Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Roxana Dawn: Bride of Domi


This is the closest I have to a pic of them.

artist:(if you know the artist, please let me know so I can credit him or her).


Elizabeth Báthory, Roxana Dawn and Penelope Chesterfield.

Their mission is to watch over Domi's interests and keep an eye on the Seven Tyrant Lords.

Roxana Dawn:

Other names:
Roxie, Lady in White,

Name origin:
Latin form of Persian Roušanak, meaning "dawn” or "break of day." 

Physical characteristics:
Pale complexion, short black hair mostly bobbed Ala a 20's "Flapper" girl. Thin, small body. Girlish round face. Small dimple on her left cheek. Likes to wear "Flapper" girl styles such as long dresses and plenty of long necklaces. Used to dress like a western show girl back in the mid-nineteenth century. Used to wear gobs of make up like her sister but gave it up. Loves to wear white lace. She always wears lace gloves.

She has a sweet disposition but is actually a terrible back biter.

Typical vampire abilities:

She possesses the abilities of all vampires. This means she is faster and stronger than humans, her senses are extremely acute as are her reflexes. She can fly, turn into a bat, wolf, rat and she can mesmerize humans.

Special abilities:
She can control almost anyone, human or creature, with her voice. As soft and high pitched like the tinkling of a bell, Roxana's voice can control a person's body, allowing her to make her victim do anything she wants. Has no affect on Dominic or Elizabeth Báthory. She also carries a small silver blade with a leather handle.

Known History:

Roxana lived in ancient Rome with her older sister Lucretia. While Lucretia was more obsessed with her looks, Roxie developed a passion for Dominus.  She became very loyal to him and jumped at the offer of vampirism. Trained by Dominus’ chief General, Adad, to be great fighter. Along with her older sister, she has always dreamed of being on of Dominus' Three Queens.

Domi commanded Lucretia and Roxana to hide during the Exodus War. They rejoined him one he escaped his prison in the Dark Place. She has been an active follower ever since.

There is much left to discover about Roxana's long, evil life.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

What I'm thankful for

Everything! I'm thankful for everything!

As I sit here, Thanksgiving morning, the intoxicating aroma of turkey flowing through the air, I realise how grateful I am for my family, my home, my job, my ability to write and the opportunities I have in both writing and drafting (my day job). I'm grateful for my material blessing and even more grateful for my eternal blessings like my wife and kids.

I just thought I'd mention these things. Now I'm going to go back to what I was doing, sitting here smelling the turkey that has been cooking all night, it's annual aroma of insane goodness is driving me loopy. I swear the moment will come this morning when I "check" the bird, my sharp fork clutched in my trembling hand. Come, bird. Come and know death!

Sorry. Got carried away.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Roland Foresight


artist: Adam Diller

Other names:
Night Child, Island Keeper, annoying brother, Bloody-Buccaneer

Name Origin:
Old German name meaning "renowned land." 

Physical characteristics:
Straight red hair. Red eyes. Small white fangs. Wears a variety of clothing but likes to wear combinations of red and black.

Age Chart:
He was turned at age 13. Every hundred years he ages one year. He actually experiences his years longer than normal humans. Vampire children remain that age emotionally and mentally, perhaps for self preservation so they do not go insane living as an adult trapped in a child body.

How he handles immortality remains to be seen.

Advancement Chart:
b. October 13th 1679 d. 1692

born a vampire 1692-
Age 13= 1692-1792
Age 14 = 1792-1892
Age 15 = 1892-1992
Age 16 = 1992-Present Day

No other ages available at the moment.

Roland tends to have dreams of the far future, although he isn't aware of this at the beginning of the series. When he learns of this talent remains to be seen. He has the standard vampire abilities. This means he’s faster and stronger than humans, his senses are extremely acute as are his reflexes. He can fly and turn into a bat. In later years He has shown the ability to transform into a wolf, rat and mist but how he learned these things has yet to be told. He can control humans through mesmerization and communicate with lesser beasts.

He became an expert sword fighter thanks to his years as a Bloody-Buccaneer.

Known History:

In 1692 Roland Foresight moved with his family to the wilds of Massachusetts. The Vampire Lord Dominic Pratchet killed his parents and left him and his sister Annabelle for dead. Dominic's wife Eliza turned them into vampires, taught them the things they needed to know and became a surrogate mother to them.

As the centuries have passed, Roland became a hero to many, constantly fighting Dominic's forces as a member of the Order of Righteous Vampires. He prefers to drink the blood of animals instead of humans. Roland is possessed with an overwhelming desire to finish Dominic off once and for all.

He's rebellious, acts before thinking, hot-headed and gets overly excited about new things without thinking about the consequences. He isn't afraid of much in life and is filled with a wanderlust for adventure and travel.

He learned to sword fight when he became a Bloody-Buccaneer. Those years were both some of the best and worst of his life. Two men have filled him with a passion for revenge; the vampire hunter Hawke and Dominic, the monster lord who killed his parents. He has also had a few loves in his long life.

Any more information would be spoilers at this time.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Years ago I searched online for Harry Potter fan art. We only had three movies but more books and I was dying to see images of those great book scenes that had not yet been captured on film. As I saved tons of drawings for my collection a silly thought crossed my mind.

What if someday aspiring artists created masterpieces of my books? I knew it was far off because after all, I was still massively editing book 1.

Guess what? That day has arrived! The following are two great pieces from Elizabeth Hansen.


Thank you so much Elizabeth!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bite of Story Thursday


Chapter Twenty-One

“Of all the stupid, selfish things to say.” Annabelle exclaimed as she passed back and forth on the carpet back in their apartment. Thomas smiled.

She turned to him and gave a look that would frost his heart, “What?”

He smirked despite the apparent danger of annoying a passionate vampire child. “You knew that was going to be his response didn’t you?”

She flopped down in a chair and sighed loudly. “Yes. I did. Just once I’d like to get a straight answer from that man. Just once.”

“I know, Ann. Believe me I know.”

“Come, let’s go find something warm and juicy. I need to drown my sorrows.”


Dark Tribulations is due next year. More info as things develop.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dark Threats will be at the Purple Cow Bookstore!

The Purple Cow is a local children's bookstore in Tooele, Utah. I've spoken with them and gave them a copy of Night Children Dark Threats. After reviewing it they have decided to carry the book in thier store.

You read that right, Night Children Dark Threats will be on thier shelves!

I'm so excited! It's $8.99 and will be in stock at the store within the next two weeks!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Elizabeth Báthory : Bride of Domi


This is the closest I have to a pic of them.
artist:(if you know the artist, please let me know so I can credit him or her).

Elizabeth Báthory, Roxana Dawn and Penelope Chesterfield.

Their mission is to watch over Domi's interests and keep an eye on the Seven Tyrant Lords.

Elizabeth Báthory:

Other names:
Elizabeth Báthory: Báthory Erzsébet in Hungarian, Alžbeta Bátoriová in Slovak, Blood Countess, Blood Queen, Lady of the House of Domi, Head Bride, Countess Dracula.

Name origin:
Anglicized form of Greek Elisabet, meaning "God is my oath."

Physical characteristics:
Dark hair, pale complexion, commanding presence. Posses a regal air. She’s strong, powerful, constantly in control.

Typical vampire abilities:
She possesses the abilities of all vampires. This means she is faster and stronger than humans, her senses are extremely acute as are her reflexes. She can fly, turn into a bat, wolf, rat and mist. She can also mesmerize humans.

Special abilities:
Her typical vampiric abilities seem more refined. She's a master at all of them, perhaps due to her personal training by Dominic. The various servents under Domi share rumors that she might be as powerful as the master.

Known History:
Domi warped the mind of Elizabeth Báthory, followed her as she grew up, spoke to her in secret. She fell in love with him. Completely devoted. She wanted to become one of his Three Queens (Brides of Dracula). He demanded she marry for political reasons to another mortal.

At age 35 he finally turned her after she gave him a present, the constant supply of young maidens from her land. She forced others to help her kill over 650 victims. She’d bathe in their blood as well as drink it. She was psychotic, thanks to Domi’s constant influence. Grateful for her “gifts”, Domi turned her in secret.

As punishment for her crimes, the mortals imprisoned in her home, Csejte Castle. She was bricked within a set of rooms. Domi faked her death. Allowing her to secretly escape in the night. He trained her in every skill. She is the closet he has ever loved anyone.

She became is Head Bride and rules by his side to this day. Serves him faithfully, watching over the Seven Generals, making sure they don’t betray Dominic.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Speaking Engagements for 11-11-11

Yesterday I had the fortunate opportunity to speak to two classes again.

In the morning I first went to Mr. Bryant's 8th grade US History class at the local Junior High. They listened politely as I explained who I was. I told them of Annabelle's story and my journey as a writer. I showed them pictures and even read part of my Salem chapters to them (that's what they had recently studied).
While I read, Mr. Bryant placed their names in my cauldron. I then opened it up for questions. Two kids asked several good questions and after I was done reading I chose a winner for a copy of Dark Threats. The lucky boy asked me to sign it (I'd forgotten beforehand). I finished off by chucking candy at them. All in all it was a good visit.

A few hours later I spoke to Mr. Palfreyman's high school 10th grade English class. I followed a similar pattern but I think I was more relaxed. Maybe it was because my wonderfully energetic wife helped me open up? Maybe it was because most of my daughter's friends were in the class? I don't know but it went really well. Several kids had a lot of questions (one of Katie's friends would ask every time there was a lag in conversation) and my wife Janeen broke it up with the book giveaway and the candy chucking.

I'm grateful to both classes for having me and hope to do it again.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bite of Story Thursday

Chapter Four

Time seemed to stop. They all looked at Dominic, confused and shocked.

His strong, pale face drew Annabelle’s attention. His eyes seemed to glow red like two burning embers in the night. His mouth opened into a fiendish smile.

“Mr. Pratchet, be careful! The wolves are--”

Roland’s words trailed off as the wolf pack paced towards them. He whispered, “Nice doggies. Can we go home, Father?”

Annabelle knew the wolves were too close. She and her family were trapped. Her breath caught as she peeked through her mother’s arms.

Dominic gestured and the beasts stopped in their tracks. Before she could bury her head again, the man attacked. He lifted Father from the ground as easily as if he were a feather and held him in the air.

Anthony flailed wildly, striking the lantern against Dominic’s head. The fiend latched onto it and flung it to the ground.

Roland surged forward, but Mother pulled him close.

Annabelle fought her mother’s tense grip. “Let me go! We have to help!”

“No!” Mother cried, “There’s nothing we can do!”


For more check out Dark Birth at your local online store. Links to Dark Birth on the web can be found on the Store Page on this blog or you could just go here, Dark Birth on Amazon. Soon to be on paperback!

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Annabelle Foresight


By Adam Diller

Other names:
Ann, Night Child, bossy sister

Name Origin:
ANNABEL: "Beautiful grace." A compound name consisting of English Ann, "grace," and French Belle, "beautiful." Variants include Anabel, Anabella, Anabelle, Annabal, Annabelinda, Annabell, Annabella and Annabelle.

Physical characteristics:
Short in height. Red bushy hair. Red eyes. Small white fangs. Wears a variety of clothing but likes to wear combinations of red and black.

Age Chart:
She was turned at age 11. Every hundred years she ages one year. She actually experiences her years longer than normal humans. Vampire children remain that age emotionally and mentally, perhaps for self preservation so they do not go insane living as an adult trapped in a child body.
Annabelle, however, is more mature for her age. How she handles immortality remains to be seen.

Advancement Chart:

b. October 13th 1681 d. 1692

born a vampire 1692-
Age 11 1692-1792
Age 12 = 1792-1892
Age 13 = 1892-1992
Age 14 = 1992-Present Day

No other ages available at the moment.

She gets dreams that show the near future (but presently in the books she is unaware of this. When she learned of this ability remains unknown). She has the standard vampire abilities.  This means she’s faster and stronger than humans, her senses are extremely acute as are her reflexes. She can fly and turn into a bat. In later years she has shown the ability to transform into a wolf, rat and mist but how she learn these things has yet to be told.  She can control humans through mesmerization and communicate with lesser beasts.

Known History:

In 1692 Annabelle Foresight moved with her family to the wilds of Massachusetts. The Vampire Lord Dominic Pratchet killed her parents and left her and her brother Roland for dead. Dominic's wife Eliza turned them into vampires, taught them the things they needed to know and became a surrogate mother to them.

As the centuries have passed, Annabelle has become a hero to many, constantly fighting Dominic's forces as a member of the Order of Righteous Vampires. She prefers to drink the blood of animals instead of humans. Annabelle is deeply concerned about the safety of mortal children.

She is determined, loyal to family, feels love for others and angry if someone hurts her family.  Annabelle is outward friendly,book smart, a quick learner and sometimes acts too serious to make up for her reckless older brother. She tends to pretend to be brave and mock the bad guys.

She takes life too seriously and can be bossy. She takes over when she should sit back. She can often make decisions before consulting others. She's afraid deep inside if she doesn’t just make things happen, they will fall apart right away.

Before vampirism she loved animals and winced when they got hurt. After becoming a vampire she now sees them as something to eat. In some ways she has lost touch with who she was. She has a deep fear of two men, Hawke the vampire hunter and Dominic, the vampire who killed her parents.

NOTE: I added a "NAME ORIGIN" to Dominic's entry below.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Book Review: Insight by Terron James

Oh ho! This book surprised me! Yes, the cover did throw me off. The guy on the cover is so depressed. But are we not told to NOT judge a book by its cover? Well I’m so glad I didn’t. Before I tell you why, I will say here that this cover actually is perfect after you follow Lon’s tough journey. Author Terron James is planning on changing the cover but let me tell you the story inside is good enough no matter what the cover looks like.

Insight is the story of a boy who becomes a man, gaining “insight” as he discovers everything he knew was wrong. It’s a coming of age story set in a realistic world of warring nations, exiled people and years worth of false hatred. Appernysia could easily be any place on Earth, where people were raised up to believe the other people “over there” are bad and we’re good. Lon grew up in a small community where everyone lived the lives they were expected and never stepped out of line or challenged their world.

But what happens if the “bad guys” come to Lon’s sleepy outskirt community ? What happens when Lon discovers that these Rayders seem to be just as human as anyone else?

It doesn’t help that Lon discovers the reason behind his headaches, the amazing untrained abilities he now has and the terrible dangers those abilities bring his loved ones. If unchecked, his new abilities could kill him.

Revelation after revelation completely turn him upside down. He’s forced to leave his loving parents, his hot-headed twin sister, his home and the love of his life. He must go to the one person who can help him, the scholar Omar, deep within the Rayder’s world.

How does his sharp tongued sister Mellai or his love Kaylen feel about this? What do they do and where do they go as a result? How does Lon fit into the harsh military world of the Rayders and how will he become the man he needs to be? Will he master his gifts or will they destroy him? Will he grow into an amazing leader or die by the sword and his pride?

This book is filled with adventure, romance, shocks, humor, realism and fantasy. It even has a monster or two. I identified with Lon and Mellai. They were two of my favorite characters. I also enjoyed Omar and Tarek. There are also plenty of characters you’ll love to hate like Braedr and Commander Rayben Goldhawk.

All in all I really enjoyed this book. I recommend it to anyone. The chapters end in ways that you just have to turn the pages and devourer more. The story starts slow and continues to build until you just can’t stop reading. The final last two chapters alone are so amazing when… wait. Go get a copy and find out for yourself. It’ll be worth it!

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Book Two Name Change again

Yes, once again I've decided to change the name of my 2nd book. Now to clarify, Dark Threats is a collection of short stories and NOT part of the ongoing numbered series. It's an addition to it.

Dark Birth is Book One. Any book that is published keeps it's title. I will not change the name of Threats or Birth.

Book Two is in the edit phase and is scheduled for release sometime next year. I'd had some trouble with it's name but recently my daughter Katelyn gave me a great idea.


There are some major life altering situations in the vampire children's lives. "Tribulations" seems to cover a broad collection of trials so as of this moment it fits best.

Pirate vampires! Shadow vampires! Lots of new characters! Love! Death! Watch for it next year!

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Bite of Story Thursday


Chapter Six

Cam let out a commanding bark and the two werewolves that were guarding the exits joined him. They flanked Cam, ready to attack. Annabelle quickly glanced at Thomas. His clothes were torn but he seemed all right. He knelt by Grace. She began to stir.

With a mighty howl, Blood Reaper pushed Roland down to his knees, and then brought up his own knee to smack Roland in the mouth. Roland fell to the ground, dazed. The large werewolf raised his right gloved hand; the silver claws reflected the dance hall lights.


For more check out Dark Threats at your local online store. Links to Dark Threats on the web can be found on the Store Page.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Who's Who in the Annabelle Universe? Dominic Pratchet


This is the closest I have to a pic of Dominic
 "Vampire: The Masquerade" developer: Nihilistic Software publisher Activision
artist:(if you know the artist, please let me know so I can credit him or her).

Other names:

Domi (original name), Vlad Dracula, Vlad the Impaler, Domhnall (Gaelic), Dominicus (Latin), Dominick (Old English), Dominik (Czech and Polish), Dominique (French), Domonkos (Hungarian)

Name origin:

DOMINIC: "Belongs to the lord." English name derived from Latin Dominicus. This is a name traditionally given to a child born on Sunday. His mother Lilith named him this as an insult.

DOMHNALL "World ruler." Gaelic name composed of the elements dubno "world" and val "rule."

Physical characteristics:

Tall, commanding presence, night-black hair, red eyes, and sharp white fangs, pale and radiant. Usually wears black suits, sometimes with a cape.


Dominic possesses the abilities of all vampires, only perfected with thousands of years of experience. This means he’s faster and stronger than humans, his senses are extremely acute as are his reflexes. He can fly, turn into a bat, wolf, rat and mist at the very least and has complete control of others through mesmerization, perfecting it at a lever beyond any other vampire.

Known History:

The vampire known as Domi seems to be as old as history itself. He has been behind all the terrible events of history and an advisor to various rulers through the ages. Throughout many cultures and eras there has been rumors of a powerful lord of the night who commands dark armies. His grim goal has always been to rule the world, turning a portion the population into food stock for those creatures he has deemed fit to survive. He has had many names, some lost through history.

Much of his personal history is shrouded in mystery. The vampire Annabelle has told me that she knows more and at the proper time she’ll reveal it to me. As the chronicler of her stories I’m extremely intrigued.

I have so many questions; if he’s so old, how come he hasn’t taken over yet? What is this Exodus War he was tied up in? How can he be the famous Romanian ruler Vlad the Impaler if we know Vlad wasn’t as old as Domi is supposed to be? What is his relationship with the Falabranwyn because every time he shows up, they do as well. Why does he have so many wives and who are the Three Queens? Who are the Seven Tyrant Lords? Why did he speak of future events as if he knew them?

I suspect we’ll find out together as Annabelle’s story continues.