Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Tooele Writer’s Group

At least I think that’s what we’re calling ourselves.

I’m excited. I met with a group of writers from my home town. Some are just starting out, some are published and some are in that age long period of revisions and hopes.

We all write for ourselves. Ultimately we all feel a desire or obsession to get these ideas out of our skulls and onto paper. From that point we break into various divsions. Some of us feel satisfied with keeping our stories to ourselves. Others feel like they couldn’t dream of getting published so they don’t try. Others try for the brass ring and strive to polish their manuscripts for publication.

I’m in that last group. Regardless, an organization of writers is a very good thing. We make contacts with others, learn from one another and become better writers from the experience.

In the world of Annabelle’s push to get out into the world, it’s another rung on the ladder.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I won a contest!

I won the "First Line" contest. I'm excited because the prize is a copy of Jeff Herman's Guide to Book Publishers, Editors & Literary Agents. I'm also jonesed because I won a contest!

It'll help me in my search for agents after the next set of edits.

I'm embarrassed, humbled and honored.

I feel silly, too. As writers know, all thoughts are to be underlined. That first line was a thought and the underline vanished once it was posted. Not to mention I did add the other lines when I should've only added the first.

Regardless, I'm very grateful. It means a lot. Currently I'm taking this book back to basics and trying the professional editor route. After it's polished further, I'll be agent hunting again. Jeff Herman's book will help a great deal.

Go to The New Literary Agents blog to see their announcement!

I need screencaps! I love Batman Brave and the Bold! ...txt Spoilers

Just finished Side Kicks Assemble

The little nods to other things is always great. I loved "Sit, Ubu, sit", which is the closing mark on several TV shows like Night Court.

I loved the nod to Dick's 1st Nightwing costume just like I enjoy his Earth 2 Robin costume.

It's great seeing Aquaman again, and seeing Speedy and Aqualad, too.

Having both the JLA Satellite and the Hall of Justice was perfect, too.

My fav part, however, was the JLA at the beginning. We even got cameos of Superman, Wonder Woman, Martain Manhunter and Barry Allen as Flash!

I want screencaps!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hey! There are other writers in my town!

I read this article
Writers on the Rise
and discovered there are other writers here.

One is even published. Her name is Karen Hoover and this is her blog.

Ah, to be published.

*Continues to dream...*

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Quote from the Blood Red Pencil

Quote from Kathryn Craft on the the Blood Red Pencil

"A good writer is simply someone who continues to address the problems in the writing until no barriers remain between her story and the reader eager to enter it."

Words to live by, found here...