Thursday, January 31, 2013

Blog Tour featuring Mikey Brooks and Terron James!

Recently I was invited to join a blog tour where we get interview questions from the last person on the tour, answer them and then pass the baton onto the next blog.

I was tuned in to this by Author and artist extraordinaire Mikey Brooks. He's the author of Bean's Dragons and ABC Adventures: Magical Creatures. Check him out! These are wonderful books for every kid or even the kid at heart.

Here are his interview questions for me and my answers...

What is the working title of your next book?

Where did the idea come from for the book?

When I was first creating the rough draft for book one (NIGHT CHILDREN: DARK BIRTH) I planned out the basic first ideas for this one as well. Later on I split the story in two.

What genre does your book fall under?

Middle Grade Historical Fiction Fantasy

What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?
No clue because by the time my books are popular for a movie, anyone around today would be too old to play them.

What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
Vampire child Annabelle searches the London Underworld for her brother Roland whom is actually serving as a vampire pirate under the dreaded Captain Worthing and his crew of Bloody Buccaneers.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
Self published… for now.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

3 years.

What other books would you compare this to within your genre?
The Harry Potter series, the Percy Jackson series, the Fableheaven series, the Circu Du Freak series, and the Janitors series.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?
I saw a scene from a movie about a frightened vampire child. It got me thinking about how I would do things differently. I decided to try my own and Annabelle, my main character, walked out of my head and onto the page.

What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest?
Famous Pirates! Vampire pirates! Shadow creatures! London blood suckers! Vampire orphans! A crazed mob! Natives! Sword fighting with super powers! A sea serpent!

Next up on this Blog Tour Relay is Author Terron James! He's a good friend, teacher of future generations and the author of his upcoming book Insight! Here is an intro to Terron penned by the man himself...

Terron is the author of the YA fantasy series, Beholders, and the Tooele Chapter president of the League of Utah Writers.

Born in the wrong age, Terron James continually fantasizes of shining steel, majestic stone architecture, thundering cavalry rushes, and opportunities to prove his honor. Under the direction of his queen, Terron labors diligently in his kingdom, striving to prepare an inherita
nce worthy of his four heirs.

When he finally graduated from the University of Utah with his English BA, Terron had become besties with most of the English department staff, as well as the employees of Brio, who make a wicked cup of hot chocolate.

Spaghetti sauce inevitably finds its way behind at least one of Terron’s ears at every meal.

Although he currently resides in Tooele, UT, Terron’s dream is to capture every sunset with his wife, fingers interlocked, the reflection of his soul in her brown eyes, and the ocean surf rolling over their bare feet.

Terron is the Tooele Chapter president of the League of Utah Writers and a member of Pikes Peak Writers.

To schedule a book signing, appearance, or interview with Terron James, please contact his publicist, Kirk Cunningham, at


Bite of Story Thursday

Here is a sneak peek at my current work in progress, Myths. This is from the rough draft so it does not reflect the final product. Enjoy!


Chapter Ten :  Big House On The Prairie

Celeste joined him by the glass.  “They don’t teach us much about them in school.  They’re called the Nephilim but most races in Farnalla call them simply giants.  They always keep to themselves and remain neutral in the wars.  The Verbena Forest is the only place in Farnalla big enough to hide them.  Who knows what their correct size is or even how many kinds of giants there are?”

Eli spied a raggedy doll on the bed.  It resembled a girl but had to be at least eight feet tall.  As bedrooms go, the child’s room seemed simple.  She didn’t have a lot of toys or books.

He turned back to take in their prison.  A simple wooden box surrounded them.  Bits of torn up bushes and some tree limbs lay scattered around the box.  A few large rocks were strewn throughout, which some of his friends sat upon.  Tiny holes allowed for air but their circumference was much too small for Flitty to escape through.

His eyes caught on a few sinister objects.  A couple dead locusts were piled in a corner and a minotaur skeleton lay in the opposite corner with some leaves on top.

Celeste explained, “We figured that’s her last ‘toy’.  I covered it up out of respect.”

Heilgar’s primal scream startled everyone.  He charged the glass but when his body hit it, he simply bounced back into a bush. 

“Aw Heilgar,” Flitty said.  “That trick never works.”

The dwarf stood up and gave her a fiendish look, “I don’t care.  You’ll never catch me becoming a pile of bones in a child’s bug box.”

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How to Respond to Negative Reviews by Author Beth Revis

Author Beth Revis posted this great article on her blog about how we as authors should respond to negative reviews.

As many of you know, I've had my fair share of down and depressed black moods all caused by negative reviews. Some of you were responsible! And thank the good Lord you were. If it weren't for you and many like you my 1st novel would still be unreadable.

So ultimately we need the negative to smack us out of our writer haze and force us to refine our work.

But sometimes our work is good and what is wrong is simply that it's not right for some people. Some love Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Twilight, Ender's Game and Hamlet. Some don't. No big deal.

When we're the most down on ourselves due to other's opinions, we must sift out what helps us, what we really need, and the rest we can throw away and consider just a different opinion.

It's not always easy though. Sometimes we need things to lift us up. Beth Revis' has the right idea.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Molly O' Connell


No picture at this time. Hopefully that will change someday.

Physical characteristics:
Molly has brown hair and a thin build. Her eyes used to be green before she became a vampire. After her transformation they take on the normal red color.

Molly is sweet and loving. She would give her life for her students. She's very cautious, afraid that her "orphanage" would be discovered.

Known History:
Molly moved to England from her native Ireland to find work as a teacher. She fell in love with a young nobleman named Ryan. She found a great job at a boarding school and became popular among the students.

Ryan began to hang out with the wrong sort, other young noblemen who liked to stir up trouble. He Always enjoyed that sort of lifestyle and Molly knew he wasn't right for her but she was too afraid to break it off. Ryan and his friends started to visit Vanessa Kimball, a member of royalty whom was secretly a vampire. She turned them.

Ryan turned Molly against her will. She rejected him so he captured five of her pupils (Mary, Eric, Selina, Samuel and Charlotte) and turned them in their sleep.

Molly took in each of them and found an abandoned building in the heart of London where they could hide. She named their home the Palmer Orphanage after a famous vampire hunter. It was her way of rejecting their new life. Despite her feelings, Molly continued to teach the children what little she knew.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Actually did some writing!

Last week I actually wrote 1.207 words! Sure that's not a lot and it was only on one afternoon but hey, when you're busy balancing family and work you take what you can get!

I worked on Myths. Last year I wrote a few chapters on Myths and then decided to reshape the books focus. So I changed a lot and then added a lot more story set in the world of Farnalla. I always planned for them to reach their destination of Stonehenge and travel to our world, but I simply delayed that trip.

Well thanks to my recent meager efforts they have reached their destination and finally have been sent to a mythical land called Earth!

Now to write the 2nd half of the book!

Good Advice about Goodreads

Check out this great article from Novel Publicity for great advice to authors on how to use Goodreads.

Now if I could just find the time to do these things!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I'm on local TV!

Check out this cool interview Doug Radunich of TooeleTV did with me during the children's Book Festival!

TooeleTV: "Night Children" by Scott Bryan:

Coming in March: Two more cool blog hops!

In the month of March I'll be participating in he Lunar Love Giveaway Hop and the Lucky Leprechaun Giveaway Hop!

Both hops will give me the opportunity to giveaway Night Children: Dark Threats.

Keep watching this space!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Bite of Story Thursday

Night Children: Dark Birth

Chapter Thirteen: The Shopkeeper

The firmness in Eliza’s voice grabbed their attention. “Roland, next time control your temper and focus.  He cannot harm us.  He has no wooden stake or any other weapon.  To properly mesmerize someone you must push your thoughts over theirs.  Push your will.  Now try it.” 

“Mister Shopkeeper, it’s not nice to bully others.  You should be more polite.” 

The man mumbled the word, “Polite.” 

“Now please go fetch that red ball.  Yes.  Thank you.”  Roland placed the money on the counter and continued with his practice.  “Now forget you ever saw us and... leave.  Yes!  Leave town.” 

“Roland, wait.  You can’t just tell him to--” 

Annabelle’s voice must’ve broken the trance because the shopkeeper’s eyes opened wide with terror.  Eliza spoke up quickly.  “The trance I put him under has completely broken.  He can see us for what we truly--” 

“You’re vampires!” His face white with fear, he shouted, “Vampires are in my shop!  I’m going to die!  Help!” 

Eliza blocked his exit and tried to mesmerize him.  “He’s too upset.  We must flee.” 

“Can we mesmerize him while he’s unconscious?” Annabelle asked quickly.


“Can we mesmerize him when he’s unconscious?”  A frantic fear turned her stomach upside down as the shopkeeper’s voice got louder and louder.  She rapidly glanced out the shop windows.  Someone had to hear him.


“Good.”  Annabelle sped around the shop so fast the shopkeeper blinked.  She picked up the wooden stool and hit him over the head with it.  He dropped to the ground with a heavy thud. 

“Is he dead?”  Roland asked while looking over his body. 


For more check out Dark Birth at your local online store. Links to Dark Birth on the web can be found on the Store Page on this blog or you could just go here, Dark Birth on Amazon.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How Many Times Has the World Ended?

Here is a fun graphic put together by Allison Morris and the good people at

I realise we're all chillin' in out hot tubs, sippin' hot chocolate and just being grateful those crazy Mayans in their togas were wrong. I know it's all old news. But I thought I'd share this cause frankly it's just so darn cute. ;)

End of the World Infographic

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Hawke


No picture at this time. Hopefully that will change someday.

Full Name:
Ethan Hawke but he goes by his last name.

Physical characteristics:
He wears a trench coat loaded with specialized weapons as well as a belt and straps loaded with more weapons and ammunition. He has a long scar across his right eye thanks to the vampire Roland. Several other scars cover his body from many battles. He is missing two fingers on his left hand.

Hawke is gruff, vengeful, and angry. He is also very careful and calculating. To stay alive as long as he has, Hawke is always careful to watch his back and never stay in the same place twice. He has no scruples and is not above killing other humans to get at his prey.

Known History:
Ethan Hawke had a brother named Aaron. Aaron became obsessed with mythical and supernatural creatures after an incident when he was a child. He traveled the world researching the strange and unknown and then compiled all this information complete with sketches into his book; Aaron Hawke’s Guide to Mythical Beasts.

Enraged at this, the Vampire Lord Dominic slaughtered Aaron and his parents. Ethan arrived home late and caught Dominic in the act. He hid himself and was able to escape Dominic's attack. From that moment on Ethan dedicated himself to the eradication of every creature in his brother's book.

He began to only go by his last name with the hope that it would strike fear and terror into the creatures' hearts. He trained himself in every way to battle and kill the monsters that inhabited his world.

He has two katanna swords, a gift from a Samurai vampire hunter. Rumored to be folded so tightly that they can cut through any form of magic or magical beast. He also has throwing stars, a long knife, a grappling hook, a crossbow and a quiver full of silver tipped wooden arrows as well as plenty of silver shot for his arsenal of guns. Every weapon has been soaked in holy water. He can set expert traps, track monsters from nation to nation and has set up safe houses in ever country. His favorite weapon is his small sword Hell-Slayer. It has a thick tip that tapers down to it’s hilt. A flick of a latch and two smaller blades sprung out from either side. The weapon resembled a warped cross.

After his death Hawke's arsenal, safe houses, journals and maps of various creatures’ lairs were found by the man called Talin. Talin dedicated his life to following in Hawke's footsteps and called himself a "Hawke". Through the following centuries the Hawkes became the biggest threat against vampires, werewolves and any creatures of the unseen world.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Self Publishing Thoughts

Interesting thoughts on independent publishing. Check out this link from Write NonFiction Now.

I like publishing the Night Children series myself for many of the reasons shown in this article. I might still resubmit it, but this time a rejection won't bug me because I personally like the control I have over it.

So why do I even consider resubmitting with agents and publishers? The marketing. It's hard for me with a full time job and family, to have the time to properly get it out there. Also I don't have the funds to really push it out.

So having the money and resources of a publisher would help.

It's a toss up but I'm enjoying the journey either way.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Movie Review: The Hobbit -Spoilers-

I saw the Hobbit last week. Earlier in the year I reread the book. I read it when I was 12 but that was a long time ago. So I felt that if I was going to see the movie. I'd better have an understanding of the original story.

I've spoken to some who have seen the film and heard their reviews. They felt the additions to the story were not needed and detracted from the film. I do not agree. I really liked how they added more depth to the back story. I felt that have a stronger depth to Thorin Oakenshield.

I didn't ind the addition of the white orc or how he was substituted for the goblins during the forest battle. I enjoyed the action and the fun and appreciated the dramatic moments of the film. The goblins eagles, and wargs were just as I expected. I also liked the White Consul. I think it makes sense that there would be a small gathering of leaders to plan and watch for bigger threats. I got a kick out of the scene with old Bilbo and Frodo. It was taken from the beginning of the Fellowship book so it was good finally seeing that scene.

It was good to see Sir Ian McKellen again as Gandalf. While Sherlock star Martin Freeman did a perfect job as Bilbo. Andy Serkis gave me chills as Golum. Very inspirational for my writing.

So all in all I loved the film. Can't wait for the blue ray.

Of course some think it could have ended differently...

Friday, January 18, 2013

Movie Review: Frankenweenie

I finally saw Frankenweenie. I really enjoyed it. I purposely stayed away from spoilers because I'd already seen the live action from several years ago. I knew the story. I liked the story but I didn't understand why we needed a claymation treatment of it.

Now I understand.

Tim Burton was able to throw in all sorts of treats into this film. Of course the whole thing is a tribute to Frankenstein and the Bride of Frankenstein but what I didn't know was all the many other tributes to classic horror.

I mean we see Boris Karloff and Vincent Price immortalised in clay. We get tributes to werewolves and vampires and mummies and gremlins and even Godzilla.

Excellent. I love the classics and this film served it up in spades. A must own for me.

Question Time

I'm going to pass on a great question from J. A. Bennet, What music inspires you the most? For me it's Lorena McKennit for NightChildren & Myths, Danny Elfman for Night Children and the LOTR soundtrack for Myths. How about you?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bite of Story Thursday

Night Children: Dark Threats

Chapter Eight: Present Day, Hyde and Seek

Annabelle’s cold fist smashed through the zombie’s ribcage.  With her other arm she wacked off the creature’s head, sending it spiraling into a tombstone.  If she were human, these things would scare her, but she hasn’t been human for a long time.

Her brother Roland, laughed as he ripped a zombie apart and began to move at top speed around the graveyard, smacking the undead with a firmly held corpse.  His weapon of choice crumbled in his pale hands.  “Darn.  These things just don’t hold up like they used to.”

She smiled as she slashed a zombie in two with her nails.  “Whoever reanimated this horde didn’t take their time with the spell.”

Annabelle looked across the misty graveyard.  Gross bodies continued to shuffle from their graves.  Grey fingers clawed to the surface, revealing more decrepit enemies to fight.  So far none had escaped the sacred grounds of the cemetery, but with the sheer amount of undead, she knew it wouldn’t be long.

“And why zombies?” Roland asked as he unsheathed his silver cutlass.  “It’s so last week.  Why couldn’t it be living skeletons or mummies?”  He began to slash away at the horde, the moonlight reflecting off his sword.

Annabelle took to the air, hovering just out of the grasp of an undead man in a tux.  Half his rotten flesh seemed to fall off on its own.  “Could be worse.  They could be gremlins.”  She brushed off pieces of shredded corpse from her clothes.

“Ugh!  Please not those again.”  Roland flew into a mass of petrified bodies and began to slice them to shreds.  His blood-red eyes flickered and a wicked grin stole across his pale face. 

Annabelle continued to hover ten feet above the graves.  She focused on anything unusual. 

“You’re enjoying yourself.  Not a bad way to do our ‘sibling night’ patrol.”  He smiled as he continued to destroy more zombies.

“Still,” she continued from eight feet above, her red jacket flapped in the cool night breeze, “Something’s not right.  Zombies are normally weak, but these are pathetic.”

“Are you going to hang up there all night while I do all the work?”  His black jeans and sweatshirt began to turn grey with zombie remains.  “I’m working up a thirst.  We haven’t even gone hunting for breakfast yet.”

“You and your stomach.  I’m sure we’ll find a plump cat or dog to feed on soon enough.  Do you smell that?  There’s a hint of magic in the air.  I think one of our enemies left some kind of voodoo trinket somewhere in the graveyard.  If I could just spot it...” 


For more check out Dark Threats at your local online store. Links to Dark Threats on the web can be found on the Store Page on this blog or you could just go here, Dark Threats on Amazon.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Falabranwyn


Here is a cool pic from online. No clue what it is or who did it. If anyone knows, please tell me so I can give credit. There is no picture at this time of the Falabranwyn. Hopefully that will change someday.

Name Origin

Fala means crow in Native American. Branwen means beautiful raven in Welsh.


Physical characteristics:
All the Falabranwyn have the same physical characteristics. They have silky black hair and black eyes. They have a pale completion and thin bodies. They wear cloaks that seems to be made of black feathers. When in bird form they appear as crows or ravens, depending on their moods. Either way they become a black birds with eyes that seem almost human.
They tend to be quiet and reserved. The younger members of their species are not as quiet and make more mistakes. Most Falabranwyn give off an air of knowing more than those they advise or warn.

All Falabranwyn can shape-shift to appear as ravens or the larger crows. They have prophetic abilities as well, often receiving visions of future events. They don't all get the visions or dreams at once and some get more. The Falabranwyn can blend into the shadows and not be seen when they wish. They cannot be heard, seen, smelled if they want to disappear. They have no scent at all. This is a protection against vampires discovering them.

The Falabranwyn set themselves up as watchers and guardians of humankind long ago. In the Old Times there were many metamorphs (creatures that could change their shape at will). The Falabranwyn were one of the smarter, regal, prophetic and more organized of these species. 

At the end of what would be called the Exodus War all the mythical creatures left Earth for another world called Farnalla. The Falabranwyn volunteered to remain on Earth to keep guard in case Domi, Lord of the Dark Legions, escaped his other-dimensional prison and once again set foot on Earth. The collective consul of magical beings knew that two of Domi's followers, Roxana and Lucretia, had escaped during the war. The warlocks performed a permanent spell on the Falabranwyn so that vampires could not sense them. This would allow the Falabranwyn an edge against the vampires.

They control the dimensional gateways to the Dark Place, the other-dimensional world that serves as a prison.
The leader of the Falabranwyn is the Crow King. The first leader and father of their race was Alaric. He gave his life to end the Exodus War. On his death bed he gave the “Prophecy of the Younglings”.
His dying wish, Alaric tasked his subjects to watch for the prophesied younglings and prepare them for their duty.
Because of his final prophecy, the Falabranwyn always knew Domi would escape the Dark Place and sure enough he did. Ever since that time, the Falabranwyn have watched for the younglings. When Annabelle and Roland Foresight became vampires, the new Crow King Bolverk (Alaric's son) knew they were the prophesied younglings.




Monday, January 14, 2013

The A to Z Challenge!

I'm joining the A-to-Z Challenge. Basically you post every day in April (except Sundays) with something involving a different letter. So April 1st is A and so on.

Click the link in the last paragraph or on the picture on the side bar to the right and check it out!

Coming in April!

Quote by Naruto

I've never seen the show Naruto. I'm sure it's great, but my time is already limited. At any rate, a good friend from work, Rick Anderson, quoted the show on Facebook last Saturday night.

"It's not the face that makes someone a monster, it's the choices they make with their life."

This is one of the biggest themes in the Night Children series.

See, you have a vampire. A blood thirsty monster of the night who hunts and kills. Sure, she's a child and she kills animals and CHOOSES not to kill people, but technically she's considered a monster.

Then you have Hawke, the vampire hunter. He's a human who tries to rid the world of vampires and other creatures. But he's means and will stop at nothing to get his goal. He CHOOSES to hurt anyone and everyone who gets between him and his undead targets.

Who is the real monster?

Life gives us labels but we make the choices as to what we do with those labels.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Children's Book Festival!


That is the word for today, awesome.

As you gentle readers know, the festival was today. I feel overwhelmed with gratitude to Isa Ventura and all those dedicated volunteers whom set up and put on the Festival. It was an honor to be invited and I can't wait to do it again in 2014!

It was wonderful. I got to visit with Lisa Mangum and Jessica Day George again. I've met them before at two prior book signings and it's always good to talk with them and share experiences and advice.

Lisa brought it to my attention that there is a Teen Writers' Conference that my Kate might like. Jessica gave me advice on why and how I should get compensation for school visits, thoughts on writing and why resubmitting Night Children to agents and publishers would be a great idea. Even advice on how vampires might not be a total turn off to agents. I might need to message her on Facebook about that subject again in the future.

I've read and enjoyed two of Lisa's books and plan to read the third in her Hourglass Door series. My daughter Katelyn has all of her books. Meanwhile, Jessica has continued to fan the flame in my daughter Laura's book collection. She loves Jessica's books and is eager to read the the current one. I've decided to put her dragon books on my reading list. I need to read about more dragons. My dragon girl Lyndi commands it.

I also met author Tyler Whitesides. He's the author of Janitors, a book that is beloved by kids and readers all over and looks extremely interesting. I'm going to read and review it after I finish Ender's Game. I really enjoyed our conversations and would love to continue. But life is busy so you visit when you can. It's good to come across other authors whom you share similar views and ideals with.

At the Festival we had a chance to meet many, many kids who love reading. This is the BEST part of the author's experience! So many wonderful kids who are excited about reading and writing. The kids were given tee shirts which I gladly signed. It was incredible, chatting and laughing with so many excited kids!

I got interviewed by Tooele TV! I've never been interviewed before and I can't wait till it broadcasts. I'll keep you posted when it does.

I want to post a grateful thanks to Tyler from the Standsbury High ROTC. He was assigned as my assistant. I've never had an assistant before. I'll tell you right now I did not send him off on evil errands or act like some premadona. If anything I worried I didn't have anything for him to do. But I eventually did need some back up and he sure helped!

Brandon and the crew of Starry Night Books were there and once again backed me up. They featured my books and were incredibly helpful to me and my wife throughout this great experience.

And speaking of my wife, as always she was (and is) my rock. My long suffering wife ran errands, made sure the books were where they were needed, explained them, spoke with so many and even suggested to Tyler Whitesides to come visit Starry Night Books. She brought the kids and bought them copies of all three authors' books. She spoke with Jessica about whether I should resubmit to agents and publishers and what is the proper method for visits to schools. Janeen was incredible and once again, I'd be lost without her.

So the Children's Book Festival was AWESOME! I've been invited back for next year and I can't wait to do it again!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Bite of Story Thursday

Here is a sneak peek at my current work in progress, Myths. This is from the rough draft so it does not reflect the final product. Enjoy!


Chapter Eleven : Deadlands

After once again throwing his axe into a mass of goblins, Heilgar simply raised his arm expectantly.  Eli hadn’t seen him pick it up the last time he threw it so the elf was surprised to see the shiny silver weapon tear through the crowd like it had a mind of its own until it flew into its master’s waiting hand.

“How’d you do that?” Eli asked as he pushed the retrieval button on his quiver.  Five arrows shot back to him.  In one fluid movement, Eli grabbed the shafts in midair, aimed and shot them at new targets.  “I had to have a recovery spell put on my quiver, you too?”

“Something similar,” the dwarf replied as he cut through more attackers.  “We have a dwarf shaman in our city that knows a trick or two.”

Eli pulled an arrow with a particular tip and let it fly into a mound of oncoming monsters.  It erupted into a burst of flame.  The creatures screamed as fire engulfed them.  He could feel Celeste’s disapproval in his head but this was war. 

He pushed down any guilt that tried to crawl to the surface.  “Huh,” he said to the dwarf, “I thought dwarves hated magic.  Maybe they can hold their own in a fight after all.”

“What?” Heilgar’s hairy mouth dropped and he almost missed an oncoming goblin.  “How dare you question my nations’ battle skills?  We don’t need magic like you scrawny, hairless sticks do.  We only use it on rare occasions because any helpful weapon is still a weapon.”  He hit a goblin on the head with the hilt of his axe.

“Fair enough,” Eli responded with a smile.  “Let’s put it to a test.”  He downed another group of goblins on his right.  “I have no clue how many I’ve taken out so far but how about we keep score from this point.  That was five... no six to your one.”

Heilgar spun around, slicing multiple goblins that tried to surround him.  “I’d never engage in such foolishness.  And now I’m at seven.”

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Zombies


I found this pic on the web. No clue who did it. If you have any idea, please let me know.

Physical characteristics:
Most are slightly stronger than humans but their bodies are rotting away. They seem to possess limited intelligence which allows for broken speech, slow movement and the desire to search out victims for food.

What they are:
Through dark magic, the bodies of the deceased can be reanimated to serve a dark master. Most zombies are brain dead and only live to serve their master or feast on the living. They can be easily destroyed with fire and can be ripped by creatures that are stronger. Silver effects them as well.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

My Facebook Author Page is up!

Hey guess what? I have a new Facebook Author Page! Come check it out.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Book Review: The Time Travelers by Linda Buckly-Archer SPOILERS


The following review contains spoilers…

I am pretty disappointed about this book. The cover really makes this book look exciting and enticing. The blurb on the cover says “For kids who love Harry Potter”. This isn’t true. It should read “For kids who like stories that do an excellent job of describing the 1800’s but lack character resolution or development.”

Linda Buckley-Archer does a fine job of creating characters you care about. I quickly cared for Peter and Kate right off the bat. Gideon also is a likeable, relatable character. The rest of the cast from 1763 didn’t interest me, yet they heavily feature in most of the book. In fact when the cast are captured by bandits I didn’t really care what happened to them and wanted to get back to the modern era to check on the detective.

See, the detective is also a strong character. He tries everything he can to get Kate’s father and his scientist associates to admit they know what happened to the kids. Every time something in the past turns up, some new evidence that gives the detective another clue, he tries to get the truth out of Kate’s dad. But he never does. It’s actually a huge disappointment.

Peter has an estranged relationship with his father that is never resolved or even started on the road to recovery. We see that his father is sorrowful and Kate’s father has answers about Peter’s whereabouts but those answers are never given. And when Peter realizes his own father never came to save him, I’m wishing Kate’s dad would tell Peter of his own father’s passion for Peter’s life. After all, the man did punch Kate’s dad when he discovered he knew something. But Kate’s dad doesn’t even mention that Peter’s parents are worried. No resolution to the original problem set forth in this book, Peter’s relationship with his dad.

Kate is another issue. When we first meet her we discover she has a strong personality to match her long red hair. I like that and wanted to see her shine, even get close to Peter so they could learn from each other. They come from different backgrounds and have different personalities so clearly the author has set things up so they can learn from each other. Yet time and time again she’s left behind in her big dress, a helpless girl. Sure, she does teach Peter how to blur and travel back to their century, but that’s all she does. Peter treats her horribly and this is never resolved while she just serves and yet another damsel in distress whom is mostly absent from the story.

Buckley-Archer does cast an excellent backdrop. She has done her research and it shows. We truly are in 1763. You’d think kids from our time would constantly contrast what’s missing from our time when they are stuck in the past but these kids don’t. Still, the story works well as a textbook to teach kids about that era.

All in all I couldn’t really get t this story. I read the whole thing but I guess it’s just not for me.

Speaking to the Excelsior Academy

A friend a fellow local author, Terron James, author of the Beholder series, invited me to speak to his class. On Wednesday the 2nd I did.

It went great! The kids were excited and curious. I spoke with two whom were aspiring writers. I love doing that. So many have hopes and dreams and only need a little encouragement to create great things.

Several students had another commitment but four kids were able to sit down with me and discuss writing and the Annabelle series. It was a close, relaxed group. We spoke of many things and I hope I answered all their questions.

All in all a nice event and I hope one day to go back. Thanks Terron for the opportunity!

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Bite of Story Thursday

Night Children: Dark Birth

Chapter Twenty : Rescue Mission

A cool mist blew through the woods.  Annabelle stood alone, listening to the strange silence.  The world seemed unearthly.  Nothing made a sound, even the crickets remained quiet.

“Nice night, don’t you think?”

She spun around, looking for the owner of the familiar voice.  She’d heard it before.  Male, old and somehow wise, it sounded strangely comforting.

“My mate, Ethelda, doesn’t like it when I roam.” The voice continued.  “She thinks I should just rest.  I think she worries too much.”

Annabelle turned again but this time she found him.  An old man sat on the ground, leaning against a tree.  Dressed in a clean cloak and a dark shirt and pants, the man simply carved a piece of wood.  As his hands worked the wood she looked into his white eyes.  He gazed at nothing, completely blind.  His chin was covered with light white whiskers. 

The man calmly carved and a smile stole across his face.  With a shock she saw his vampire fangs and wondered why she hadn’t noticed them before.

“Please sir, my friend Henry has been kidnapped.  He needs our help.”

The old man looked straight at her and yet his blank eyes seemed to stare through Annabelle.  “Dear Annabelle, you would go against Eliza’s wishes?  After all she’s done for you?”

She realized with a start where she’d seen this man before.  “You were in my dreams before.  The night I turned into a vampire.”

He gave her a warm smile.  “Yes.  Eliza saved you, didn’t she?  She works so hard, teaching you, training you.  Raising you to grow up and be the great hero you must be.  Cherish the time you have with her.”

“But she wants us to leave Henry to those monsters.  We can’t.”

“I wouldn’t worry about that.  Instead you should remember your training.  And have courage.  Angry dogs are scary, but you can survive them.”

With a knowing grin, the old vampire faded into grey mist. 


For more check out Dark Birth at your local online store. Links to Dark Birth on the web can be found on the Store Page on this blog or you could just go here, Dark Birth on Amazon.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Children's Book Festival

I'll be at the Tooele Children's Book Festival Jan 12th! Come see! So will Tyler Whitesides, Lisa Mangum and Jessica Day George!

I've known this for awhile but kept it under my hat for a bit until it got closer. They are going to have a brunch with the authors and I'll have a chance to speak and sign books too. I'm really excited. This will be my first time at one of these.

Also, today, I'm speaking at the Excelsior Academy which is a local Charter school. I'm excited to meet the kids. I'll keep you posted on how both events go.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Book Two is Finished... again!

Last Friday I finished the principle edits on Night Children: Dark Changes! All those nasty edits brought on by strong advice I did not want to hear but needed to listen to, and those edits made a great deal of difference.

See, I held onto some early story concepts that I stuck with ever since the original first draft. Way back in 2005 when I was writing what would become the first half of book one and most of book two (then one single over large story). After Book One became it's own thing, several thinks remained for the sequel. I really resisted changing some of those things, even though my beta readers proclaimed them "too dark".

Well I needed a long break. A break spent last year focusing on other stories. Once I reached my personal deadline, I returned to Book Two and saw for myself the beta readers where correct. At first I was lost as to what to do but my long-suffering wife pointed out a simple solution. Why didn't I see that in the first place?

I set forth to make the necessary changes and now it's "finished" and sent off to several beta readers. Does this mean it's truly done and I can format it for ebook publication? NO! I don't trust it. It needs these reviews and it might have to go through even more edits.

But at least I've reached a tiny milestone.

Now back to writing the rough draft for Myths...

Happy New Year, Readers Young and Old... a message from Rick Riordan

Here is a link to a wonderful message from my current favorite author, Rick Riordan. He's the author of the Percy Jackson books. Whenever I read one of his books not only am I sucked in and can't get enough, but I feel an overwhelming desire to write. He inspires me.

Now I've struggled with a few writers about who my readership is. I feel the closest to a Middle Grade audience. That's 9-12 but honestly it could go a little higher. Maybe it's because I'm still a kid at heart but I can relate with their fears and I hope my books reach out to them on some level.

Rick Riordan puts it best in his article...

My favorite part is this statement...
"Just because children are the protagonists does not make it a children’s book." I wish people who say all books with kid protagonists HAVE to be Middle Grade would listen to him.

Anyway, I wanted to share this with my followers.

Happy New Year!

Well 2012 is over and with it so many major events both personal and global. We've seen senseless tragedy and incredible opportunity. I don't want to go into it all but I will say that personally I'm ready for 2013. Sure, I don't want more of the bad but life is always a mix.

We can't avoid the further march of time but we can try to spend it treating each other better and trying with all our ability to lift each other up and travel hand in hand through this year's events. Perhaps we'll be responsible for some amazing stuff?

Have a great 2013 everyone!

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Kimon


No picture at this time. Hopefully that will change someday.

Name Origin:
(Κίμων): Greek name, possibly meaning "sleepy."

Physical characteristics:
Every time Annabelle has seen Kimon it's been in her dreams. He appears as an old vampire with long white hair and a beard of scruffy whiskers. Every time she's seen him he's worn different clothing. He is blind.

Kimon is friendly and wise. He has a since of humor and always has a smile.

Known History:
The mysterious older vampire known as Kimon appeared to Annabelle in a dream the night her body transformed into a vampire.  He appeared again in another dream the day before she set out to rescue her brother Roland and their friend Henry. His mate is named Ethelda.

He can dream walk, appearing in others' dreams and controlling his appearance and even shape the dream according to his wishes. Sometimes the dreams show evens or objects from the future. For instance, when he appeared to Annabelle in the early 1700's, his dream was of a Hawaiian Luau and he dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts, centuries before the look came into fashion.

As of this writing his identity and history is unknown. Annabelle learns more about him each time he appears in her dreams.  Every bit of advice has come in handy. Annabelle has begun to look forward to their chats.