Monday, December 31, 2012

Bringing in the New Year with a Books Giveaway!

Check out No Thoughts 2 Small for their "Bringing in the New Year Giveaway" featuring Dark Threats!

That's right! I'm a featured author on the site and we're giving away another copy of Dark Threats!

Come on over!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bite of Story Thursday

Night Children: Dark Threats

Chapter Six: 1941

Annabelle could see from above that Grace had problems of her own. 

The werewolf called Robert growled at her.  “You waste your time, Princess.”  He kept his eyes on her as they circled each other.  Each one ready to attack the other, they simply glared.  Their hackles raised and a low rumble built up from their diaphragms.  “Join us.  Accept the full power of what you are.”

Grace Faolchú tightened her eyes.  “And disgrace my people?  The Clan Faolchú has stood in Dracula’s way for centuries.  I’m ashamed that any wolf would serve your dark master.  Dracula and Hitler are both foul tyrants whom will be destroyed.  You can bet on it.”

In her werewolf form, Grace appeared thin but healthy.  The attacking werewolves all dwarfed her due to her smaller size.  She was roughly the same height as Roland and possessed his defiant temper.  Despite being two different creatures of the night, Roland and Grace seemed perfect for each other.

Her opponent smiled a toothy grin.  “You would do well to join up.  We’ll find your precious clan.  And when we do, I’ll take your head to your brother Coinín as a trophy.  He’s the king of your tribe now, correct?”

She grinned as well.  It took a lot more than false bravado from one of Dominic’s trained mutts to get under her fur.  “You’re welcome to try.”

The werewolf lunged.  Grace dropped to the ground and darted between his legs.  She flipped, grabbed the extra fur on his back, pulled herself up and slashed at his eyes and throat.  He let out a dreadful gasp as she bounded off his shoulders and somersaulted in the air.  Grace outstretched her feet, landing on a table.  She picked up a silver knife with a napkin and crouched, ready for his attack.

Already healing, the monster charged.  He swung his massive arms upward and brought them down onto the wooden table.  She sprung up and back.  Grace landed, behind the shattered table, crouched low on the ground.  She winced at the heat coming through the napkin.  One slip and the silver could permanently burn her.

Robert threw aside the broken table and snapped at her with his massive jaws.  She darted to the right, clawing his side, and then jammed her knife through his chest.  He fell to his knees, now human with an expression of shock plastered across his face. 
Grace’s chest caved inward with her ragged breathing.  She smiled just before another werewolf smacked her into a wall.  She dropped to the ground, unconscious. 


For more check out Dark Threats at your local online store. Links to Dark Threats on the web can be found on the Store Page on this blog or you could just go here, Dark Threats on Amazon.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Sorry it's late but I wanted to wish my followers a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.  I realise I haven't posted much lately. Things have been hectic. I'm planning on fixing that real soon.

For now though, have a great holiday!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Book Review: The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan

As always, Rick Riordan entertains us with exactly what we want in a Percy Jackson book, strong characters in lots of edge of your seat action. It’s great to see Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel and Leo back. This is the first time all seven leads share in an adventure and I find the blending of characters and personalities to be perfect.

Most get their own chance to narrate but the one I was interested in was Annabeth. This is her book and we’ve never before had a chance to get in her head. Now we do and I find it to be just as good a place to be as Percy or any of the others. I feel for her troubles and cheer for her victories.

Of course there is a surprise cliffhanger. It serves its purpose because now I’m desperate for the next installment!  All in all I give this book a 10.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Hey gentle readers!

My sweetheart had a hysterectomy late Thursday. She's home and recovering. The kids and I have been helping her a great deal. In a couple weeks she should be feeling much better.

As for my writing, I'm a couple chapters away from finishing my edits on the Roland chapters of Dark Changes (Book Two). Then I'm going to write a prologue and edits a couple things in the Annabelle chapters. After that I'll be all finished and ready to ship it to my beta readers.

I should write some pre-posts for this blog. I'm due to do Who's Whos and Bite of Stories for the next few weeks but between helping my sweetie, editing and working, my time is pretty strapped.

I promise not to keep you without new posts for very long.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Bite of Story Thursday

Here's another peek at my current work in progress, NIGHT CHILDREN: DARK CHANGES.

Remember, this is from the rough draft so it does not reflect the final product. Anyway, sit back and enjoy...


Night Children: Dark Changes
Chapter Sixteen: Slaves

As soon as the slave ship was close enough the vampires leaped aboard.  Roland wished he could shut his ears as his fellow crew members laughed wickedly.  Roland visibly flinched at the mortals’ screams.

Captain Worthing, Ruthless Rach, Blood-Eyed  Bill and Abigail Black were already on the other ship, killing randomly. Roland remained at the railing.  He couldn’t bring himself to join in on the slaughter.

“What’s the matter?  Afraid to leap over?”

It was Paul, the older, fatter pirate that couldn’t keep up with the others.  He stood next to Roland and watched the slaughter with a gleam in his eyes.  Roland watched him for a moment.

Paul continued, “I can’t make the jump.  I’ve never been a good vampire.  Bill would’ve killed me decades ago but the Captain lets me stay on.  He’s a great man.”

Roland nodded.  He didn’t see the sense in challenging the Captain’s authority.  Instead he remained silent as he turned back to the slaughter.  The Captain of the slave ship was fighting off two vampire pirates.  Abigail watched from the side, a smirk on her face.

“I’ve seen you move,” Paul continued.  “Why don’t you just fly over there and finish the mortals off?”

“I... can’t.  Those are people over there.  They’re screaming.  We shouldn’t be doing this.”

Paul placed a hand on Roland’s shoulder.  “Hey, it’s all right.  This is what we do.  The mortals do it too.  I’ve seen a lot of mortal pirates out on the open sea.  Most are just as vicious.”

“But it’s not right.”

“You do realize what that ship is for, right?”

“It’s a slave ship.”

“Can you smell the fear deep inside?  There are probably four hundred slaves below deck.  Those men our crew are slaughtering intend to sell those slaves.  If you think about it, we’re doing those poor mortals below deck a favor and freeing them from a life of shackles and whips.  We’re the heroes here, kid.”

Roland thought about it.  Paul had a point.  At least vampires only killed to eat.  Mortals captured and killed for much nastier purposes.

“You’re right.  Thanks.”  Roland exchanged smiles with the elderly vampire and flew to the other ship.

“Give ‘em Hell, kid.”

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Sasquatch


Picture by The Mountain

Physical characteristics:
These creatures are taller than eight feet, covered in matted black fur and have elongated hands and feet. Their faces are a cross between an ape and a human. They have a musky odor that triggers most creatures' gag reflexes.

What they are:
Sasquatches live in packs or tribes across North America. They prefer to remain hidden, live off the land and are quite peaceful. There are always exceptions, but most shun violence.

There are several which have been trapped and captured by the vampire Fenroth. Those have been permanently mesmerized and brought into the service of Dominic. He has his own army of sasquatches.

These creatures are commonly known as Bigfoot. They are related to the yeti of the Himalayas and northern Russia. There are rumors of a particular sasquatch that has worked with other creatures and two human kids but those rumors are so far unfounded.