Thursday, May 13, 2021



Latin form of Greek Penelopeia, meaning "weaver of cunning."
Long, curly blonde hair. Bright brown eyes with thin eye lashes. Likes to dress in long black robes with a long flowing cape.
She possesses the abilities of all vampires. This means she is faster and stronger than humans, her senses are extremely acute as are her reflexes. She can fly and can mesmerize humans. It took her a long time to learn how turn into a bat and mist.
She’s an expert witch. Penelope has mastered dark magic and loves to use it on Dracula’s enemies. There are very few warlocks and witches who have become vampires. Of their limited number, Penelope is the greatest. She’d rather focus on her spells than master her vampiric abilities.
Insane, Penelope Chesterfield lost her parents to illness in Colonial America of the late 1600s at age 12. She was found by Dominic Pratchet (Dracula), whom brought her to one of his witch covens in North America because she showed a penchant for witchcraft. She became part of the coven and lived with his senior witch, Gertrude. Penelope was always more comfortable with her cats (familiars). She has a familiar named Moonlight that she hexed into a werecat.
She is obsessed with Dracula. She continuously tried to prove herself to him until he finally turned her into a vampire. Her goal is to one day be one of his queens. Eventually she proved herself and became one of his Brides. She recruited the Invisible Man.
Serves Dracula as one of his Three Queens (Brides of Dracula)
Seen in FORESIGHT CHRONICLES BOOKS 1,3,4,6,7,9,10,12-16
(Picture not accurate representation)

Wednesday, May 12, 2021



Báthory Erzsébet in Hungarian, Alžbeta Bátoriová in Slovak, Blood Countess, Blood Queen, Lady of the House of Domi, Head Bride, Countess Dracula.
Dark hair, pale complexion, commanding presence. Posses a regal air. She’s strong, powerful, constantly in control.
Her typical vampiric abilities seem more refined. She's a master at all of them, perhaps due to her personal training by Dracula. The various servants under Dracula share rumors that she might be as powerful as the master.
Dracula warped the mind of Elizabeth Báthory, followed her as she grew up, spoke to her in secret. She fell in love with him. Completely devoted. She wanted to become one of his Three Queens (Brides of Dracula). He demanded she marry for political reasons to another mortal. At age 35 he finally turned her after she gave him a present, the constant supply of young maidens from her land. She forced others to help her kill over 650 victims. She’d bathe in their blood as well as drink it. She was psychotic, thanks to Dracula’s constant influence. Grateful for her “gifts”, Dracula turned her in secret. As punishment for her crimes, the mortals imprisoned her in her home, Csejte Castle. She was bricked within a set of rooms. Dracula faked her death. Allowing her to secretly escape in the night. He trained her in every skill. She is the closest he has ever loved anyone. She became is Head Bride and ruled by his side. Serves him faithfully, watching over the Seven Generals, making sure they don’t betray Dracula.
Seen in FORESIGHT CHRONICLES BOOKS 3,4,6,7,9,10,12-16

Tuesday, May 11, 2021



ELIZA: Form of Elisabeth, "pledged to God." Variant, Liza, exists.
“Eliza” is her English name. Her real name is Laila, like her 4th great grandmother. She was named Eliza by her Grandmother Laila and she took it, quite honored.
Physical characteristics:
She appears in her early twenties, has long dark hair and olive skin like her fellow European gypsies, except it seems more pale due to her vampirism. She has long fingernails and wears long flowing black and white dresses and robes.
Personality: Very patient, caring, loving and kind. She walks and speaks softly and appears gentle unless you threaten her adoptive children, Annabelle and Roland Foresight. She gained confidence the longer she was with the Foresight children.
She has the standard vampire abilities. This means she’s faster and stronger than humans, her senses are extremely acute as are her reflexes. She can fly and turn into a bat. She has ability to transform into a wolf, rat, bat and mist. She can control humans through mesmerization and communicate with lesser beasts.
Born in 1589.
Daughter of gypsies. She and her mother were mortals (her father became a vampire after she was born) whom traveled with the Mullo tribe, a family of vampiric gypsies. The tribe members, after a certain age where they might die, can chose the Right of the Dark and get turned so they can live on. Some stay mortal because they choose to while others desire vampirism.
Her father, the vampire Nicu, died in 1591 defending the tribe and young Eliza in particular. A small group of evil vampires under Dracula’s command tried to slaughter them but Nicu drove them off, earning a steak to the heart. Eliza’s human mother died as well. Her 5th great grandmother Laila raised little Eliza.
In 1609 she met Dominic (Dracula). Eliza fell in love with him and he stole her away to America when he was back in Europe gaining supporters. Eliza carries a great deal of guilt over allowing Dominic to take her.
In 1692 she rebelled against him and saved Annabelle and Roland. She turned them into vampires. She teaches them because she at first felt sorry for them, because Laila taught her to help the downcast and because she loves them.
(Picture not accurate representation)

Monday, May 10, 2021



Cam, Cameron, Blood Reaper
Physical characteristics:
Cam can turn into half man half wolf shape as well as full wolf shape. In his half form he is six feet tall. He is muscular and big. He has a snout and extended jaws as well at the pointed ears of a wolf. His legs are shaped similar to wolves and his feet are large paws while his hands are human shape with sharp claws. He has a red 'D' shape scar on his left breast. His fur is red and coarse. He has black hair and eyes in his human form and amber eyes in werewolf form.
After he became the Blood Reaper, Cam began to wear a purple sash over his thick fur. It marks him as the leader of Dracula’s wolf pack. The gold D embroidered on his sash is a symbol of his rank as one of the Seven Tyrant Lords. Along with the sash he wears tight leather gloves, custom made to his wolf form. Each finger was incased in leather with sharp silver claws fashioned onto the outside of the glove. The glove protects him, preventing the deadly silver from touching his skin where it could weaken or even kill him.
At first Cam was passive. He'd always let his big brother Isaac tease and bully him. After his brother's death he became angry, vengeful and a strong leader. He has a habit of flexing his fingers. At first it was a sign of his nerves but later he does it out of a thirst for violence.
Cam has the standard werewolf abilities. He can transform into a half-wolf half-human form or all wolf form. In both forms he's stronger, faster and has better agility and enhanced senses. He can access his enhanced abilities and sharp nails and teeth even in human form. As an Alpha Wolf, he's immortal. He seems to age slowly, perhaps a year per one-hundred human years. As Blood Reaper, he wears gloves with silver claws on his hands to hurt any mystical creature in his path, even his own pack if they step out of line.
Known History:
Little is known of Isaac and Cam's life before they became werewolves. The werewolf Clancy bit both of them and brought the brothers to Dracula the vampire lord. In the latter part of the 1600's, the pack was sent to capture vampire children Annabelle and Roland Foresight. Their mortal friend Thomas wounded Isaac with silver shot, blasting away the werewolf's shoulder. Isaac would have died but Cam rescued him. Isaac saw it as a sign of weakness and punished Cam for decades after. Isaac resented Cam for the rest of his life afterward and abused his brother even more fiercely.
Eventually Roland killed Isaac. Cam thirsted for revenge. That event changed him. He became more ruthless and vicious. He rose up in the hierarchy of Lord Dracula's personal wolf pack until he became their leader. He also has a much-valued seat as one of the werebeasts.
Seen in FORESIGHT CHRONICLES BOOKS 1, 3-6, 9, 12, 15-16
(Picture not accurate representation)

Friday, May 07, 2021



Not much is known about the tall, bald African pirate called Blood-Eyed Bill. He worked under Captain James Worthing as a fierce Bloody Buccaneer. He was actually loyal to the vampire Lord, spying on Worthing for Dracula. He had the extra ability of creating and manipulating a dense fog to fool his enemies. He could project it large enough to completely cover the Bloodfeast ship.

(Picture not accurate representation)

Thursday, May 06, 2021



Known as Ruthless Rach, she was turned at age 13 by James Worthing. She became a ruthless pirate and served him as a Bloody Buccaneer, vowing one day to be rid of him for killing her brother Tim. She trained herself to become one of the fastest vampires. She’s quick to action, has the skills to keep herself on top and will take no guff from anyone. Overcompensates a lot. She was anti-men until she met and fell in love with Roland. She trained him and they fell in love. She can turn into a rat thanks to Roland’s guidance.
(Picture not accurate representation)

Wednesday, May 05, 2021



Physical characteristics:
Isaac can turn into half man half wolf shape as well as full wolf shape. In his half form he is seven feet tall, muscular and big. He has a snout and extended jaw as well at the pointed ears of a wolf. His legs are shaped similar to wolves and his feet are large paws while his hands are human shape with sharp claws. He has a red 'D' shape scar on his left breast. His fur is black and very shaggy. He has black hair and eyes in his human form and amber eyes in werewolf form. After the human boy called Thomas shot him, he is missing a shoulder.
He is a bully. He treats his younger brother Cam badly. He always fights the werewolf Clancy for control of Dominic's personal werewolf pack. Angry and resentful after Thomas wounded him. Thirsts for revenge.
Isaac has the standard werewolf abilities. He can transform into a half-wolf half-human form or all wolf form. In both forms he's stronger, faster and has better agility and enhanced senses. He can access his enhanced abilities and sharp nails and teeth even in human form. As an Alpha Wolf, he's immortal. He seems to age slowly, perhaps a year per one-hundred human years.
Known History:
Little is known of Isaac and Cam's life before they became werewolves. The werewolf Clancy bit both of them and brought the brothers to Dracula the vampire lord. Isaac turned jealous of Clancy's status as pack leader of Dracula's personal guard and got into many a scuffle over control. In the latter part of the 1600's, the pack was sent to capture vampire children Annabelle and Roland Foresight. Their mortal friend Thomas wounded Isaac with silver shot, blasting away the werewolf's shoulder. Isaac would have died but Cam rescued him. Isaac saw it as a sign of weakness and punished Cam for decades after. Isaac resented Cam for the rest of his life afterward and abused his brother even more fiercely. Isaac made it his personal vendetta to kill Thomas for his injury.
(Picture not accurate representation)

Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Dark Sails!

Can Annabelle find her brother in post fire London or will she find new adversaries and dangerous hunters instead? Can Roland sail among vampire pirates or will they find out he's been helping the mortals?

Dark Sails on Amazon!



GRADY: Irish surname transferred to forename use, from an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Gráda "descendant of Gráda," hence "noble."
King Grady is the ruler of the Leprechaun kingdom. He is kind but a bit mischievous. A fierce alley to Annabelle Foresight, he helped her during the Quest for the Peyupei artifacts.
(Picture not accurate representation)

Monday, May 03, 2021

Dark Awakening on Amazon!


300 years of American history through the eyes of vampire children! Salem Witch Trials, werewolves, and more colonial adventure than you could shake a bat at!



Not much is known about Tituba’s life except that she was born in an Arawak Village in South America where she was captured during her childhood and taken to Barbados as a slave.
John Parris later purchased her in Barbados when she was a teenager and brought her to Boston in 1680.
In November of 1689, Samuel Parris moved Tituba and his family to Salem after he was appointed the new minister of Salem Village.
She met Agents of Sorcery Protection members Dagda, Guarin and Blandia shortly after this and began to share white magic craft with them. Dagda wanted to have her join ASP and even suggested purchasing her from Parris, but he refused due to her ability to help his children.
She married a fellow slave, a Native American named John Indian.
Over a decade later, Tituba was one of the 1st women to be accused of witchcraft during the hysteria of 1692.
Roxanna Dawn, under orders of Dracula, deeply mesmerized Tituba, making her confess, tell all sorts of strange things and describe “Satan” as what Dagda looked like. It was all part of Dracula’s plans to sow discontent in the colonies to bring ASP to the surface and have them destroyed by the mortals.
Her confessions spared her and after the trials were over, she and John were paid for and freed from jail by Guarin.
Tituba had a penchant for white magic and continued her training under Guarin. John was killed and she took the Right of Ascendance, becoming immortal. She went on the become the head of ASP and a great ally to Annabelle and Roland Foresight.
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Saturday, May 01, 2021

Dark Sails TRAILER!!!!!


The trailer is up for Foresight Chronicles Dark Sails and it's amazing!!!!!!

Thanks James Christopher Thompson and Big Work Newtwork!