Monday, April 30, 2007


Remember that request for a partial? Well I got the form rejection letter today.
Guess I need to get back in the game.
Maybe I should rewrite chapter 2-4 like I planned. Or maybe I'll just send some more queries out.

In the rejection she says she could not connect with Annabelle or Roland.
What still frustrates me is kids can connect with them, but agents are blocking/ denying them the chance.

Ah well.


This just occurred to me. She wanted "50 or so pages" and I emailed her, requesting I send 66 pages (cuase page 50 is in the middle of a chapter. She never replied. I bet I left a sour taste in her mouth, so to speak.

This is more reason to rewrite chapter 2 so that it covers info from chapters 2,3,4 and 5. Then chapter three will be the Mysterious Cabin. Things get better paced there.

Why did Rowling get to do two boring first chapters? I'm talking about back when she first tried.

I know, I'm whining, but I just want a chance.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Whoohoo! I'm original!

I did it for both Annabelle and Roland.

Annabelle got 18,102

Roland got 108,615.

Foresight got 0

Yes! Original!
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

As for "Jack Roberts", my pen name...
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

My name
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

I knew it was popular.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Bobby "Boris" Pickett, RIP

I actually thought he already was dead.
Well, RIP to a funny legend.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Shame they don't have Annabelle...

You scored as Dracula. You are the smooth sexy cool Dracula. Patient and lustful. If you were any cooler youd be ice. Great style with a way of seducing those around you. And three brides who wouldn't want to be him.











Deacon Frost










Whose your Vampire personality? (images)
created with

The guy who did the quiz could learn how to spell.

I'm a wizard, Harry!

You scored as Wizard. You are a wizard. Through reading books and leanring the histoy of the mistakes in the world, you figure out a way to revamp them and figure out the answer on your own. You search for the unknown and thus is why you know how to use sparkly magic thingies!

















What D&D class are you?
created with

My Hook review on Fangs, Fur and Fey is up...

It wasn't good. I don't care about the contest because the prize was for pages to be sent to Rachael Vater, and she's already rejected my book twice.

I entered to get feed back and that's just what I got. One of the published authors who frequent the site judged my hook on whether it could grab him or her. Some things held it back.
I really do appreciate the chance so don't think I'm whining. I'm just concerned because . . . well take a look.

Hook 61

What happens when you take two happy, optimistic kids, and turn them into vampires? Ten year old Annabelle loves animals and has a strong desire to learn. She would much rather read her favorite books than explore. Her brother Roland is twelve and thinks reading is boring. He’d be happier exploring. It is the late 1600s and their family had just moved from England to the New World . Annabelle and Roland’s lives are shattered when the evil vampire Dominic kills their parents and leaves the children to die. His wife does not agree with his actions but has always been too afraid to rebel. Seeing the children’s plight, she acts on impulse and rescues them the only way she knows how, by transforming them into what she is and teaching them how to become children of the night.

Annabelle and Roland learn how to turn into bats and wolves. They struggle to control their cravings while mastering their vampiric abilities. Annabelle and her brother befriend the Mohegan Indians, free a witch from the Salem jail, hide from a ruthless vampire hunter and struggle to keep their existence as vampires a secret in their colonial town. They grow from inexperienced young children to confident teenagers while facing Dominic’s wicked servants. Each vampire, witch and werewolf that tries to kill them is tougher than the last until finally, after years of apprehension mixed with fear, they confront the master vampire who slaughtered their parents. Future uncertain, the teen vampires must try and stop Dominic before he destroys everything they hold dear.

Notes—My first thought to your opening question was “Happy vampires?” This could be fun, though—you’ve put young adult vampires into a time we don’t read too much about. I was a little concerned Dominic turned the kids at such a young age, and wondered if it couldn't’t have happened to them when they older? Older kids might be better able to survive/blend in—just a thought. As for the description of the two kids—can you dig a little deeper than simply giving them the opposite interests? Also, their interests don’t come into play in your synopsis—perhaps they do in the text, but since you make a point of telling me Annabelle likes to read, I thought that might come up later on.
I also wondered about the available books in this time—not light reading for a ten year old. As for the rest, it seems episodic—attack after attack—each stronger than the last. Why is Dominic sending creatures to kill them? And I don’t get a sense of what they “hold dear”. Are their friends in peril? Again, my first thoughts were that this could be fun—the setting is unique, but I need to see a story arc.


OK, me again. I noticed that she/he didn't see that it was Eliza who turned the kids. At first I thought I didn't clarify that well, but there it is in the first paragraph.
I'm concerned though. She/he mentions that the kids should be older. Aprilynne said the same thing. Do I loose the happy little bats and children learning to be young vamps? The kids at the school loved those things. I really believe in my gut it should stay that way.
Also, in my query/hook I mentioned the ageing of the children at the middle of the book. The guys at Absolute Write told me that detracted from the hook. Now I see where it would help. It's a major part of the book, watching these young kids change into teens overnight. It relates with the same growing pain problems pre-teens go through all over the world. I want to mention it but how?

In the book I cover how Annabelle could have gotten a hold of books
during those days. Her father was a bookbinder. Maybe I should mention that?

Episodic. That's what Adam said after reading the book. Maybe it is. Maybe it wont sell because of that. How can I fix this? Should I throw the book away and rewrite?

Here's what someone else said in the responses...

lnhammer on April 25th, 2007 12:10 am (UTC)
I'm very intrigued by #61, but with reservations. It's that each opponent is tougher than the last thing -- like a sorting algorithm of evil. Rather than training them up, why wasn't a tough enough minion sent to take care of things first time through? It makes the plot sound very by-the-numbers.

Ouch! Very true.
Man, it feels like I almost have it. It's like my goal is just outside of my reach.

This, combined with my fear for Janeen's present physical health and mental welfare, has made my mood deeply concerned and very unrested.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


This is cool.

Wish it was posible for scientists to go there.

Another new trailer for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!

Oh man!


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Saturday, April 21, 2007

And now, BUNNIES!

Thanks for the idea Adam!

Friday, April 20, 2007

WWII Robot battle!

Here's a site where these guys did some great computer animations.

My favorite is a WWII Giant Robot battle.

Here’s their site.

And now, thanks to Chris Karath, here it is!


My eldest turned 14 today! Happy B-Day!

She has a friend over and family came down and cake was had by all.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Contest update

I now have a number for the Fangs Fur Fey contest!

I got this email...

Hello. You are hook #61 in the Fangs, Fur and Fey contest. Please look for that number on Monday, April 23rd at Fangs Fur Fey when we post the hooks.

Your hook has not been assigned to a judge for critiquing yet. Hooks will be randomly assigned this weekend. Good luck and thanks for entering!

Fangs, Fur and Fey


Cool, huh?

Friday, April 13, 2007

Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione

While I'm showing YouTube videos,

Here's a great tribute to Harry and Ginny, as well as Ron and Hermione.

They mispelled July, but it's still sweet.

Doctor Who Tribute

And here is a cool tribute to the Doctor.

Two greats together . . . sort of.

So cool. Doctor Who mentions Harry Potter.

Man, I can't wait till both book 7 and the airing of Season 3 of the Doctor here in the states.


I received a request for my partial and I'm in the contest!

I entered a Hook contest at Fangs Fur and Fey. Now published authors will look at the first two paragraphs of my query and post it online, with serious thoughts that can help me improve it. I got in! Can't wait to get my email stating what number I'll be.

Here’s the recent post on the Fangs Fur and Fey site.

Now, for even better news! I got a request for a partial! YES!

Now I'm going to be practical about this. It could end up being a rejection still. I must expect the rejection.

But still, getting my foot in the door is the first battle!
I hope those first four chapters hook her. I feel greatly confident about the first chapter, but the second one (Family entering the New World), second and third ones (there's a mystery in town.) and the forth one (AAIIE! There's a spooky cabin on our land at the mysterious 'witch' rumors are true!) worry me greatly.

Actually, only chapters 2-3 worry me. If I get a ton of rejections this time I'm going to condense them and rework them.

So, today is a very good day. :)

Monday, April 09, 2007


Work is so darn busy. It used to be that I could write a PV story in one setting. Now my lunch never lasts.

Guess I'd better evolve with the times and adjust my schedule.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Tired, little sore, but happy

There is an amusement park called Lagoon here in Northern Utah. We bought season passes and Saturday was the first day it opened. We've been looking forward to it all winter.

We had a good time, but man are we tired.

Happy Easter '07

It was a good one. Pretty simple. We decorated eggs last night. My wife was too sleepy (because of our first day at Lagoon) and missed out on the Easter Bunny coming and hiding eggs.

This morn.Dave woke Janeen and I up with a cold he's got. He crawled back into our bed but It was too late. The damage was done. The girls woke and that's all she wrote for sleeping in.

Everyone had fun finding their baskets and the eggs and now we're taking the day off and relaxing.

So, all in all, a good Easter.

Update, we went to a family picnic and had a good time. Then we bathed the dogs and kids.