Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bite of Story Thursday

Night Children: Dark Threats

Chapter Two: 1692 Witch Attack

On a warm night when crickets echoed and fireflies danced along the dirt path, Annabelle and her brother Roland walked their human friends Thomas and Polly Dunston home.

Annabelle loved these quiet nights.  Most evenings she would hunt the forest for animals, searching for blood to quench her eternal thirst. 

Once a week she and Roland would wake their friends and run in the forest and play.  It reminded her of when she was human, before her parents died and she became a vampire.

She watched Thomas laugh with Roland.  The blood pumped through Tom’s veins, an invitation she swore to never take.

Vampire life wasn’t the best.  Annabelle could handle never seeing the light of a beautiful day again but her meals were awful. 

While most eleven-year old girls slept peacefully at night, she stalked the woods near their colonial town, hunting for blood among the wildlife. 

She couldn’t believe that only a few months ago she played in the streets of London, a human girl without a care in the world. 

Little Polly shivered a bit as she chanced several frightened looks into the imposing forest that surrounded them.  “Are you sure it’s safe out here?  You said there were lots of monsters in the woods.”

Before Annabelle could respond, Thomas puffed out his chest and said, “You’re fine.  We’ll protect you.  No monster would dare hurt you with your big brother around.  What?  Why is everyone laughing?”

Roland shook his head.  “Yeah, big brave Thomas Dunston.  Monster killer.  I suppose you’ll throw rocks at them?”

“It could happen.”  Tom’s face flushed pink. 

“Actually I don’t think it will.  With the magic barrier up, all Dominic’s servants are trapped outside.” Annabelle explained as they continued down the path.

“Not all of them.”  Roland corrected.  “What about those two witches?  Their cabin is inside the barrier.  They’ve already caused us problems.  They could be hiding just beyond those trees.” 

He pointed ahead into the thick forest.  Polly and Thomas’ eyes grew wide.

Annabelle threw her brother a sharp look.  It didn’t stop him from laughing.  “Stop scaring them.  With all the trouble going on in Salem, those witches wouldn’t dare show their faces.”

She put her arm around Polly and gave her a squeeze.  “You’ll be fine.  If they did try to get us, Roland and I will protect you.”

Thomas threw a stone into the glowing bugs, scattering them.  He turned to Roland, “I still don’t think it was very fair to float above the trees when we’re playing hide and seek.” 

Roland shrugged. “It’s what I do.” 

“You mean cheat?” 

“I wasn’t cheating.  I’m a vampire.  Why can’t I use my abilities to work for me in the game?  It’s the same as you and Polly running or climbing a tree.” 

“No, it’s not.  When you fly, you can look down and see us.  That gives you an unfair advantage.” 

“I can’t believe this.  Annabelle, what do you think?” 

She shared a smile with Polly while they walked behind the boys.  “You were cheating.” 

“What?”  Roland spun around, holding a stick to his chest while rolling his glowing eyes.  “Ouch!  By my own sister, betrayed.” 

Polly giggled.  “I wish Ma and Pa could join us on nights like this.” 

“You know we can’t reveal ourselves to anybody else.” Annabelle reminded her.

“But they’re different.  They’d keep your secret.” 

“Maybe so, but what if Dominic captured them to get to us?” 

Roland tossed his stick at another batch of fireflies, “He’d do that anyway.  I don’t know if anyone is safe.” 

“People have started to notice the strange shapes in the forest beyond where you said the barrier is,” Tom added.  “They hear the noises Dominic’s monsters are making.  They don’t know what it is, but we know they’re out there, waiting.”

Polly slumped her shoulders, scuffing her feet as she walked.  “I understand.” 

A twig snapped ahead in the darkened wood.  Annabelle and Roland stopped in their tracks and stiffened.  Two heartbeats pounded nearby and Annabelle silently chastised herself for not listening closer to the surrounding woods.

“Smell that?” she whispered to her brother.

“Yeah,” Roland agreed.  “The breeze was blowing the other way before, hiding their scent.  It’s them.”

Two familiar women hid just ahead.  Menace oozed off of them.

“Who?” Tom peered into the dark wood fearfully.

“The witches, Tom,” Ann explained.  “I need you two to run as fast as you can.”


For more check out Dark Threats at your local online store. Links to Dark Threats on the web can be found on the Store Page on this blog or you could just go here, Dark Threats on Amazon.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Mary Stilton


No picture at this time. Hopefully that will change someday.

Physical characteristics:
Mary has black hair and a thin build. Her eyes used to be green before she became a vampire. After her transformation they take on the normal red color.

Mary is very quiet and thoughtful. She is studious and loyal. She cares deeply for her fellow orphans. She behaves as a big sister to the others and follows her guardian, Molly O' Connell, without question.

Known History:
A resident of London England, Mary lived with her parents. They were well to do and wanted their daughter to be taught the finer things so they sent her to boarding school. Molly O' Connell was Mary's teacher. When Molly rejected her boyfriend (whom turned out to be a vampire), he kidnapped Mary and four other children and turned them all into vampires.

Molly rejected her boyfriend and took the children into the dark heart of London where she set up the Palmer Orphanage. Mary was sixteen years old when she was turned to a vampire. She dedicated her undead life to helping take care of her new brothers and sisters by protecting them from the cruel monsters and fiends that exist in the dark world. 


Monday, February 25, 2013

5 Big Things People Should Know About Self-Published Authors by Jessica Bell

Now I should insert here that I believe a work is never finished. There is always something that could be improved upon. Heck, maybe someday an agent or publisher will want to exclusively want to represent it but there are a few things that will need tweaking. Maybe.

But I can't hold back writing the overall saga just in case that happens. I have to know what happens. Those few whom have bought it and enjoyed it have to know what happens. Besides, it wouldn't be fair to make them wait. And after all, I'm not getting any younger.

So I self publish Annabelle's NIGHT CHILDREN adventures. I'll keep it up, too. :)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Amazing idea


The best eBook authors get their names out there by one thing first: lots of stories! Well I used to do lots of short stories for the Parodyverse. The only thing different is that these ones must be edited and given to beta readers and such. Fine tuned. But they can still be short, a blast to write and fill in spots in-between the bigger books.

I can do it! This will be exciting! The fate of characters, never before scenes, characters from late in the series showing up earlier, hidden events, all sorts of cool stuff! And all of it only 99 cents!

Watch this space!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bite of Story Thursday

Here's another look into what I'm currently working on. This is from the rough draft so it does not reflect the final product. Enjoy!


Chapter Seven: Ogres

Eli let an arrow fly.  The shaft tore into an ogre’s left shoulder, which caused it to bellow out in rage.  “Forget the powder and find something useful!”  He dodged the beast’s massive club, adorned with five inch spikes for better effect, and fired two more arrows at the ogre’s back.

“But it is useful.  If I could just find it...”  Mark knelt on the rough ground with his pouch open and both his arms inside up to his elbows.  “Maybe it’s in the bookcase behind the Inner-Outer spell book?”

Another ogre almost clobbered Mark with her club but Frunz knocked it aside with his quarterstaff.  “Mark, get up and help!” Frunz pleaded.  He used the staff as a third leg and leaped upward.  He kicked the attacking ogre in the chest with his hooves.  “I’m the coward, remember?  I’m not supposed to be the one fighting.”

“You’re doing a fine job,” Flitty remarked.  She zipped around the third ogre which caused the she-beast to follow the fairy with her head.  Dizzy, the ogre stopped to hold her head in place.  Flitty fired a pixie-bolt in the beast’s face.

Eli managed to scramble up various broken statues, and then spring onto the top of a broken wall.  He fired a net arrow.  Strong spikes unfolded from four corners of the expanding net.  Each one bore into the wall, trapping the ogre.  “One down.”

After a shout of inhuman rage, the ogre ripped the net open and charged the wall that Eli stood on. 

Eli somersaulted over the creature as it shattered the free standing wall.  “Guess not.” Eli said as he landed on a smaller stone wall.

Lyndi’s mouth formed a thin smile.  She pushed against one of the she-ogres, her hands clasped with the beast.  Each one tried to push the other to the ground.

“Fall,” the ogre demanded.  “Why won’t food fall?”

“I was wondering the same thing,” Lyndi replied through gritted teeth.

Flitty buzzed around them and suggested, “You could beat her in an instant if you simply did you know what.”

“Quiet,” Lyndi hissed.  “I’m as strong enough in this form.  I won’t do ‘you know what’ because of a stupid ogre.”

“Food calls Untha stupid?” the ogre growled.  “Untha not stupid.  Food stupid.” 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? The Rakes


No picture at this time. Hopefully that will change someday.

Known History:
After the vampire lord known as Dominic Pratchet courted and turned noble Vanessa Kimball, he left her in charge of his London safe house. After her devilish suggestion for some company, he allowed her to turn some of the more wickedly inclined around her into vampires.

At the time she kept in her company several bored young noblemen. The found sport in tormenting the poor and following their own corrupt pursuits. Vanessa saw the evil potential in these men so she turned them. They became loyal to her and found a whole new dark world of mischief. They'd attend her parties, like the annual Predator Ball, and find great joy in hunting and tormenting those they deemed less than themselves. Originally their where eight Rakes.

Reginald Worthing (Exiled. King and founder of Bloody Buccaneers.)
Christopher (Exiled. In charge of the shadowy Destitute.)
Ryan (turned Molly O’ Connell and the children of the Palmer Orphanage.)

Research quote from my knowledgeable friend Author Ian Watson:
A rake was a young man of nobility or upper middle class who used his status to take advantage of unsuspecting women. He promised to marry a woman only to sleep with her, thus ruining the woman's reputation.

In fact at this time the real rakes were notorious for doing pretty much the same thing! There's a description in "The Hound of the Baskervilles" about one such incident (which was said to have originally caused the haunting Sherlock Holmes investigated a hundred and fifty years later), where the young noblemen of the manor rode down one night on a lonely farm to carry off the farmer's pretty daughter for their sport.

My Thoughts:
I see the Rakes as a sort of Lost Boys, running around causing mischief and discord. They answer to Vanessa and make her exclusive gentlemen’s club their home.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Book Review: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card

Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. It’s now an assignment for high school. When did Sci Fi novels become assigned like those mind numbing books like Lord of the Flies? Seems pretty cool. Wonder when Percy Jackson or Harry Potter will become homework?

At any rate I decided to read this first book so I’m prepared for the movie. I’ve heard others rave about this series and Card as an author. Some even call him “Uncle Orson”. As a member of my church, he pioneered the Mormon Sci Fi or Fantasy author field. His books have been on the shelves for decades and he’s become an icon in the field.

But now that I’ve finished his first book what do I think of him? Card has a pleasing appeal as an author. I can relate with his writing. He tells a story in such a way as I’m not lost in heavy description and I can understand the characters.

Well, some of the characters. Peter is downright scary but that’s the point. I found Valentine sweet and caring, a joy to share time in her head. The main character is Ender Wiggin and I certainly could empathize with him right off the bat. I felt sorry for him and as the book continued I couldn’t help but feel sad for all that he endures.

Again that’s the point. Orson Scott Card paints a world where over population and war are handled differently. Children grow up incredibly fast. I read somewhere that the age of your protagonist determines whom your book is for. A main character who is 10 would have to be junior reader. A main character whom is 12 has to be Middle Grade. A main character whom is 16 has to be Young Adult. No young adult or adult would want to read about an 11 year old. Sure it happens but that’s an exception so tow the line and forget about. Please color within the lines and don’t rock the boat.

Yet in this book Ender is “Junior Reader Age” and yet everything he experiences is meant for adults. He even thinks like an adult right from the beginning before all the horrible things occur to him. Of course this is explained away as he and his two siblings are geniuses so they think older, but still this book stands out for its older thinking kids.

And I feel this doesn’t hurt the book one bit. It’s worthy of the decades of praise set upon it. It is rough and hard and full of shocks but certainly worth a read. If you like the rough future of Hunger Games, you’ll like Ender’s Game too. It’s completely different but still hard and full of tough questions and thoughts.

Personally I won’t be chasing down the other three books in the series too soon, nor will I begin reading the companion series about supporting character Bean called Ender’s Shadow. Apparently the Ender’s Game movie is a blend of this book and Ender’s Shadow. But I won’t visit Ender’s world for a bit. It’s a rough world and I personally need a break. I will return later though because it’s definitely worth it.

Friday, February 15, 2013


It's been crazy at work. See, I work as a CAD drafter for a contractor to the government. The work they do is finished so they're working on shutting everything down. Yes, I'll be out of a job but I knew things were temporary from the beginning.

Because things need to wrap up, I've been very busy with changing drawings to reflect the constantly changing conditions of the plant. This means I've been too busy for anything else and pretty tired at home so not a lot of writing time for Scott.

I'll try to do more and work on an improved schedule. Must do B.I.C. (Butt in chair).

Interview with the authors of The Beautiful Creatures

I do love a good paranormal adventure. Now I'm not as thrilled for teen girl paranormal romance, but we shouldn't judge books by their covers or what we think they're about. Actually this cover looks pretty cool, but I digress.

My wife and kids all want to see the movie. We'll be late for it cause it's not presently in the budget, but we'll try to see it. As for the book, I want to read it ASAP now that I've read a certain article.

Go here to read an interview with the two authors. It's on Meredith Woerner has a great interview where we discover how and why authors Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl wrote this book.

Now as a struggling author, it is frustrating that they stumbled upon publication and already had an "in" by knowing someone who could pitch it to an agent. Things aren't that easy for the rest of us.

But I can't fault them for their luck or contacts. They didn't even plan on being published. It was just a dare they did with their teenager friends and family.

But the authors mention an interest in video games, Doctor Who and comics. Sheesh! That has to mean their story rocks. At least I hope so.

So it's on my must read list. I'm not sure if I'll get it from the library or just buy it.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bite of Story Thursday

Night Children: Dark Birth

Chapter Twenty-Two: The Three Bite Rule

The jet-black carriage raced down the darkened road.  The horses pulled it with ease as two of its occupants watched the quickly moving scenery.  Eliza’s red eyes peered into the night and Annabelle mused at how strange the two of them must’ve looked. 

Thomas said, “I just want to thank you both, again.  Henry can be a pain, but he’s my brother.”

“Think nothing of it.  He’s a friend of ours.  The children were right.  We shouldn’t leave him to those monsters.”

“You’re amazing, Eliza.  If I was a vampire and someone said I didn’t have a soul I wouldn’t risk everything to save him... oops.”

Eliza’s head snapped towards Tom’s direction.  Annabelle’s mouth fell open as she asked in shock, “What?”

“I’m sorry.  I need to keep my mouth shut.”  Tom sighed.  “Henry thinks when you become a vampire you lose your soul to the devil.” 

Annabelle’s blood boiled. “How dare he?  My brother and I have always treated him with the utmost respect.  What have we ever done to him?” 

Eliza spoke up with her usual calm voice.  “Now, Ann, don’t be too upset with him.  This is the same paranoia we’ve heard throughout the ages.  Besides, I cannot say I blame the mortals for fearing us and making up stories.” 

“But Eliza, it’s wrong!”  She stood up and paced, moving her hands to emphasize her points.  The carriage rocked as it rumbled on its way over the gravely road, but Annabelle had no problem keeping her balance.  “Of course I have a soul!  I’m still the same person I was before I became a vampire.  How can you defend him for saying such lies?” 

Eliza wasn’t reproachful or angry when she replied, “You have known less than a handful of vampires in your short life.  Most are evil, or at least indifferent.  True, there are good ones out there, like my troupe of gypsies, but there are many more rotten ones as well.  The mortals have gained a deep fear because of the atrocities these bad vampires perform.” 

Calm followed by shame washed away the anger.  Annabelle promptly regained her seat.  “I’m sorry I was upset.  It really bothers me when people say things they know nothing about.  I can see what you mean about the bad vampires, but why say we have no souls?” 

“First of all, it’s ignorance.  See, most people do not even know what a soul is.”

“What is a soul?”  Thomas asked. 

“A soul is the combination of your body and your spirit.” 


“Yes.  Here, let me show you.”  Eliza pulled out her white satin gloves from a pocket in her cloak and held one up.  “See my hand?  This represents my spirit.  Your spirit is the ‘you’ inside.  Your dreams, likes, dislikes, everything that makes you who you are.  See this empty glove?  This is my body.  This represents the physical part of you.  When we were born our spirit went into our body.”  She put the glove on and then moved her fingers inside it.  “When we die, and I mean really die for good, our spirit comes out of our body.”  She removed the glove and placed it down on her lap.

“Our body goes into the grave and our spirit goes to a sort of Spirit Realm.  Many religions teach one day our spirit and body will be reunited.  The soul is the name for your body and spirit when they are together.” 

“So vampires have spirits like everyone else.”  Tom reasoned. 

“Of course.”  Eliza sat back and put away her gloves.  “As for the devil, I’ve never met such a thing.  I do not believe vampires owe their existence to the devil.” 


For more check out Dark Birth at your local online store. Links to Dark Birth on the web can be found on the Store Page on this blog or you could just go here, Dark Birth on Amazon.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? The Palmer Orphans


No picture at this time. Hopefully that will change someday.

Known History:
In London, when the vampire Rake known as Ryan turned teacher Molly O' Connell, she was upset. She rejected him so he captured five of her students and turned them into vampires in thier sleep. Molly gathered them and escaped Ryan's clutches. She found an abandoned building in the heart of London where they could hide. She named their home the Palmer Orphanage after a famous vampire hunter. It was her way of rejecting their new life. Despite her feelings, Molly continued to teach the children what little she knew.

The American vampires Annabelle Foresight and Thomas Dunston were running from vampire hunter Hawke. They stumbled upon the orphanage and Molly gave them shelter. Annabelle and Thomas soon moved in with the orphans and eventually everyone relocated to Germany's Black Forest where they joined up with the Mullo vampire gypsy tribe.

Who they are:
Mary (Age 16)
Eric (Age 14)
Selina and Samuel (Age 10)
Charlotte (Age 7)

A knight who fought in the 2ndcrusades. Roxanna turned him and forced him to serve and defend her. He eventually rebelled and dedicated his life to hunting down the few vampires she turned after the Exodus War. He became one of the finest warriors of the Holy Order of the Vampyr. He fought valiantly but lost faith. He fought for England against Scotland in 1314 AD in the Battle of Bannockburn. He fell in love with a Scottish cleaning woman and retired in the hills of Scotland.
His legend impressed many vampires who wanted to be good but nevertheless served the vampire lord Domi out of fear. Molly O Connell used his name for her orphanage.


Monday, February 11, 2013

All about those Facebook ‘Like’ scam posts by Daylan Pearce

Here's an interesting post for you Facebook users. It's by Daylan Pearce on his site.

It would be nice not to see these kinds of posts. He mentions how this scam is used such as terrible circumstances or funny posts. It's also used for political and religious ideas too. They know you all too well and their right. Many will still do it even after reading this.

Friday, February 08, 2013

Movie Review: Hotel Transylvania

Hotel Transylvania is everything I want in an animated funny satire film of the classic monsters. It's got a full cast of creatures with only the Phantom and Hyde absent. The intro uses the classic Universal horror type music and all the trappings are there.

Of course I'm going to love this film not just because of it's monster tributes but also for the wonderful story.

Dracula is a single dad trying to keep his daughter safe so he creates a resort for all the monsters to hide out at and achieve peace. He tells everyone that the humans are scary and evil and want to cut open their heads and put candy in them.
A human guy happens along, Drac tries to hide him and then disguise him but of course his daughter Mavis falls for the human anyway. Hilarity ensues.

As if all of this wasn't good enough for me to enjoy this film, in the beginning we get a wonderful segment with Dracula trying to raise his child.

Now you know my obsession with vampire children brought on by Annabelle. Not only is it sweet and entertaining for anyone, but it has Drac teaching her to fly as a bat. Yes, you heard that right. Just like I did back in 2004 when I began the first draft of Dark Birth. Of course they do things differently and it's very sweet, but it only serve4s to make me love this film all the more.

Mavis trying to sew her own cape in her bat form.
So I give this film a huge thumbs up. I didn't get to see it in theatres but I knew about it for awhile and it's so worth the wait. I consider it the modern Mad Monster Party. Check it out!

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Bite of Story Thursday

Night Children: Dark Threats

Chapter Seven: Present Day, Job Interview Part 4

“Wow.  Was Jack right?  Did you really work for President Roosevelt?”  Scott leaned forward with excitement.

“Yes.  A number of us were drafted into special service on December seventh of ’41 but that’s a story for another night.”

“What about all those people who saw you?  How come no one’s ever mentioned axis werewolves and allies vampires before?”

Annabelle smiled, “We mesmerized them.  Their memories were hazy.  They knew there was an attack from axis spies, but nothing more.”

He leaned back and gazed up at the sky.  “You’ve seen and done so much.  It’s a miracle you’ve survived it all.”

Annabelle calmly stroked the dog’s shaggy fur.  “That’s why it’s so important for you to write my story.  People must know what really happened in history, so they’re prepared for what’s coming.  Dominic has a powerful army at his disposal.”


For more check out Dark Threats at your local online store. Links to Dark Threats on the web can be found on the Store Page on this blog or you could just go here, Dark Threats on Amazon.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Vanessa Kimball


No picture at this time. Hopefully that will change someday.

Name Origin:
Kimball (English; Derived from the Welsh first name Cynbel meaning "chief war" or the Old English first name Cynebald meaning "royal boldness".)

Physical characteristics:
Vanessa is blond and tall.

Vanessa gives off an elegant air. She always behaves as if she is royalty. She liked to use people for her own desires and was not afraid to step on others to get what she wanted. This began to change after the vampire Reginald broke her heart. She secretly wanted to change her ways.

Known History:
Vanessa Kimball was of royal birth. She grew up with everything she wanted. The vampire lord Dominic Pratchet came into her life and wooed her. She became a vampire and willingly served him. Dominic named her Sovereign of the British Empire Covens. This means she became the head of the rich upper class vampires of London. Dominic did as he always does and left her.

After awhile she was bored, so she turned a group of spoiled upper class young men. They became known as the Rakes. Her personal servant and ghoul is named Chester.

Dominic constantly shifts from one empire to the next to keep an active eye on his subjects.  He returned and discovered the rowdy and frivolous Rakes and almost destroyed them but Vanessa made them swear an allegiance to him. They paid him many tributes of captured humans.

Vanessa fell in love with one of her Rakes, Reginald Worthing. He didn't feel the same way about her and used her to gain power among the Rakes and London's vampire society. Reginald fell in love with a call girl named Abigail Black and turned her. They ran away together and Vanessa's heart was broken.

She began to get second thoughts about her life and the corrupt things she did. When she met Annabelle Foresight and Thomas Dunston, two vampire children from America, she began to think on a major life change.


Monday, February 04, 2013

Scholastic Editors Forecast Top 10 Trends in Children's Books for 2013

Hey there gentle readers. Those folks at Media Room have posted Scholastic Editors Forecast Top 10 Trends in Children's Books for 2013.

I don't try to write to trends, but it's always good seeing what is going around in the reading world.

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Percy Jackson will meet the Kanes!

Now I've already gobbled up and reviewed the final book in Rick Riordan's Kane Chronicles, The Serpent's Shadow. But I read yesterday a bit of shocking but expected news.

The soft cover version coming out this May will have a new short story included. The Son of Sobek.
In that story is the event I keep predicting will happen. Percy Jackson (from two sets of series involving Greek Gods and monsters) will meet the Carter and Sadie Kane (from a series involving
Egyptian Gods and monsters).
I read the preview page and not only does Carter create a giant fist (Ala Green Lantern) but the main point is that Cater and Percy meet, disagree, get mad and begin to fight in true super hero meeting (aka Marvel cause they did it first) fashion!

And ooooh is it going to be gooood!

I can't wait!

I'm telling you, I swear this confirms it! Riordan is a closet comic book fan. Come out and admit to it. I need to talk to this man! He is what I want to be!