Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Too static, feeling better

Saundra Mitchell posted the best reply on Absolute Write.

"When my agent and I were cleaning up a manuscript for submission, she said something to me that has stuck with me ever since, referring to the big hook of the introduction: "Page 54 is too late."

So if your real story doesn't start until Chapter Three, then Chaps 1 and 2 may be full of action and motion, but they're static because the story hasn't started yet, perhaps?"

My real story starts in chapter 5 or 6.

I'm getting some ideeeeas.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Too static part two

I posted the following on AW (Absolute Write).

It gives my feelings right now.


Thanks guys. Not a bad idea. He only looked at the first three chapters. Chapter one is constantly in motion, but two gives time to figure who the main characters are and the world they live in. Chapter three has them discovering the spooky plot.

Maybe I'll take the real changing event of the book and put it in the front. Maybe I should take that important second chapter of info, and spread it out.

I just don't get it. I read other author's books. I read their first ones, the ones that they sold and gained the agents and publishers from. I read those and I see boring second and third chapters with info dumps and everything else. How did they get accepted?
Meanwhile, people tell me they love my book and can't put it down, yet it gets rejected from agents again and again.

I've changed and changed and changed. I've been told to alter things by one beta to the point that it would no longer be my dream anymore. The kids liked it. People I only met through looking for betas liked it. Yet no agent wants it.

Maybe they're too picky? Maybe I'm not giving enough of the dream up? Maybe I have changed too much? Maybe I've changed enough? It took JK ten years from concept to publish. Will I be 50 when it's published? IF it's published? Am I fooling myself? Am I jumping the gun with my concerns?

Should I skip the agents? Should I write them all off as too jaded and untrusting and move onto publishers? But then I'll run out of publishers.

On one hand I believe this will make it. On the other I wonder if I'm fooling myself. I started to submit last fall and after several requests I'm still left cold. And I can't even trust what they say. One agent told me vampire fiction was past it's time, yet others wanted it and I see vampire fiction selling. So if I can't trust them, who can I trust? Maybe a interested agent who wants to give me a real chance is as real as the tooth fairy.

WHY do I feel, deep down, like this will be ok? WHY? Why is it so... dang...hard?


Too static?

Got a rejection from the agent I was hoping for.

"Thanks for giving me a look, but I'll pass on Anabelle and Roland. I still like the idea, but your prose feels too static. Try reading your work out loud to establish flow."

I thought it WAS moving? Maybe chapter 2 is still killing me. I rewrote it, changed it and shrunk it. If I do too much I won't be able to give the necessary info.


I'll reread through it aloud, but I'm losing hope.

Monday, July 23, 2007

All Good things… my review of the last Potter; Spoilers Plenty!

Whew! What a ride!

I started interest in the Potterverse in ’01. The movie was coming out (as was Lord of the Rings) and I wanted to read the book so I could properly judge the film before I saw it.

I picked up the first Harry Potter and couldn’t put it down. I had checked it out from the local library, devoured it on the bus to work, at lunch, before and after work. I could not get enough. I then picked up the second, third and finally the fourth. I remember when I finished the first book at 9 pm. My wife was asleep at the house was very quiet. I can still feel the quiet, peaceful urge to just slip back in to that wonderful universe.

By the time I got in line for the first movie I had become a Potter nut. I was so excited to see so much from the new book I loved on the screen. I enjoyed each movie as they came out (and will do the same for the last two). I lamented the stuff that was cut and enjoyed the stuff that we did see.

When the fifth book came out I heard of the 12:00 lines but I blew them off. I went in the next day and to my horror it was sold out at the local Wal Mart. We searched in the city and found one copy at a Wal Mart in there. I remember taking the book home and reading it to the kids. I couldn’t finish the reading because they all drifted off. My eldest doesn’t like reading and lost interest. She’d rather see the movies. My other kids got distracted. I still remember using different voices for the characters. This is why movie five was so surreal to me.

When book six came out I was wiser. I arrived at Wal Mart an hour ahead. The kids came along cause it’s fun to go to the store at midnight. We got the book and brought it home. They didn’t want me to read it, but they did want spoilers. During the same week it came out, my little David needed his next plastic surgery. My wife and I stayed at the hospital the three days he was there. I had plenty of time to read it. I remember watching Dumbledore dying while reading in one of the hospital bathrooms at 1 am.
As some of you know, I was writing my first book at this time and made the stupid mistake of comparing my rough draft to JKR’s 6th book. Dumb. But thanks to several people, I woke up, took a good look and fixed things.

I have no bad comparison feelings this time. JKR is JKR and I am me. Several have expressed a desire to see more of my world and I firmly believe in the work. If anything, reading book 7 just gets me more excited to continue the good fight.

Wow, I’m long winded. Sorry. It’s just that the Potterverse has formed a strong place in my heart. It’s hard to see it go but all good things have to end. If they don’t then they grow stale or get convoluted (like Marvel and DC have done).

My thoughts on book 7?
First off, it began strong. In one of the few times in the entire series, we start from a different perspective than Harry. Nice, strong beginning with a look in on the bad guys. Then we finish the Dursleys. What a strong start! There was humor and drama. I was at a loss and had to reread Hedwig’s death to make sure I read it right. She made us think Hagrid was dead and that had me on my seat. The loss of George’s ear was shocking and their ability to land on their feet was a good show.

Things continued very well. I loved Ginny’s birthday present to Harry and Ron’s clear affection to Hermione. I was shocked at Moody’s death and bewildered that “Year Seven at Hogwarts” wasn’t at Hogwarts. Then, when the trio are doing nothing and suffering the evil of the Ring (I mean the necklace), I was turning sour. It seemed to drag.

But then it was a trip to the Malfoys and it picked up very fast. I couldn’t put it down! Dobby’s stuff got to me, the Vault stuff was fun and the revelations about Dumbledore and his brother was enlightening.

I really enjoyed how many revelations came one after the other. Each big reveal scene was spaced between plenty of action scenes and lots of old friends returning.
The Battle of Hogwarts (so many came back! Fred, Lupin, Tonks and Colen Creevy all died! No! Not one of the twins!), Hermione and Ron finally hooking up (BOUT FLIPPIN TIME!), the reveal of Snape (I knew it!) and finally to discover that Harry was in fact the seventh horcrux (just as Emerson of Mugglenet predicted).

When it was discovered that Harry had to die I suspected (since the Dumbledore in the Pensieve closed his eyes) that there was more to the story, but I still felt like “Feh. Ok. Whatever. He’s had a life time of pain but… feh.” It was nice (and another confirmation to my predictions) when we saw Harry’s parents, Lupin and Sirius again. That links into that line from Luna (things we lose have a funny way of turning up).
But my suspicions were correct. Harry wouldn’t die! And what a bang up, smash up final! I was wrong. Nevil didn’t give his life. I liked his heroic moments far better.
They CAN’T cut anything from the battle for the movie. Cut out most of the wandering trio, just not the battle.
I figured the Epilogue would be with the older Harry & Ginny Potter, Ron & Hermione Weasley and all the kids. Perfect.
So Harry was born in 1980, the books took place from 1991-1997, and the “19 years later” epilouge took place last year. That means this year is Albus Severus Potter and Rose Weasley’s second year at Hogwarts. I can hear the fan fic keyboards typing already.

A fitting end to a wonder experience. It is my fondest wish, dream and life goal to bring that much joy to people in the future.

“Good Ol’ JK!” Thanks!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

More "I'm a Marvel"

He's still just as funny, but he needs better figures.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint on Moviephone

I LOVE the interview that Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint gave each other on Moviephone.

The best part is when Rupert and Emaa talk about kissing and the laughter that comes out.

Here it is...

My thoughts on Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix SPOILERS

1st off, it was surreal to sit there, waiting for a film that it feels like just yesterday I was reading the first half to the kids. Wow.

I really liked it. Let's get into what was cut and was missed...

From the book that was removed or changed)

The constant owls and letters at the Dursleys (including the howler for Aunt Petunia, the time alone with Tonks as Harry packed (we get the feeling of what Harry might want to be an Auror from that part), Lupin showed up at the Dursleys too, Ginny chewing out Harry, most of the O.W.L. stuff, Dobby showing Harry the room, the Twins saying they used it before, the hospital stuff including the return of Lockhart and the tear jerking scene with Nevel and his parents, the time on the Hogwarts express with Luna Ginny and Nevel, the quittich with Ron, Arther Weasley's office, Hermonie and Ron as Prefects, the sacking of Hagrid where McGonnigal is hurt (but I've seen her looking 'hurt' in some pics so that may be a deleted scene), Trelauney's centaur replacement, Ginny and co guarding Umbridge's door (but when they brought in Nevel it looked like that was missing, it was choppy so maybe another deleted scene?) and any mention of the Bat Bogey hex.
There were other things too.

And what do I say about that? Who cares?

I really liked it. I mean they had Fred & George's products, Ginny showing how powerful she is and foreshadowing her feeling about Harry next film, the twins exit, Snape's lessons, Kreature, the battle at the end...
So many good parts. I really like how they did the movie. They were able to cover all the important parts and keep the series on track.

It's interesting how, at the end, they reshaped Luna and Harry's conversation to make you hope that Serius could come back. I really wonder if JK wanted them to set it up that way on purpose. I can't quote it, but the wording just struck me.

I was worried that having Rom meet Gwarp would be a problem, but he made the scene even better. I liked how he tried to defend Hermonie.

It was cool seeing scenes from movies 1,3 and 4 in Harry's mind. Snape's worst memory was in his head instead of the pensive, but that's ok.

The battle between Voldie and Dumbledore took my breathe away. And seeing the order in action was nice, too.

Beatrix was wonderful. So was Umbridge. Trelauny was great, too.

I'm still under 'after movie glow' but I think this has been my favorite movie this year with Even Almighty as second, then Spidey 3 followed by FF2 and Pirates in last place. But that's my opinion at the moment.

Good stuff.

Now, it's time for the main event, BOOK SEVEN!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Lost net & phone service

Last night I discovered that our internet and phone was turned off. We're hoping to get it back today. If not, then I may not be online (except from work, where I can't do as much) till late next week.

We'll have to see.

*Crosses fingers*

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Got my Potter tickets!

We're going to watch it at noon on Saturday. I know, I know, you'd think a Potter nut like me would see it tonight.
I'm more of a family man and I'd rather see it with my family. Also, I need to be up at 4:15 am for work tomorrow.

Anyway, I've very excited. Also, there is a big Potter Party at Wal Mart the night the book is released (12:01 am Sat. It starts at 7:30 pm Friday.

So fun all around. :)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Finally figured an ending!

I did it.

I solved the mystery. I figured out how book 2 ends. It will be great! Now to edit 1/2 the book and write the other half.

I also cleaned up the outline to book 3.

I'm so filled with a writing fever!

Monday, July 02, 2007

1st day at work

I'm terrified it will be like the others. Man, I hope I can keep this job.

Wish me luck!