Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Holloween 2013!

You'd think on a year that ends with 13 I'd really get into the season. I mean, my wife's birthday is the 13th of this month for Pete's sake!

And Halloween is all about vampires, werewolves and other creatures. All year I post about such things because of my novels, yet this year I've posted very little in October (which is true for the last several months as well).

Every year I change my work and home screensavers to my Halloween folder. Same with my backdrop. Yet this year I only recently changed my home backdrop and screensaver to Halloween and not at all at work.

We decorate the house at the beginning of the month and enjoy the festive look all month. Not a bit this month. I listen to spooky music all month (I have a lot more than the ones you normally hear). This month I only listened to it very sparingly.

Have I just been lazy this year? Nope. Actually the reverse. I was scheduled to be laid off from my job the 18th of this month so most of my time for most of this year (and a lot of my time in September and the first half of October) I have been job hunting.

I got a job here in Utah and have started the last week of the month. I'm still hoping to get that LA job that I interviewed in person for last week. So my fruits have paid off and may continue to do so.

Next year will be different. I vow to really enjoy Halloween next year. I'll decorate and enjoy the music and shows and things of the season. I'll even set up speaking and signing engagements (something I have done for the last few years).

Meanwhile, as I get settled into my new job, I'll post more and return to my true love : WRITING! Watch this space!

p.s. I'll announce the winner of the October blog hop tomorrow night!

Monday, October 14, 2013

4th Annual Spooktacular Giveaway Hop

Guess what? It's once again time for the Annual Spooktacular Giveaway Hop! Yes, that fabled hop put on by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer.

What should you do? Simply reply to this post with your email or a way I can reach you. That way I can email the winner and get mailing info. I only mail to the US and Canada.

What will I give? Think it's Night Children: Dark Threats like I normally do? WRONG!

No, this will be the BIG one. None other than NIGHT CHILDREN: DARK BIRTH.

283 pages of fun, spooky adventure as you discover the origin of the Night Children, Annabelle and Roland Foresight and thrill to their first adventures. I usually charge $18.99 for the paperback and a couple dollars less locally, but I'm giving one away free to one lucky person who responds with their contact info!

It's the story of two English children who, right after they arrive in the New World in 1692, loose their parents to an evil vampire and almost lose their lives as well. A female vampire saves them from Death's door the only way she knows how.  She turns them into vampires. The children have to learn to use their new vampiric abilities quickly before Dominic (the monster that killed their parents), comes to finish the job with them.

Werewolves, vampires, Sasquatch and witches all pose ongoing threats as the kids discover how to fly, run, hunt, mesmerize others and turn into bats. They also have to rescue a real witch from the Salem Witch Trials!

All of this for free!

And don't forget to visit these fine sites for more!


Check here for the winner!

Up from the Depths (Godzilla) by Shyaporn

I love this guy!

The Haunted House and Other Spooky Poems and Tales.

I found it! I found the spooky record that I heard as a child! It was called The Haunted House and Other Spooky Poems and Tales. Oh did these poems stick with me. Especially the Velvet Ribbon!

Here's a picture of the album cover.
Ah the memories!

Songs that Inspire Annabelle

Libera Me is one of the songs from the movie Interview With a Vampire. It's hauntingly beautiful and makes me think of characters and a particular setting from Book 3.

Wikipedia's entry on the piece